

Din sökning på "*" gav 534442 sökträffar

EUs globala strategi – ett regionalt säkerhetsprojekt

This thesis is a discourse theoretical analysis of the European Unions foreign- and security policy. I use a discourse theoretical method inspired by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and use their concepts of nodal points, elements, moments and chains of equivalence. In my analysis I draw upon theories in relation to different kinds of power in international relations and especially in relation t

Synthesis and characterization of transition metal carbonyl clusters with chiral ligands and their application in asymmetric catalysis

Triruthenium dodecacarbonyl was reacted with the non chiral ligand PSSP as well as chiral ferrocenyl diphosphines of the Josiphos (J008, J006 and J015) and Walphos (W009) families to give [Ru3(CO)10(µ-1,2-P-P)], (P-P = W009 1, J008 2, J006 3, J015 4 and PSSP 5. The X-ray structure of 3 shows that a Ru-Ru edge is bridged by a diphosphine ligand in an equatorial coordination mode. The corresponding

Trade for Climate Justice?- A normative study on the possible justice conflict of an implementation of border carbon adjustments between developed and developing countries.

Border carbon adjustment is an economic instrument being discussed more frequently as a possible solution to address carbon leakage, which is an issue for many developed countries. Developed countries are showing interest in this instrument to protect domestic industries from carbon leakage to countries that do not tax carbon. There is however concerns from developing countries that border carbon

Explaining trust for the EU

Trust is considered one of the main preconditions for good democratic governance. Trust in political systems facilitates effective policy implementation and rule due to increased government compliance. Due to the importance of trust for democratic political systems, in this paper I study the factors that cause trust for the EU, focusing on the relationship between citizens trust for national insti

Grogrund för konflikt- En idéanalys av EUs gemensamma jordbrukspolitik CAP

This thesis seeks to broaden and deepen the understanding of the ideological motives and driving forces of the European Union. By analyzing the legal framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) this thesis seeks to examine whether expressions of liberal or mercantilist views can be detected in the material. Despite a liberal rhetoric conducted by the European Union regarding trade policies a

Outsourcing Responsibility - The developments of the doctrine of limited liability concerning multinational corporations and human rights violations

Offer för brott mot mänskliga rättigheter orsakade av multinationella företags aktiviteter möter stora rättsliga luckor och hinder när de försöker utkräva kompensation för skador. Bolagsrätten som täcker dessa situationer har inte ännu anpassats till förändringarna som den globaliserade världen inneburit, och de komplexa strukturerna som multinationella företag består av idag. Principen som innebVictims of human rights abuses linked to activities of multinational corporations face huge legal gaps and challenges when trying to access compensation for harm. Corporate law covering these scenarios have not yet adapted to the changes of a globalized world and the complex structures of today’s multinational corporations (MNCs). The principle of separate legal entities is one such obstacle keep

Why North Korea Developed the Deadliest Weapon on Earth - Examining North Korea's nuclear weapons program through strategic issues in international crisis bargaining

This paper is a qualitative case study on the interaction between the United States of America and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea). The study examines the difficulties states face when bargaining, and draws conclusions based on theories of how the structural setting affects strategic choices when states seek security on the international arena. The paper examines si

Kontinuitetsprincipen i praktiken - Hur tillämpas den familjerättsliga kontinuitetsprincipen i tingsrätterna?

Frågan om vad som utgör barnets bästa är ständigt föremål för diskussion. Den här uppsatsen tar sikte på att förklara kontinuitetsprincipen i teori respektive praktik. Praktik i denna uppsats mening avser hur tingsrätter runt om i landet har tillämpat principen i vårdnadstvister. Uppsatsens första del ger den grundläggande rättsliga förståelsen för begrepp som vårdnad, kontinuitetsprincipen och baThe child’s best interest is always a topic of discussion. In Swedish family law, the principle of continuity is an aspect to be considered in the determination of the child’s best interest. This thesis aims at explaining the principle of continuity in theory and in practice. Practice in this thesis refers to how district courts in Sweden have been applying the principle of continuity in custody d

Implementeringen av EU:s fördjupade försvarssamarbete

The European Union initiated the Permanent Structural Cooperation (PESCO) in december 2017, which is a security and defence strategy based on the Treaty on European Union, in which 25 of the 28 union member-states participate in. It is a step towards deeper European integration for the EU-countries, which aims to bring together the national armed forces as a united power. The president of the Euro

Responsibilty to protect - Innebörden av R2P och dess implementering av FN:s säkerhetsråd.

