

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Nonexistence Theorems for Perfect Codes over Finite Fields

In this survey, we consider the trivial perfect codes which are the binary repetition codes of odd length and all codes that only contain one code word. We also take into acount, the Hamming codes as well as the two perfect Golay codes. We then prove that there do not exist any perfect codes over finite fields others than the ones above, using Lloyd's theorem.

Hemlöshet och aktivitet

Bakgrund: Enligt Socialstyrelsen finns det omkring 34 000 hemlösa personer i Sverige. Att förlora sitt hem kan för många ge en känsla av att en bit av ens livshistoria och identitet skalas bort. Syftet med studien var att beskriva tillgänglig litteratur inom arbetsterapi och aktivitetsvetenskap med avseende på hemlöshet. Metod: Författarna valde scoping-metoden för att genomföra studien. Resulta

Ett behandlingsområde under förändring? - En diskursanalys av behandlingspersonals tal om missbruk och missbruksbehandling

Our study explore treatment personnel’s discourse concerning addiction and addiction treatment within a range of treatment approaches and how this affects the development of the field, in this effort an analytical discourse approach is applied. In the study two primary discourses emerge, the harm reduction discourse and the treatment discourse. Our conclusion is that these two are engaged in a str

Agricultural transformations, the developing giants China and India

Development and how to reach economic growth have been discussed and talked about since the Industrial revolution in Europe pushed productivity and wages up but the models have changed over time and space. The most successful ones seems to build on traditional patterns of agriculture and growing domestic markets, but with a growing global market and new players on the world market can it be that t

Varje enskild bild är underordnad helhetens innebörd

Varje enskild bild är underordnad helhetens innebörd - Om det offentliga rummet, karnevalen och aktivismen i Anarkrew: an anti-archives As a part of the Gothenburg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA), the art exhibition Anarkrew: an anti-archives examines Gothenburg carnival and counter culture spirit. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how notions of public space take p

Underlåtenhetens ansvarsformer - till frågan om underlåtenhetsansvarets systematik

Under stora delar av det senaste århundradet har indelningen i ‘äkta’ och ‘oäkta’ underlåtenhetsbrott varit frekvent förkommande inom den svenska straffrättsvetenskapen. De moderna standardverken, inom straffrättens allmänna del, tenderar till och med att bygga upp sin presentation av underlåtenhetsansvaret kring en dylik indelning. Dessutom associeras det för underlåtenhetsansvar stundvis tillkomThe concepts of ‘authentic’ and ‘inauthentic’ crimes of omission have been frequently used by Swedish criminal law writers during the larger part of the last century. As of today, these concepts tend to be essential for the representation of criminal responsibility for omissions in the legal literature. Their importance cannot be understated, especially since the requirement of a ‘special duty to

Missbruk av kollektiv dominans - Särskilt om tyst samordning på oligopolmarknader

En oligopolistisk marknad kännetecknas ofta av att det föreligger ett ömsesidigt beroendeförhållande mellan företagen som är verksamma på marknaden. Detta innebär att ett företags uppträdande på marknaden får effekter också för de övriga företagen och att varje enskilt företag måste beakta de andra företagens förväntade reaktion innan det beslutar hur det ska agera på marknaden. Som en konsekvens An oligopolistic market is often characterized by the fact that there is a relationship of interdependence existing between the oligopolists. This means that the market behavior of an undertaking affects the other undertakings as well and that each undertaking has to take the other undertakings anticipated reaction into account before deciding its own course of action on the market. As a consequen

Änglar, Fresterskor och Älskarinnor - Kvinnobilder i Ulf Lundells rocklyrik

Kvinnobilderna i Ulf Lundells rocklyrik undersöks ur ett litteraturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Hur presenteras kvinnlig närvaro i texterna? Närmare 500 av Lundells rocktexter ligger till grund för undersökningen som tolkar skildringen av främst Änglar, Fresterskor och Älskarinnors förekomst i texterna.

Vårdslös rådgivning – Vad innebär vårdslös rådgivning vid finansiell rådgivning samt investeringsrådgivning?

