

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Research on Physical Capital and Human Capital Investment Regarding Economic Growth and Regional Development

This paper addresses how to maximize the contribution of human capital regarding economic growth and regional development. Based on theoretical reviews and two cases studies, an optimal model is presented, and key factors that influence the output from human capital are proposed and compared to the earlier case studies. Suburban districts: Jiading and Songjiang in Shanghai experienced continually

Umgänge med förälder - är det en rättighet eller en skyldighet för barn?

Uppsatsen beskriver gällande rätt vid umgängestvister rörande barn och dess föräldrar i FN:s Barnkonvention, i den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna och i svensk rätt. Uppsatsens syfte är att med hjälp av gällande rätt undersöka huruvida umgängesreglerna innebär en rättighet eller en skyldighet för barn att umgås med föräldrarna. This paper describes the current law concerning the right of access between children and parents in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in Swedish law. The intent of this paper is to discuss whether the current law regarding access makes it a right or an obligation for a child to

The postcolonial relationship between Danes and Greenlanders in contemporary Greenland - A phenomenological study of identity forming in a post-colonial context

This study has a phenomenological approach and examines perceptions of a post-colonial situation held by subjects in Greenland This research has the dialogical self theory as its theoretical framing and applies an intersectionality perspective that operates with the categories ethnicity, diaspora and class. The work is based on self rapports of 15 Danish, 22 Greenlandic and 1 Faroese subjects with

Measuring Bond Market Liquidity: An empirical study of the Chinese inter-bank bond market

This paper starts from the concept of liquidity, and applies principal-components analysis to construct a composite indicator of liquidity of the Chinese inter-bank bond market. The comprehensive score that results from the above-mentioned analysis overcomes shortcomings of previous single indicators that can merely cover one dimension of liquidity, and it is of great help to disclose the relation

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This study of plural suffixes in written plural contexts used by lebanese learners of second language French is based on previous works by Schlyter & Bartning (2004), Granfeldt et al. (2005) and Ågren (2008). The learning process of an L2 learner passes through stages that are clearly determined and systematic. In this study twenty lebanese learners of L2 French were asked to write a text base

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 och The Bribery Act 2010 - En redogörelse för, samt jämförelse av, två korruptionslagstiftningar

Korruption är ett globalt och frekvent förekommande problem. Genom nationella rättsakter med långtgående extraterritoriell jurisdiktion som till exempel amerikanska The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, bekämpas korruption numera på ett gränsöverskridande tillvägagångssätt. Detta medför att företag vid till exempel inträde på en ny marknad omsorgsfullt måste undersöka under vilka lands lagar Corruption is a global problem. Through national legislation with far-reaching extraterritorial jurisdiction such as the U.S. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, fighting corruption has now a transnational approach. This means for example, that companies who will enter a new market must carefully examine, under which countries´ law a company can be considered to have a criminal responsibili

Rätten till kompetensutveckling

Uppsatsen behandlar utbildning och kompetensutveckling på arbetsplatser i Sverige utifrån ett arbetsrättsligt perspektiv. Varken arbetsgivares eller arbetstagares utbildningsansvar är i vidare utsträckning lagreglerat. Rättspraxis visar dock att både arbetsgivare och arbetstagare har ett visst ansvar för kompetensutvecklingen på arbetsplatser. Huvudansvaret får anses ligga på arbetsgivare. ArbetsgThis essay covers the aspects of education and competence development in Sweden with a labour law perspective. The responsibility to educate is basically unregulated; yet case law states that both employers and employees are held responsible to some degree, with the main burden of responsibility on the employer. The employers’ responsibility during a redundancy dismissal is apparent when an employ