Responsibility to protect är en princip som presenterades kring millennieskiftet av den internationella kommissionen för interventioner och statssuveränitet. Kommissionen skapades i syfte att utveckla ett sätt att skydda medborgare som utsattes för grova och systematiska brott och då värdstaten inte ville eller kunde stoppa dessa. Utgångspunkten för R2P är att det primära ansvaret ligger på värdstResponsibility to protect is a principle developed in order to try to protect citizens from atrocious and systematic crimes when a host state does not want to or does not have the possibility to do so themselves, and was first mentioned by the International Commission for Intervention and State Sovereignty in 2001. R2P is based on the idea that each individual state has a responsibility to protect

Systemic immune reactions initiated by epileptic seizures and brain inflammation

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder affecting around 1% of the population. It is mainly diagnosed by clinical signs and pathological electrical activity in the brain. Without these parameters, even patients themselves may not always know whether or not they experienced a seizure. Here we investigated the systemic inflammatory response following a prolonged epileptic seizure (status epilepticus; SE

The New Keynesian Phillips Curve in a Swedish context

This paper investigates if inflation dynamics in Sweden can be properly modelled by the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC). Four versions of the NKPC are tested on quarterly data between 1995 and 2016 using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as the estimation method. The following versions are empirically tested: the NKPC with output gap, the NKPC with marginal costs, the hybrid NKPC and the sec

A study on the approach to opportunity recognition by ventures with disruptive characteristics

The aim of the paper was to contribute new insights on how ventures with disruptive characteristics approach opportunity recognition. The construct of disruptive innovation is a relatively new body of theory and there is a lack of clarity on the process of disruption, especially when it comes to making ex ante predictions. It is critical to understand how the process of opportunity recognition inf

Characterization of Mycobacterium sp. MS1601, a bacterium performing selective oxidation of polyols

A novel promising Mycobacterium Species Bio-based platform chemicals and polymers have drawn great attention nowadays because of their environmental and economic impacts, compared to those obtained from the fossil. These can be produced from renewable resources, and further transformed to value-added products by enzymes and microorganisms. For example, Mycobacterium sp. MS1601 has the capability

External CSR Communication in the Cosmetic Industry: Best Practice Examples

​The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how six cosmetic companies, in the forefront when it comes to CSR initiatives and communication, communicate their CSR work externally. The aim is to find current best practices as well as next practices. By researching the field of CSR communication as well as the external CSR communication performed by the chosen companies, a Best Practice Criteria w

Investigation of α-thioaryl galactopyranosides to improve affinity towards Galectin-9N

Galektiner är en proteinfamilj som har visats vara aktiv i cancerceller. Proteinet har bland annat funktioner så som utveckling och spridning av cancerceller. För att förhindra proteinets inblandning i cancercellen kan man introducera en inhibitor, som hindrar aktiviteten hos proteinet. Genom att inhibitorn placerar sig i den position där substratet naturligt skulle binda. Inhibitorn tävlar med deGalectins are a family of carbohydrate recognition proteins involved in modulation of cell signaling and cell adhesion. galectin-9 especially is involved in regulation of the immune response. In this work, galectin-9N inhibitors have been designed, synthesized and evaluated. The aim was to synthesize compounds with higher affinity than currently known compounds. Three compounds were synthesized wi

BIM to GIS-based building model conversion in support of urban energy simulation

In the context of growing population and increasing greenhouse gas emissions, urban energy planning is becoming a topic of high concern. With the rapid pace of urban construction, it is claimed that 40% of America’s total energy consumption is accounted by the building sector. Energy modelling and simulation are believed to be effective in supporting urban energy planning. Today, the growing avail

Demokratisering efter arabiska våren

Efter den arabiska våren som 2011 sköljde över arabvärlden lyckades man i Tunisien etablera en ännu livskraftig demokrati. För att kunna få någon sorts inblick i vad som kan ligga bakom detta utfall gör vi en kvalitativ jämförande studie, där Tunisien jämförs med Egypten. Båda dessa länder lyckades med att ersätta sin auktoritära regim med en demokratiskt vald regering, även om det inte varade län