Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar
Förutsättningar för stadsdelscentrumets fortlevnad sett ur ett transportbegränsningsperspektiv
Den gravida kroppen i det offentliga rummet
Citytunneln : en organisationsteoretisk analys
Områdesintegration : mental sammankoppling mellan nya och gamla bostadsområden
Plats för vad? - plats för vem? Att planera framtiden i Bjäres konfliktfyllda landskap
Tjurkö stenindustri, ett framtida kulturreservat?
Patterns of movements in Staffanstorp : a study on people's movements in everyday life, revisiting time-geography
Översvämningsrisker i sjösystemet Halen-Raslången : beskrivningar och analyser
Performance comparison of empirical and theoretical approaches to market-based default prediction models
Results are mixed as to whether the contingent-claim approach to credit risk evaluation is superior to other methods. We question the validity of prior research that has attempted to answer this question by applying normal distribution to calculate the implied probabilities of default in their assessment of Black- Scholes-Merton models. This is because, unlike the research community, the actual Mo
Effect of Fed's Discount Rate Changes on Foreign Stock Indices - Event Study on Morocco and Denmark
The paper is divided into 8 chapters: Introduction, Background, Theoretical Framework,Methodology & Data Sampling, Results, Analysis, Discussion and finally Conclusion and Proposals for Further Research. The introduction chapter in brief discuses theory of decoupling suggests that emerging markets can be unaffected by crisis in developed economies, while theory of financial integration states
Hjälporganisationers kommunikation
Syfte: Syftet är att se hur och om hjälporganisationer idag kommunicerar företags CSR- engagemang (Corporate Social Responsibility) via internet, samt undersöka om bättre kommunikation via internet kan leda till ökade bidrag. Metod: Uppsatsen använder ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt med en abduktiv ansats som utgångspunkt. Vi har tittat på ett antal studieobjekt och med hjälp av undersökningsfor
Researching Research - Assessing focus groups as a tool for designing quantitative online surveys suitable for a specific target group
This research tests two different focus groups with the purpose of developing quantitative online surveys suitable for a specific target group. Depending on where in the development process of the survey the researcher is, somewhat different focus groups should be used. If the researcher is far into the development of the survey a focus group with the questionnaire template as discussion basis cou
Identity Regulation, Identity Work, Self Identities in IBM
This paper studies the identity regulation, identity work and self identities in knowledge intensive firms after mergers and acquisitions. Based on one to one interviews and secondary data collected from various sources, we identified two major sources of self identities in IBM Global Business Service Office in Malmö. These two sources of self identification is analyzed and discussed in our paper.
R&D, Investment, and Financial Constraints: Empirical Evidence
Innovation is the key factor of economic growth. Investment in innovation is largely emphasized throughout the world. Sweden has been quite successful in developing high technology and has almost the highest R&D expenditure in terms of its GDP during the recent decade. Due to business practice, issues such as information asymmetry and agency problems hinder firms from raising external funds fr
Volvo for life? – An Investigation into Identity Work at Volvo Cars Torslanda
In our study a matrix configuration along two dimensions, namely affiliation towards Volvo and locus of control emerged. Based on this matrix and the discernible discursive influences it is possible to describe four types of self-identities. These four types of self-identity are discussed and evaluated. Additionally the findings are contemplated against the backdrop of Labour Process Theory which
Trading and Trading Costs : A study of the OMX30 during 2001-2006
OMX spreads decline from 2001-2006. The average volume and average number of trades / trading frequency increases over this period, whereas the average trade size decreases consistent with greater retail investor activity. Macroeconomic factors such as interest rates, inflation rate and GDP rate do not seem to affect changes in the spreads.
Effects of In-store Promotions on Brand Awareness
Title: Effects of In-store Promotions on Brand Awareness Date of the Seminar: June 2nd Course: BUS 808. Master thesis in international marketing Author: Luiz Gustavo Pinke Rodrigues Advisor: Karin Alm Examinator: Ulf Johansson Keywords: In-store promotion, Brand Awareness, Consumer buying intention, Retailer, Point-of-Purchase Thesis purpose: This thesis is aiming at bringing brand into considerat
Retail and Institutional Allocation in Swedish IPOs
The purpose of this study is to test if there is discriminatory behaviour in the allocation decision in Swedish IPOs. By using a unique data set provided to us by two investment banks containing almost half of all IPOs during the chosen time period, we tested the share allocation between institutional and retail investors. The quantitative part has closely followed prior research methods presented
Gärningsbeskrivningens precision enligt rättegångsbalken och Europakonventionen
Den kontradiktoriska förfarandeprincipen föreskriver att den tilltalade ska ha kännedom om och tillgång till allt processmaterial i målet samt ges tillfälle att yttra sig över detta. Principen förutsätter således en formell underrättelse om de anklagelser som riktas mot den tilltalade, en gärningsbeskrivning som fungerar som grund och ram för hela processen. Reglerna i den svenska rättegångsbalken