

Din sökning på "*" gav 538782 sökträffar

Tryckare och sättare - en studie av manlighet bland typografer

I denna uppsats studerar jag hur manlighet konstrueras inom en grupp arbetare, närmare bestämt typografer. Materialet som ligger till grund för analysen är dessa typografers berättelser rörande deras yrkesverksamma tid. Syftet är att med Laclau & Mouffes diskursteori studera vad som konstituerar manlighet och hur den konstrueras i typografernas texter. Manlighetsforskarna Mosse samt Ekenstam &

Characterisation of LYCCA DeltaE-E-Telescopes

LYCCA is a detector system consisting of different types of detectors which can be used flexibly to meet the individual requirements of different experiments focused on studying exotic nuclei far off the line of stability. It was developed for the HISPEC/DESPEC programme which is part of the NUSTAR collaboration at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. T

Dynamisk skjuvreometer och kompletterande metoder för bitumenundersökningar

Increasing heavy traffic on the roads raises demands on pavements and especially the binder of the pavements. The rutting and other deformations resistances are constantly improved. As a part of the development wax mixes and polymer modified variants are produced. These products are not anymore possible to classify with traditional test methods, requiring new measurement technique and new criteria

Behov av logistikansvarig i byggprocessen

There are only a few construction projects that include a Logistic Manager today. In many cases the profit is hard to see, since the involving tasks in logistics are the same even if there is a Logistic Manager included in the project or not. It may seem like the job is already taken care of and that a Logistic Manager therefore would be unnecessary. Even though the project tasks are the same, the

Concept Study of Optimized Coin Acceptance Module

The aim of this master thesis was to conduct a concept study to optimize SCAN COINs Coin Acceptance Module (CAM) with focus on cost reduction and a shortened assembly time. SCAN COIN is one of the world leading companies for cash processing machines. The CAM is a central component in most of SCAN COINs machines and is the component in which coin counting and sorting takes place. There are two vari

Competition and Innovation. Evidence in Support of the Non-linear Relationship

This paper empirically investigates the relationship between product market competition and innovation in seven European countries for the period 1987-2006. To approximate change in competition level three measures are considered: mark-up level, import penetration and the number of firms on the market. Innovation is measured as R&D intensity. The analysis shows that effect of product market co

Miljöutredning för Skövde Värmeverks anläggning Lövängsverket

Skövde Värmeverk AB is a company owned by the municipality of Skövde. The objective of the companyis to produce environmentally friendly electricity and heating for buildings in the municipality.Lövängsverket is one of the company⁳ two main thermal plants. Its chief fuel is woodchips, but oil is usedas an alternative fuel. The objective of this master thesis is to perform an environmental review o

Production of liquid biogas, LBG, with cryogenic and conventional upgrading technology - Description of systems and evaluations of energy balances

The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate energy balances for the production of liquid biogas, LBG.LBG can be produced in two main ways and these are by means; cryogenic upgrading technology andconventional technologies connected with a small-scale liquefaction plant. A third alternative is to injectbiogas into the gas grid and then liquefy a part-flow at a pressure letdown station.The cryogeni

Uppföljning av Miljöhänsyn i Vägprojekt - Hantering av utvalda naturmiljöaspekter i 20 vägprojekt

Syftet med studien var dels att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, miljöskyddsåtgärder föreslagna i MKB för arbetsplan inarbetas i projekteringshandlingar och genomförs av entrepenören i svenska vägprojekt, dels att utvärdera hur de i MKB-dokumenten förutsagda konsekvenserna stämmer överens med det faktiska resultatet. Tre naturmiljöaspekter valdes ut för det praktiska uppföljningsarbetet: ingrepp i

Behovsbedömning av MKB för detaljplan - Em konsekvensanalys av Europeiska gemenskapens direktiv 2001/42/EG om bedömning av vissa planers och programs miljöpåverkan

Direktivet 2001/42/EG om bedömning av vissa planers och programs miljöpåverkan antogs av Europeiska Gemenskapen år 2001 och implementerades fullt ut i svensk lagstiftning år 2005. Enligt svenska lag ska en miljökonsekvensbeskrivning (MKB) genomföras för detaljplaner som om de genomförs innebär betydande miljöpåverkan. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att identifiera och analysera olika kommun

The Impact of early childhood conditions on future labor outcomes: Does the early-life health and nutritional status affect future earnings into young adulthood? A case study of the Cebu Metropolitan Area, Philippines

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the expanding literature that associates early childhood conditions to future outcomes. Using the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey, we will try to provide further empirical evidence to the question whether early-life health and nutritional status has impact on earnings into young adulthood for the case of the metropolitan area of Cebu in P

Fire and sound reduction encapsulation of diesel engine

This Master thesis was conducted at ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB (TKMS AB), formerly known as Kockums AB. TKMS AB is based in Malmö, Sweden and is a manufacturer of conventionally powered submarines. The next generation of submarines, type A26, is currently under development and introduces many new features compared to prior submarine designs. Following increased fire and sound reduction demands

Water drainage from a Swedish waste treatment facility and the expected effect of climate change

The waste treatment facility, Sobacken, is located south of Borås, Sweden. At Sobacken there is a lake built to collect the leachate from the area. Leachate is a term for water that has the potential of carrying environmentally hazardous substances, in this case water that might have passed through waste. This thesis focused on the development of a hydrological model that from common climate vari

Lyssna och Lira! - En narrativ studie om ensemblespelets utveckling inom Svensk Folkmusik

This thesis examines the emerging scene of ensemble playing in Swedish traditional music from the beginning of the 1980s until present day. It is focused around eight interviews with some of the most influential musicians on the scene. All of them are still active today both as performers and teachers. The theoretical framework is mainly based around two different standpoints; Narrative analysis a

The scope of the healthcare exemption in the Services Directive

The goal for this thesis was to understand the scope of the healthcare exemption in the Directive 2006/123/EC on Services in the Internal Market (Services Directive) as it applies to national legislation/authorities of the membership states (MS) of EU. The basis for this thesis is the Services Directive; this Directive has certain exceptions in regards to the subject matter. Therefore, for a deepe

Några aspekter av viktning vid asymmetrisk svarsbenägenhet - en tillämpad survey

The thesis evaluates the process of making a survey and explores the statistics involved in the process. It is based on a study conducted in collaboration with Simrishamn municipality, which explores the habits and attitudes of migration in the municipality. An important finding is that age and gender affect the respondents’ answers and the response rate. Consequentially it is imperative to implem

Det var värt det, vi fick ju ett barn till slut - Adoptivföräldrars upplevelse av att vara under utredning

Author: Jessica Gedda and Felicia Sörensen Title: It was worth it, we got a child in the end – Adoptive parents’ experience of being under investigation for adoption [translated title] Supervisor: Anna Angelin Assessor: Hans-Edvard Roos The aim of this study was to examine how adoptive parents’ experience to be under investigation for adoption at the social services. Furthermore the ambition was