

Din sökning på "*" gav 533027 sökträffar

Rules for the Leg Coordination of Dung Beetle Ball Rolling Behaviour

Dung beetles can perform a number of versatile behaviours, including walking and dung ball rolling. While different walking and running gaits of dung beetles have been described in previous literature, little is known about their ball rolling gaits. From behavioural experiments and video recordings of the beetle Scarabaeus (Kheper) lamarcki, we analysed and identified four underlying rules for leg

Einsteins bekräftelse

År 1919 reste astronomer söderut för att fånga en solförmörkelse och bekräfta Einsteins allmänna relativitetsteori.In 1919 astronomers journeyed south to catch a solar eclipse and to check up on Einsteins theory of general relativity.

A note generalizing “an option mechanism to coordinate a dyadic supply chain bilaterally in a multi-period setting”

The problem investigated in this paper is the one of finding the optimal combination of inventory and options in a stationary multi-period problem with an infinite horizon. The research complements existing literature as it considers the combination of option and wholesale contracts. The paper show how the problem can be transformed to a combination of newsvendor type problems. This alternative in

Muslim prisoners in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic

In a new blog post on prisons during the pandemic, Dr. Rustamjon Urinboyev turns to the experiences of Muslim prisoners in contemporary Russia. Drawing on his extensive fieldwork among migrants from Uzbekistan who have served prison sentences in the Russian Federation, he analyses the everyday practices of these transnational prisoners and their prison communities, and explains how these practices

Kommunal samverkan under press - Hur sex skånska kommuner inkluderar nyanlända

Studiens syftet är att undersöka hur kommuner tar emot nyanlända i samverkanmed andra aktörer i en komplex kontext med oklara och kanske konfliktfylldadirektiv under tidspress. I analyserna har vi främst fokuserat hur samverkan harorganiserats och fungerat för kommunerna utifrån ansvarsfördelning ochautonomi. Vi har studerat offentliga dokument och intervjuat främstintegrationssamordnare eller mot

Outpatient specialist clinics for pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in the Nordic countries

Pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension are rare conditions that require complex interventions by multidisciplinary teams. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/the European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2015 guidelines included recommendations for pulmonary hypertension (PH) referral centers including minimum number of patients, staff, facilities, and netw

Whose Experience is the Measure of Justice?

Robert Alexy’s theory of legal argumentation is among the notable contributions made to mainstream jurisprudence in the last three decades. Remaining true to its rational discursive mission, it engages with both analytical positivism and natural law theories. A recent collection of essays edited by George Pavlakos explores Alexy’s theory from a number of philosophical standpoints, revealing its th

The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment: Proportionality Review Par Excellence

The analysis departs from the FCC’s stringent proportionality review to elaborate an argument on what intensity of review should be adopted when reviewing the ECB’s economic policies. Building on previous scholarly analyses (Öberg) and relevant Court case law( Spain v Council and Vodafone,) it suggests that the proper standard of proportionality analysis should primarily be guided by the nature of

Monte Carlo event generation of photon-photon collisions at colliders

In addition to being interesting in itself, the photon-photon interactions will be an inevitable background for the future electron-positron colliders. Thus to be able to quantify the potential of future electron-positron colliders it is important to have an accurate description of these collisions. Here we present our ongoing work to implement the photon-photon collisions in the Pythia 8 event ge

Commissioning status of the chopper system for the Max IV injector

The MAX IV facility in Lund, Sweden consists of two storage rings for production of synchrotron radiation, and a short-pulse-facility (SPF). The two rings are designed for 3 GeV and 1.5 GeV, respectively, where the initial beam commissioning of the former has recently been completed, and commissioning of the latter was started in September 2016. Both rings will be operating with top-up injections

Balancing selection in Pattern Recognition Receptor signalling pathways is associated with gene function and pleiotropy in a wild rodent

Pathogen-mediated balancing selection is commonly considered to play an important role in the maintenance of genetic diversity, in particular in immune genes. However, the factors that may influence which immune genes are the targets of such selection are largely unknown. To address this, here we focus on Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) signalling pathways, which play a key role in innate immun

Evaluation of the acceptability and usability of the MAGIC-GLASS virtual reality solution as part of the care pathway in people with acute, sub-acute and chronic stroke : a study protocol

Background: Intensive rehabilitation is one of the most important aspects of care for people with stroke, and there is evidence that it leads to better recovery and higher levels of independence. However, pressure on resources in government funded secondary and primary healthcare settings means that for many people with stroke, intense rehabilitation is not available. Effective and efficient ways

Translocal spaces of encounters on the margins: Everyday urbanism among migrant communities in Malmö, Sweden

The paper will present preliminary findings of my ongoing PhD thesis. The thesis aims atexploring the interplay of spatial and social life of migrants in public spaces and how thisrelates to the construction of relational, multiple, flexible, multi-scalar places of belonging.The thesis investigates how migrants, through the transgression of new territories, producenew meanings between the home cou