

Din sökning på "*" gav 534594 sökträffar

‘Partner in Prime’? Effects of Repeated Mobile Security Priming on Mood, Attachment Security and Perceived Stress in Daily Life

Secure attachment representations, rooted in experiences with primary caregivers in early childhood, are considered a fundamental resource for a happy and healthy life. According to meta-analytical data, every third adult does not have secure attachment representations. Lacking secure attachment representations is associated with numerous health-related problems, perhaps mediated by increased susc

Kompletterande styrsystem för vattenburna värmesystem i flerbostadshus - Kartläggning av styrsystem och erfarenheter

Idag är det många äldre flerbostadshus som står inför behov av renovering och energieffektivisering. Äldre byggnader har en betydligt högre energianvändning, för uppvärmning och varmvatten, än dagen nybyggda byggnader. Uppvärmningen av lokaler och bostäder svarade år 2014 för ungefär 35 procent av den totala energianvändningen. I kombination av en ökad urbanisering och ett renoveringsbehov av äldr

A Song as a Nation Brand

This study aims to give an overview of how nation branding is organised in the Netherlands by analysing the collaboration of individual institutions involved in nation branding and the so called ‘Holland Branding Collective’. Nation branding in the Netherlands is a fragmented field where institutions approach nation branding bottom-up with a combination of public and private actors. There are seve

Stop the Trucks : en kvalitativ analys av kampanjen om transport av slaktdjur i EU

The aim of this study is to do a qualitative research on the campaign Stop the Trucks. My methods include visual analysis of the campaign film and website, text analysis of the press release and interviews with three animal welfare organizations that were all part of the campaign. I will use a social constructionist perspective to depict how our moral view of non-human animals is socially construc

Participatory Culture between Producer, Co-Producers and Community on YouTube Channel Easy Languages

Easy Languages is a channel on YouTube that focuses on language learning through street interviews. The channel is the result of dynamic participatory culture on the Web 2.0 and it has a main producer and several co-producers who constantly upload language-learning videos on the channel. Participatory culture is the main theme of this thesis. This thesis investigates the motivations behind the par

Konsultens roll - En kvalitativ studie om chefers syn på konsulter inom socialtjänsten

The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate social services managers' expectations and experiences of social services consultants. This study focuses on managers for children and young people in social services. The method used in the survey was semistructured interviews with six managers, who has had at least one consultant in their working group. To analyze our results, we have used

Hembesök inom ekonomiskt bistånd En kvalitativ studie om kontroll, makt och hjälp

This study is written with an aim to explain and analyse how Social Welfare in Sweden works with their methodology in regards of home visiting as an examination, or investigation, with focus on economical relief. This is conducted from a perspective that comprehend leverage, power, help, aid and implemented control. Home visiting is a work method that is used by many municipalities and is describe

Radial migration of stars, measured in N-body simulations

Galaktisk arkeologi kallas det forskningsfältet inom astronomin som undersöker Vintergatans historia i termer av stjärnors kemi, ålder, utveckling, och inte minst deras kinematik. Vintergatan började som ett band av dimma över natthimlen innan människan förstod att det var våran egen Galax, som vi själva satt inuti. Sedan dess har vi försökt förstå allt vi kan om Vintergatan. Galaktisk arkeologi äThe purpose of Galactic archaeology is determining the history of the Milky Way (MW) Galaxy. To do this one uses observational data from stellar populations in terms of properties such as kinematics, chemistry, ages, and evolution. In this context a population means stars with similar characteristics and the most notable population is “the Solar Neighbourhood” (SN). Stars orbit with a ‘guiding rad

Swedish Foreign Aid Policy, Narrative Analysis

This paper will examine the Swedish Foreign Aid policy, particularly those values it was based on. It will attempt to discover how the narrative of foreign aid was affected after the accession to the European Union and how the European values were reflected in national foreign aid policy. Since the 1950’s, the Official Development Assistance (ODA), usually referred to as foreign aid is one of the

Struktur, interaktion och emotioner, en narrativ studie av kriminalvårdsarbete

Denna uppsats visar utifrån narrativ berättelseanalys på samverkan mellan myndigheten Kriminalvårdens struktur, tjänstemäns emotioner och praktiska arbete. Resultatet är till viss del motsägelsefullt genom att myndighetens formella regelverk ser ut att understödja god emotionell energi från arbete och interaktion, samtidigt som upplevelse av eget inflytande kan utläsas som en viktig faktor i för p

