

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Women and political participation A minor field study of the political culture in Colombia

Since the elections of 2010 there are 14 per cent women in the Colombian congress - a remarkably low number in comparison with several other countries in Latin America where quotas of allocation are common. Decades of armed conflict might give a hint of why gender progress has been slow in Colombia, but at the same time as stereotyped gender roles are highly dominating, women are in no sense passi

Samband mellan Landsat TM-data och skogliga beståndsdata på avdelningsnivå

Följande arbete utgör en 10 poängs-uppsats vid Naturgeografiska institutionen, Lunds universitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken skoglig information en Landsat TM scen innehåller avseende vissa skogliga beståndsvariabler. En skogsfastighet utanför Oskarshamn i Småland utgjorde undersökningsområde. Fastigheten består av cirka 1300 ha produktiv skogsmark indelat i 198 avdelningar. Lands

Industriavtalet och lönebildningen

Lönebildningen är en central samhällsprocess med avgörande betydelse för såväl den enskilde löntagaren, arbetsgivarna, arbetsmarknadens parter och staten. Den genererar förutsättningarna för bland annat sysselsättningen och den internationella konkurrenskraften. I en tvärvetenskaplig kontext av arbetsrätt med inslag av statsvetenskap, ekonomisk historia och arbetsmarknadsekonomi åskådliggörs en ko

"därför att hon älskar honom" idéer om kvinnligt och manligt speglat ur uppslagsverket Kvinnan och hemmet från 1951

In this essay the encyclopedia Kvinnan och hemmet from 1951 is examined by using Yvonne Hirdman’s theoretical framework of the gender system and its two principles and as a methodical approach the hermeneutic circle is used. The purpose of this essay is to analyze which female and male ideals that are to be found in Kvinnan och hemmet and how these ideals are described in relation to each other. T

Performance comparison of empirical and theoretical approaches to market-based default prediction models

The Black Scholes Merton (BSM) contingent claims approach to modeling corporate default risk entails mapping a distance to default (DD) to a probability of default (PD) in application. To accomplish this, the research community typically assumes a normal distribution. The authors question the practical relevancy of such research, since the BSM contingent claims approach most commonly used in pract

Carbon Mitigation Strategies in the Electricity Distribution Sector in Australia

This paper looks at strategic responses to climate change mitigation of electricity distribution companies in the National Electricity Market in Australia. The work uses institutional theory, resource dependence theory and aspects of stakeholder management theories and dynamic capabilities theory to describe and analyse current strategies of distribution companies in response to climate change mit

The Emergence of Mobile-governance in Bangladesh: In What Extent, Mobile-governance Services are Facilitating Flexible & Sustainable ‘Government to Public’ (G2P) Communication?

As a developing country, government of Bangladesh took many initiatives using ICT to improve public service in the platform of e-governance. Currently, m-governance is leveraging the e-governance by a wide range of government initiated services in the context of Public Private Partnership (PPP). Mobile-governance services are designed, based on mobile sms, IVR system and interactive applications.

Seasonal variation in microbialbiomass, growth rates and microbialcommunity compositionin a sandy grassland slope

Förändras mikroorganismers ”samhällsstrukturer” över säsongen? Överallt i marken finns det mikroorganismer som servar växterna med näring, både i form av att de hjälper till att ta upp näring och dela med sig av, och genom att de bryter ner dött material och därmed gör näring tillgänglig. Jag har ställt mig frågan om mikroorganismer i jorden varierar i mängd, sammansättning och aktivitet över säAbstract Seasonal variation in microbial community composition was investigated from early spring tillautumn alonga sandy grasslandslope with variation in soil moisture, vegetation composition and nutrient availability.The testedhypotheses were:(1) the microbial community composition will change with theseason,(2) microbial biomassis highestin spring,(3) saprotrophic fungi will be more abundantin

Assessing the marginal value of subsidiary ownership - A case study of Alfa Laval India Ltd

This thesis adds a new perspective to the issue of firm valuation by introducing the discussion of how to assess the marginal value of ownership. Which are the determinants of the marginal value of subsidiary ownership? How can a company that wants to assess the marginal value of its subsidiary holding perform the valuation? How does the value of flexibility to act on different outcomes of an unce

