

Din sökning på "*" gav 540514 sökträffar

"Det var en plågsam stund, en stund af indre smärta" : En psykobiografi över Lina Sandells sorgebearbetning mellan åren 1858-1861

Bereavement and sorrow are complex phenomena and processes of the human psyche. Central to this doctoral thesis is Lina Sandell (1832–1903,one of Sweden’s most productive and prominent authors of evangelicalism during the 19th century. Her hymn texts ”Day by day” and ”Children of the Heavenly Father” are well known outside Scandinavia. The main purpose of this psychobiographical study was to inves

Consumers’ value creating processes in distribution services for online shopping

Extended abstract Recent studies point at significant and ongoing technology induced changes in the retail landscape, creating new and interesting research avenues, new managerial challenges and a need to rethink existing business models (e.g., Burt and Sparks 2003; Kollmann et al., 2012; Sorescu et al., 2011). This paper aims at contributing to the literature concerning the managerial aspects th

Computational Analysis of Gas Flow and Heat Transport Phenomena in Monolithic Structures for High Temperature Processes

High-temperature catalytic processes such as partial oxidation of Methane (POX) and steam Methane reforming (SMR) may benefit from use of reactor systems using monolithic honeycomb structures. Hereby, process performance is enhanced through more efficient heat transfer and considerable smaller reactor foot-prints than for conventional reactor concepts. Compact ceramic heat exchange structures may

CFD Investigation on Injection Strategy and Gasoline Quality Impact on In-Cylinder Temperature Distribution and Heat Transfer in PPC

Recently, internal combustion engine design has been moving towards downsized, more efficient engines. One key in designing a more efficient engine is the control of heat losses, i.e., improvements of the thermodynamic cycle. Therefore, there is increasing interest in examining and documenting the heat transfer process of an internal combustion engine. A heavy-duty diesel engine was modeled with a

Measuring sustainability of transport in the city - development of an indicator-set

The HASTA indicator framework, covering the three dimensions of sustainability, i.e. Economic, Environmental and Social, to monitor sustainability of transport in Swedish cities was elaborated. Under the three sustainability dimensions, there are 6 sustainability aspects (indicator groups), 2-3 per dimension; these are Efficiency, Accessibility (Economic dimension), Accessibility, Safety, Liveabil

Towards GLUE 2: Evolution of the Computing Element Information Model

A key advantage of Grid systems is the ability to share heterogeneous resources and services between traditional administrative and organizational domains. This ability enables virtual pools of resources to be created and assigned to groups of users. Resource awareness, the capability of users or user agents to have knowledge about the existence and state of resources, is required in order utilize

Populärkulturen och klassamhället. Arbete, klass och genus i svensk dampress i början av 1900-talet.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Huvudsyftet med min avhandling är att visa hur klass konstruerades språkligt i Svensk Damtidning i början av 1900-talet. Teoretiskt efterlyser jag en förnyelse av studier av klass, och skriver därmed in mig i de post-marxistiska och feministiska traditionerna. Ett viktigt mål på vägen är också att klarlägga dampressens status som historisk källa, inte minst genom en anaThe aim of my thesis is to demonstrate how class was constructed linguistically in Svensk Damtidning (Swedish Woman's Magazine) at the beginning of the 20th century. Theoretically, I call for a renewal of studies of class, thus joining the traditions of post-marxism and feminism. Research into language and class, strongly coloured by modernism, suggests that from the 19th century onwards people i


Short essay on Persona (1966)

On the regulation and effects of chronic inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den kroniska inflammation som ses hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom är troligen en immunologisk reaktion riktad mot normala tarmbakterier. I denna process har monocyter/makrofager (särskild celltyp av vita blodkroppar) en central betydelse. Det är huvudsakligen makrofager i tarmslemhinnan som styr det immunsvar som utvecklas då tarmfloran kommer i kontakt med Inflammatory bowel disease is thought to result from the inappropriate and ongoing activation of the mucosal immune system driven by the presence of normal luminal flora. In this process monocytes/macrophages contribute to and maintain chronic inflammation by being both regulatory and effector cells. This study aimed at exploring the effects and regulation of chronic inflammation in inflammatory

Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production: Studies on Sugarcane Bagasse, Paja Brava, Wheat Straw, Quinoa Stalks and Curupaú

Popular Abstract in English The world’s resources of fossil fuels are rapidly being depleted, and we now know that the combustion of these fuels leads to the emission of greenhouse gases resulting in climate change. It is therefore imperative that we develop renewable sources of fuel. The production of bioethanol in Brazil is the best example today of the introduction of a renewable fuel on a largLignocellulosic biomass refers to plant material that is composed mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. These materials are today of large interest to researchers in the field of biofuel and bioenergy. Residues for forestry and agriculture are particularly interesting since they result from crops with established cultivation procedures and technology for harvest and transportation are alr