

Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar

Optimization of Order-up-to-S Policies in Two-Echelon Inventory Systems with Periodic Review

Abstract in Undetermined We consider an inventory system with one warehouse and N retailers. Transportation times are constant and the retailers face independent Poisson demand. Each facility applies a periodic review order-up-to-S policy. In case of shortages at the warehouse, orders for individual units are filled in the same order as the original demand at the retailers, i.e., according to a so

A Highly Parallelized MIMO Detector for Vector-Based Reconfigurable Architectures

This paper presents a highly parallelized MIMO signal detection algorithm targeting vector-based reconfigurable architectures. The detector achieves high data-level parallelism and near-ML performance by adopting a vector-architecture-friendly technique - parallel node perturbation. To further reduce the computational complexity, imbalanced node and successive partial node expansion schemes in con

Nebulous Nexus : Modernity and Perlustration in Maoist China

This chapter posits the existence of a nexus of modernity and surveillance in the People’s Republic of China in the untidy post-Liberation decade of the 1950s. It identifies the state’s interception and perlustration of ordinary people’s correspondence for the purpose of discovering what they were thinking as a central component of that nexus, and it illustrates this identification with contempora

Vetenskapligt tänkande : från kunskapsteori till metodteori

Det vetenskapliga arbetet och dess resultat blir alltmer betydelsefulla i det moderna samhället. Kraven som ställs på vetenskapliga undersökningar blir därmed högre. De som gör vetenskapliga undersökningar måste därför ha en större insikt i det vetenskapliga tänkande som ligger till grund för deras arbete. Denna bok visar på vilka kunskapsteoretiska och metafysiska grunder det vetenskapliga tänkan

Tre texter om förskjutningens estetik. Dislokation och autonomi

The aim of the dissertation Three texts on the aesthetics of dislocation , is to show and discuss some aspects of aesthetics with regard to the concepts of deviation, dislocation and incompleteness. The dissertation consists of three different parts, which can be read separately and without any preferable sequence. One of the three texts, (-) The designating gesture , deals with questions concern


Flera studier har visat att efterfrågan på äldrevård kommer att öka i takt med att Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre. Samtidigt pekar prognoser mot ett minskat antal framtida skattebetalare. Vilka finansiella svårigheter detta ger kommunerna beror på den ekonomiska utvecklingen, men även på hälsoutvecklingen bland framtidens äldre, sjukvårdens utveckling, vilka krav de äldre kommer att ställa på

Framväxten av koncernfackligt samarbete inom metallindustrin

Under 2006 publicerades av CKS (Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier, Norrköping) i samarbete med Arbetslivsinstitutet, Linköpings universitet (Campus Norrköping) och Metalls avdelning 97 i Finspång boken "Finspång - en bit av folkhemmet. Sju uppsatser om ett industrisamhälle under 1900-talet". Ett av kapitlen är "Framväxten av koncernfackligt samarbete inom metallindustrin" (sid 177-239) av AndeThe chapter "Framväxten av koncernfackligt samarbete inom metallindustrin" (pp. 177-239) by Anders Kjellberg analyzes the rise and development of trade union cooperation within groups in Swedish metal industry. Special attention is paid to the two large metal enterprises in Finspång, situated in the northern part of the province of Östergötland: (1) the turbine company (for a long period of time

Analytical Modeling of Dune Response due to Wave Impact and Overwash

Abstract in UndeterminedAn analytical model of dune erosion was developed based on impact theory, where the weight of eroded material is assumed proportional to the impact force from waves hitting the dune. The model was validated with data from several laboratory and field studies on dune erosion covering a wide range of hydrodynamic, sediment, and geometric conditions. Overwash was then included


Short essay on Ingmar Bergman's Vargtimmen (1968)

Aesthetics of Resistance : An investigation into the performative politics of contemporary activism – as seen in 5 events in Scandinavia and beyond

This Ph.D. submission deals with contemporary demonstration culture and political activism, seen as performance through performance. It consists of both a practical and a theoretical part. These are intertwined on various levels of the project. My submission, however, is made up of the two following parts: 1: A textual part, divided into 8 parts. Each part contains a script, an analysis and a nu

Experimental modulation and suppression of anti-allograft immune response

Abstract The objective of this investigation was to characterise the immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive effects of single drug treatment and the potential synergistic or additive effects of combined treatment with the focus on ciprofloxacin, thalidomide, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide or leflunomide added to cyclosporin A (CyA). A rat cardiac transplant model was used to

No title

Abstract in Danish Jakob Christian Bie var en meget produktiv autor, nouvellist og pamfletist både før og efter censurens ophævelse i 1770. Bies produktion giver et boghistorisk indblik i censur og skrivefrihed i perioden.