INS-Modellen: En modell kunskapshöjande konsulters försäljning

Syftet med examensarbetet är att skapa en modell för kunskapshöjande konsultföretags arbete med att leverera tjänster till byggbranschen. Efter skapandet testas och appliceras modellen på ett fallföretag för att utvärderas. Metoden bygger på tre steg med start i en verklighet som består av kunskapshöjande konsulter och byggbranschen. Steg ett består av informationsinsamling från teorier, befintlig

preEpac - Prehospital Emergency pack

The aim of this project was to investigate the work of paramedics and to realize the need for improvement in their practice by identifying possible means of enhancing their equipment. I began this project by conducting extensive research on the subject and sought to improve my understanding of the knowledge I gained from this by conducting a series of field studies. These field studies helped me t

Using Sensor Equipped Smartphones to Localize WiFi Access Points

Determining the position of mobile devices is an important business and research area due to the many applications it enables. Outdoors, positioning is often solved by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Indoors however, the signals received from GPS satellites are too weak to provide meaningful position estimates. Therefore, indoor positioning must be done using other techniques, such as trilate

The European standpoint on environmental rights: between a Human Rights Court and a Business Court

The present thesis covers a research in the area of environment and human rights. In particular, this research is carried out through the comparative study and analyse of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice connected to environmental harm and its correlation to human rights law. The thesis will approach the case law related to certain categories of

Electromobility in Sweden – Towards a New Dominant Business Model Design?

Developing business models in the area of electromobility is one of the primary challenges in order to successfully electrify road transport. As any technology the electric vehicle (EV) or the charging infrastructure that fuels it will not have any value unless one finds ways to commercialise those technologies. This thesis investigates the early stages of business model development within electro

Handläggare inom Migrationsverket, Försäkringskassan, resesjukvården och socialtjänsten – En kvalitativ studie av sex handläggare och deras strategier för att hitta motivation

Uppsatsen behandlar hur handläggare inom fyra olika myndigheter klarar av sin jobbiga arbetssituation. Avsikten med studien är att försöka ta reda på vilka sociala strategier handläggarna måste utveckla för att klara av sin arbetsdag samt var de hittar motivation för att kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. En kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer används, då jag vill komma åt han

Social acceptance of bioenergy in Europe

It is widely acknowledged that the diffusion of bioenergy technologies does not depend on technological advances and favorable economic conditions alone. A good understanding and a strong backing of bioenergy by the general public is also essential. Thus, a better understanding of public perceptions and acceptance of bioenergy is a crucial factor to improve conditions for bioenergy policies and ma

Religionsfriheten i arbetslivet

Religionsfrihetsfrågan är idag ett relativt oberört ämne i Sverige men på grund av den religiösa mångfald som växer fram i samhällena leder det till en ny och annorlunda situation. De europeiska samhällena blir mer och mer multireligiösa och multikulturella. Religionsfrihet ska råda i alla samhälle och vara en individuell frihet, oavsett vilken religion man följer. Ständigt uppstår det rättighetsk

Does the financial sector cause an appreciation of the real exchange rate

Abstract In developed economies industry was once the backbone of the economy and was seen as the machinery behind economic growth. During the past decades, industry’s importance has been diminishing in advanced economies. The trend has been stronger in some countries than in others but seems rather consistent over time. Furthermore the financial sector has enjoyed vast growth since the 1980’s. In

Exploratory testing with the help of a test tool

Exploratory testing (ET) is a test technique used to test software. It is a free way (compared to scripted test) of testing, where the tester takes notes during the test session. The tester has the option to select his own way when testing the software, he learns and tests at the same time. Notes are the result from the test session and are used to see what has been tested, e.g. the outcome and th

Den Stora Derpressionen. Spridningsmekanismer och Mottaglighet

Uppsatsen ser tillbaka till den stora depressionen under 1929-1933 och analyserar hur den kunde komma att sprida sig från att vara en inital kris till en världsomfattande deprission. Relevanta länder i Europa ställs i jämförelse med varrandra och med USA för att titta på mottagligheten av depressionen. De kanaler som depressionen spred sig genom analyseras och diskuteras och vidare tittas det på e