No title

The short stories from Francisco Tario, a relatively unknown Mexican author, show signs of a postmodern and individual aesthetic. In order to reach this conclusion, it has been necessary to analyze the phenomenon of the fantastic in its history, its relation to myth and fantasy, and in its particular reception throughout Latin America and Mexico. Furthermore, we have reviewed different models and

"I'm a Dalit, so What?": The Pragmatism of Highlighting and Hiding Caste among Educated Dalit Women.

The literature on dalit women is limited and in particular knowledge on young dalit women who have completed a social mobility journey is inadequate. Redressing this, the study enquires into the role caste plays for well educated dalit women concerning being ‘cast(ed)’1 as dalits, their education, marriage and special opportunities. Moreover, this study seeks to understand how these perspectives a

The Impact of Digitalization on the Business Model of German Retail Banks

In recent years, digitalization influenced various industries, including retail banks. It can be observed that retail banks face new challenges such as changing customer demands and expectations. At the same time, the industry is disrupted by new competitors, such as Financial Technology companies and large technology enterprises. The ongoing low-interest environment risks the profitability of ban

Population trends of breeding birds along the Swedish coast

I present here population trends of 52 bird species with coastal- breeding populations for the period 1990 to 2016. The trends are based on data collated from 51 surveillance programmes on breeding birds, which together covered most of the Swedish coastline. I related the trends to foraging guild, the species' distribution, and the species' climatic envelope. I also compared trends inside

Reentering Society - An anthropological study of a reentry center, in the United States, for incarcerated people working towards their release

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The phenomenon of mass incarceration largely confines minorities and people living in poverty. More than 600,000 prisoners are released yearly to face barriers of reentering society. Struggles of finding employment, housing, and being denied social services, due to their criminal record, generate a system where former inmates becom

Estimating the Distribution of Food Sources for Pollinators in Vegetation Communities of Sand-Dune Systems in Southern Sweden

Nectar Sources in Sand Dunes – the Pollinators’ Last Stronghold Dunes are a habitat of special importance. They preserve a wide range of flowering plant species that has vanished from most places in our intensively used landscape. This is vital for both the survival of the plant species themselves, but also of many insect pollinator species. Pollinators depend on the presence of nectar and pollen

Vi vill ha sex, vi vill ha sex timmars arbetsdag! -En diskursanalys av debatten om sex timmars arbetsdag i svenska dagstidningar mellan 2010-2017

Syftet med studien är att undersöka debatten om sex timmars arbetsdag mellan 2010-2017. Genom att använda diskursanalys undersöker jag hur debatten ser ut idag genom att analysera debattartiklar i svenska dagstidningar för att försöka förstå varför ingen vidare utveckling har skett vad det gäller arbetstidsförkortning i Sverige sedan 1973. Bourdieus teori om det politiska fältet erbjuder ett analy

Unfolding the role of Ire1 and DNAJB1 in Parkinson’s disease

Hur kan cellers försvarsmekanismer hjälpa oss förstå Parkinsons sjukdom? Parkinsons sjukdom är den andra mest vanliga neurodegenerativa sjukdomen i världen, och under sjukdomens gång dör allt fler hjärnceller vilket leder till svårigheter för hjärnan. När fler och fler celler försvinner, får hjärnan problem att kontrollera de signaler som den skickar ut till kroppen, vilket leder till symptom somParkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder of the brain which is hallmarked by the presence of large protein-rich cytoplasmic aggregates, called Lewy bodies (LBs), in the neurons. The protein α-synuclein (α-syn) is abundant in these aggregates, and can itself form aggregates. Several mutations linked to α-syn are also linked to an increased risk of contracting PD. In healthy neurons, the chap

Pro-inflammatory cytokine regulation by the immunomodulatory protein p33

p33 as a potential novel therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases Inflammation is a condition usually triggered by infection of invading pathogens such as bacteria or viruses in the body. This invasion is quickly recognized by specific receptors localized on the membrane of cells, ready to sense these so called “danger” signals or foreign material. These receptors are part of the innate immuni