Till följd av finanskrisen förlorade konsumenter genom placeringar i riskfyllda finansiella instrument stora delar av sina investeringar. Under åren 2008 och 2009 inkom fler klagomål till Finansinspektionen och Konsumentverket jämfört med tidigare år om att många konsumenter via rådgivning rekommenderats produkter som inte motsvarat den risk de varit beredda att ta eller att information om risken The aftermath of the financial crisis meant that many consumers lost parts of their investments because they had invested their savings in risky financial instruments. Between the years of 2008 and 2009, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen, and the Swedish Consumer Agency, Konsumentverket, received more complaints, compared to previous years, regarding financial advisor

“Go Green, Clean and Healthy” (and please stay committed) -A case study of the implementation of the FRESH school health policy in Lombok, Indonesia

By addressing an absence of implementation studies, this master thesis aims to examine the implementation of the FRESH health policy in schools in Lombok, Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative field study based on empirical material consisting of interviews with representatives from implementing organizations and teachers designated to be “FRESH coordinators” in schools. By utilizing dimensi

Gränssnittet mellan insatsstöd och dess användare

This report looks at the interface between pre-planned operational/contingency plans and their users. It takes in concern the importance of keeping plans up to date, the value of a uniform design of the plans and the need for continuous education and training of personnel among other things.

Branddetektion i motorrum

The environment in the engine compartment has been investigated in order to design a firedetection system. The report shows that such a system requiers extensive research due to the lack of conclusive data.

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Domarhagsskolan

This report is a fire safety evaluation of the high school Domarhagsskolan in Avesta. The evaluation has been focused on personal safety during evacuation of the building in case of fire. The project is the major part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation (VBR 054) made by third-year Fire Safety Engineering students at Lund University. A qualitative description and analysis of the object was made a

Kvarstående parts skiljebundenhet vid rättighetsöverlåtelser - Ett rättspolitiskt förslag de sententia ferenda

I kommersiella relationer är det vanligt att kontraktuella rättigheter överlåts till tredje part. Om huvudavtalet innehåller ett skiljeavtal uppstår frågan huruvida de nya parterna automatiskt i och med rättighetsöverlåtelsen är automatiskt bundna även av detta. Den tillträdande avtalsparten har av HD ansetts skiljebunden på grund av rättspolitiska överväganden och principerna i 27 § SkbrL. FråganIn commercial relationships, it is common that contractual rights are transferred to third parties. If the general agreement contains an arbitration agreement, the question arises if the agreement to arbitrate after a transfer of rights becomes automatically binding between the new parties. For instance, The Supreme Court has ruled that the new party is automatically bound due to legal policy cons

Utrymningslarm - optimering genom fullskaleförsök

This report is based on full-scale evacuation-experiments and it aims to present an evacuation alarm or a combination of alarms which will initiate an evacuation fast. It also shows how an existing alarm could be improved without investing in new expensive systems. 18 full-scale experiments are performed at a movie theatre in Malmö, Sweden. During these evacuations, six different alarm combination

Utrymning via rulltrappor

The object of this report is to investigate whether it´s suitable or not to use escalators in exits. To make this determination, it is necessary to examine walking speeds and pedestrian traffic. Practical experiments were executed at Knutpunkten, Helsingborg, were travellers were filmed while using the escalators. The experiments were designed to test a number of variables using pre-determined sce

Beredskap mot olyckor med radioaktiva ämnen

The purpose of this report is to investigate the preparedness to handle a radiological emergency in Sweden. Cooperation between public authorities and municipal rescue services is investigated with the main focus on the rescue services. The methodological approach is in the form of an inquiry to officials at public authorities responsible for handling of radiological accidents. The results from th

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Star Hotel i Plus-huset, Avesta

This report contains an evaluation of personal safety in case of fire at Plus-huset, Avesta, Sweden. The building has two storeys above ground, a shopping mall at ground level and a hotel on the first floor. The evaluation concentrates mainly on the hotel with its night club for up to 500 guests and has been made using the computer models CFAST and Simulex together with hand calculations for smoke