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Bedömning av ST-läkares kompetensutveckling
Hans Runemark 1927-2014
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Software engineering group work - personality, patterns and performance
Software Engineering has been a fundamental part of many computing undergraduate courses for a number of years. Although many of the tools and techniques used to undertake software engineering have changed, the assessment has typically stayed the same. Students are commonly tasked with producing a number of software artefacts, for example designs using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). We rece
Meaningful work in a demanding work environment - teachers at school
A large majority of teachers in Swedish 9-year compulsory schools and upper secondary schools find their work very meaningful, although they complain of serious problems in their work environment, especially on the psychosocial level. In the last 10–15 years, school has become one of Sweden’s major problem areas as far as the work environment is concerned. This applies to the work environment of b
EuroPsy – the European Diploma in Psychology. Report by Project EuroPsy, funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Ukrainian Intelligentsia in Post-Soviet L’viv : Narratives, Identity and Power
Electronic 99 Publishing - Redefining the Information Chain - New Ways and Voices
Mot ett nytt paradigm i synen på barn och barndom. Innebörd, genomslag och konsekvenser i samhällsplaneringen
Abstract not available
Elektricitet, materia, energi
Strangers in Our Midst: Stereotyping in Local Media
Frågelistan som källa och metod
Bröllop, barnavård och böcker. Pizza, polio och personlig hygien. Vid de nordiska folkminnes- och traditionsarkiven, liksom vid flera museer, finns stora samlingar av berättelser som rör alla upptänkliga aspekter av människors liv förr och nu. Många av dessa är svar på frågelistor. Sådana har under lång tid använts av etnologer och folklorister för att samla och skapa material, i forskningssyfte o
MHC polymorphism and host-pathogen interactions: The case of Borrelia in its reservoir host, the bank vole Myodes glareolus
Popular Abstract in Swedish I mitt doktorandprojekt har jag studerat den fästingspridda bakterien Borrelia och dess värddjur skogssork. Det övergripande syftet har varit att kartlägga den genetiska variationen i den delen av immunförsvaret som tar hand om bakterieinfektioner, som till exempel borrelia. I alla ryggradsdjur finns ett specifikt immunförsvar som kan identifiera små proteinbitar från eThe major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIB genes exhibit extensive allelic polymorphism, most likely maintained by pathogen-mediated balancing selection (PMBS). PMBS may operate in the form of heterozygote advantage (HA), and/or through the interaction of pathogens and specific MHC alleles via fluctuating selection (FS) or negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS). In particular, NFD
Preference change through choice
Rectal Cancer - Tumor Biology and Prognostic Markers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer i tjock- och ändtarm drabbar årligen drygt 5000 svenskar. En rad faktorer har satts i samband med tumöruppkomst i tarmen, bl a ärftlighet, inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom, kost och motion, men det är till stor del okänt hur dessa faktorer orsakar cancerutveckling. Genetiska förändringar styr tumörutvecklingen Tumörerna utvecklas oftast från ett godartat förstadium, Colorectal cancer is one of our most common malignancies and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. About 1/3 of the tumors are located in the rectum. Treatment advances such as the introduction of the standardized surgical technique total mesorectal excision (TME), pre-operative radiotherapy, and adjuvant chemotherapy have reduced the previously high local recurrence rates and improv
Review of Herman Lindqvist, "Jean Bernadotte: Mannen vi valde"
The Street Art World
In recent years, street art has become embedded in popular culture and received growing attention from the art market and art institutions. Work by street artists has entered galleries, auction houses and museums, and some artists have been given the opportunity to create large-scale sanctioned public art projects. Simultaneously, widespread photographic documentation of street artworks and the ci