

Din sökning på "*" gav 533918 sökträffar

Low risk of seizure recurrence after early withdrawal of antiepileptic treatment in the neonatal period

The risk of seizure recurrence within the first year of life was evaluated in infants with neonatal seizures diagnosed with a combination of clinical signs, amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring, and standard EEG. Fifty eight of 283 (4.5%) neonates in tertiary level neonatal intensive care had seizures. The mortality in the infants with neonatal seizures was 36.2%. In 31 survi

Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2

For a class of non-selfadjoint h-pseudodifferential operators in dimension 2, we determine all eigenvalues in an h-independent domain in the complex plane and show that they are given by a Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition. No complete integrability is assumed, and as a geometrical step in our proof, we get a KAM-type theorem (without small divisors) in the complex domain.

Pre-pregnancy risk factors of small-for-gestational-age births and perinatal mortality

The Scandinavian part of the NICHD study of successive small-for-gestational-age (SGA) births included 5722 parous women from Trondheim and Bergen (in Norway) and Uppsala (in Sweden). Study enrollment took place from January 1986 through March 1988. The aim of the main study was to investigate factors associated with inhibited intrauterine growth. This paper reports on the fetal, perinatal, and ne

Derivative Prices for Models using Levy Processes and Markov Switching

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar matematik, finans och dator simuleringar. I matematiska termer handlar den om tillämpad sannolikhetsteori och från ett finansiellt perspektiv handlar den om derivatprissättning. Avhandlingen är organiserad som följer. De två första kapitlen presenterar derivatprissättning och levy processer. Kapitel 3 beskriver och undersöker en simulerings mThis thesis contributes to mathematics, finance and computer simulations. In terms of mathematics this thesis concerns applied probability and Lévy processes and from the financial point of view the thesis concerns derivative pricing. Within these two areas several simulation techniques are investigated. The thesis is organized as follows. The first two chapters are to be considered as reviews on

Relaxation kinetics of an L-3 (sponge) phase

The kinetic response of an L-3 (sponge) phase formed in the C12E5-n-decane-brine system is studied using the Joule-heating temperature jump (JHTJ) technique. The equilibrium state of the spongelike membrane is instantaneously perturbed, and the kinetic response is monitored using a multi-angle light scattering setup. These measurements yield a time-dependent scattering intensity as a function of t

Coercion and coercive care

Our main aim is to understand the phenomena coercion by regarding how it is created and maintained during coercive care of drug abusers in Sweden. In this article we follow processes through coercive care by stories from social workers and clients. 23 interviews were conducted with 13 social workers in the social services and 10 persons who have been under coercive care. The material derives from

Levels of complexity in patterns of daily occupations: relationship to women's well-being

The study builds on a previous study of the everyday occupations of 100 women who worked at home and in the paid workforce. Their pattern of daily occupations was depicted using time-occupation graphs inspired by the time geography method, whereby the women’s pattern of occupations were categorised and clustered according to complexity. For each woman, the level of complexity was operationalised a

Glucose-dependent regulation of rhythmic action potential firing in pancreatic beta-cells by K-ATP-channel modulation

The regulation of a K+ current activating during oscillatory electrical activity (I-K,I-slow) in an insulin-releasing,beta-cell was studied by applying the perforated patch whole-cell technique to intact mouse pancreatic islets. The resting whole-cell conductance in the presence of 10 mm glucose amounted to 1.3 nS, which rose by 50% during a series of 26 simulated action potentials. Application of

The single stage AMS machine at Lund University: Status report

In May 2003 Lund University, Sweden, ordered a new AMS facility from National Electrostatics Corp. (NEC), Wisconsin. The system is the first low energy, open air, single stage AMS system (SSAMS). The machine is equipped with a dual ion source sequential injector, which allows measurements of carbon with the masses 12, 13 and 14. The machine operates at 250 kV with the gas stripper, high energy mag

Search for new physics in e +/- q contact interactions at HERA

Deep-inelastic e(+/-) p scattering at high squared momentum transfer Q(2) up to 30 000 GeV2 is used to search for eq contact interactions associated to scales far beyond the HERA centre of mass energy. The neutral current cross section measurements dsigma / dQ(2), corresponding to integrated luminosities of 16.4 pb(-1) of e(-) p data and 100.8 pb(-1) of e(+) p data, are well described by the Stand

A 3-dimensional absorbed dose calculation method based on quantitative SPECT for radionuclide therapy: evaluation for (131)I using monte carlo simulation.

A general method is presented for patient-specific 3-dimensional absorbed dose calculations based on quantitative SPECT activity measurements. METHODS: The computational scheme includes a method for registration of the CT image to the SPECT image and position-dependent compensation for attenuation, scatter, and collimator detector response performed as part of an iterative reconstruction method. A

The role of molecular polarity in cluster local structure studied by photoelectron spectroscopy

We have studied the spatial structure and electronic levels of clusters of the molecule CH3Br to investigate the effects of molecular polarity on these properties. Analysis of the core level photoclectron spectra of initially neutral CH3Br clusters shows that the C 1 s(-1) state has a 30% larger binding energy shift between free molecules and clusters than the Br 3d(-1) state. This difference is a

Physiology and Pharmacology of GABAA receptors: The Brakes in the Brain

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den huvudsakliga hämmande signalsubstansen i hjärnan är GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid, gamma-aminosmörsyra). GABA finns i ungefär hälften av alla nervceller i hjärnan och alla nervceller i hjärnan antas ha receptorer som binder GABA. Om man tänker på alla de normala neurologiska funktioner samt rubbningar där GABA är involverat är det inte svårt att förstå GABA:s oerhörInhibitory neurotransmission in the brain is mostly mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. These receptors are involved in both phasic inhibition (point-to-point inhibition, synaptic transmission) and tonic inhibition (diffuse form of inhibition, brain homeostasis). In this thesis the functional and pharmacological properties of GABAA receptors expressed in brain slices or i

En europeisk apokalyps? Om Viktor Rydbergs 'Den hvita rasens framtid'

Summary In 1895 a posthumous essay by the Swedish poet and scholar Viktor Rydberg (1828- 1895) was published with the, for many modern Europeans, provoking title Den hvita rasens framtid (“The future of the white race”). In the late 20th century however “the white race” was a commonly used expression, it did not indicate any right-wing sympathies. Rydberg himself was a leftist, a social liberal. C

Enhancement of sulphide production in anaerobic packed bed bench-scale biofilm reactors by sulphate reducing bacteria

Two biofilm reactors, using pumice stone and Poraver as biofilm supports, were run, based on the optimization of sulphide production using a factorial design. The maximum H2S concentrations reached were 10 and 15 mm, respectively, both being appropriate for metal precipitation in effluents. The set-up of the pumice stone biofilm reactor is suitable for application in the mining area in the Bolivia