

Din sökning på "*" gav 527448 sökträffar

Fast simulated annealing inversion of surface waves on pavement using phase-velocity spectra

The conventional inversion of surface waves depends on modal identification of measured dispersion curves, which can be ambiguous. It is possible to avoid mode-number identification and extraction by inverting the complete phase-velocity spectrum obtained from a multichannel record. We use the fast simulated annealing (FSA) global search algorithm to minimize the difference between the measured ph

In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of Cd-101

Excited states of Cd-101 were studied in the reaction Ni-58(Cr-50,2p alpha n)Cd-101. The NORDBALL array with a Neutron Wall and a Silicon Ball was employed for the detection of gamma-rays and evaporated particles, The level scheme of Cd-101 was significantly extended, Shell-model calculations were performed and the excited states were interpreted in terms of neutron particle and proton hole excita

Spectroscopy of neutron deficient Te-108

The neutron deficient nucleus Te-108 was studied in the Fe-54(Ni-58,2p2n) reaction. A detector system consisting of 4 Euroball cluster detectors, a charged-particle detector ball and a 16 element neutron multiplicity filter was used to detect the emitted particles and gamma rays. A new, significantly extended level scheme was constructed on the basis of gamma gamma-coincidence relations. Spin valu

On the adaptive significance of stress-induced immunosuppression

We approach the field of stress immunology from an ecological point of view and ask: why should a heavy physical workload, for example as a result of a high reproductive effort, compromise immune function? We argue that immunosuppression by neuroendocrine mechanisms, such as stress hormones, during heavy physical workload is adaptive, and consider two different ultimate explanations of such immuno

Control of an anaerobic reactor towards maximum biogas production

A new control strategy is introduced for operating anaerobic digestion processes efficiently at high load. The control system includes a cascade controller embedded into a rule-based supervisory system based on extremum-seeking control. The control system measures pH and biogas production rate and varies the organic load by manipulating the influent flow. Good control performances were achieved du

Solving large scale binary quadratic problems: Spectral methods vs. Semidefinite programming

In this paper we introduce two new methods for solving binary quadratic problems. While spectral relaxation methods have been the workhorse subroutine for a wide variety of computer vision problems - segmentation, clustering, image restoration to name a few - it has recently been challenged by semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations. In fact, it can be shown that SDP relaxations produce better

Binding of the volatile general anesthetics halothane and isoflurane to a mammalian beta-barrel protein.

A molecular understanding of volatile anesthetic mechanisms of action will require structural descriptions of anesthetic–protein complexes. Porcine odorant binding protein is a 157 residue member of the lipocalin family that features a large β-barrel internal cavity (515 ± 30 Å3) lined predominantly by aromatic and aliphatic residues. Halothane binding to the β-barrel cavity was determined using f

Lysozyme adsorption to charged surfaces. A Monte Carlo study

Lysozyme adsorption to charged surfaces was studied by Monte Carlo simulations at different protein concentrations, protein net charges, ionic strengths, and surface charge densities. The lysozyme was represented by a hard sphere with embedded positive and negative surface charges parametrically dependent on the solution pH. A short-range attractive protein-protein potential was included to repres

A 5-hydroxymethyl furfural reducing enzyme encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADH6 gene conveys HMF tolerance

The fermentation of lignocellulose hydrolysates by Saccharomyces cerevisiae for fuel ethanol production is inhibited by 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), a furan derivative which is formed during the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. The inhibition can be avoided if the yeast strain used in the fermentation has the ability to reduce HMF to 5-hydroxymethylfurfuryl alcohol. To enable the identi

Static and Dynamic Modelling of the Drying Section of a Paper Machine

Popular Abstract in Swedish Papperstillverkning inkluderar flera processteg såsom flisning av träråvaran, massakokning och avvattning med vakuumlådor, pressning och torkning. Flera modeller av de mest viktiga processerna i torkpartiet presenteras i denna avhandling. Modellerna beskriver både statiska och dynamiska förlopp. Nya reglerstrategier som kan användas för både reglering vid stationär drifThe paper making process involves chopping of wood, cooking and forming, followed by dewatering in a vacuum section, press section and drying section. Several models for the most important parts of the paper machine drying section are presented in this thesis to describe phenomena at steady state and during state transitions. New control strategies applicable/useful for both steady-state control a

Mast cell-derived tumour necrosis factor-alpha mediates macrophage inflammatory protein-2-induced recruitment of neutrophils in mice.

1 Recent studies have indicated that mast cells play an intermediate role in chemokine-induced neutrophil recruitment in vivo. 2 The aim of the present investigation was to determine the role of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in neutrophil recruitment provoked by the CXC chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2). For this purpose, we used mast cell- and TNF-alpha-deficient mice

Theoretical study of the lowest B-1(U) states of trans-stilbene

The results of a theoretical study of the ground state, 1(1)A(g), and of the lowest B-1(u) states of trans-stilbene are presented. The vertical and adiabatic excitation energies of the lowest B-1(u) states have been computed using multiconfigurational SCF theory, followed by second-order perturbation. theory. It is shown that the two lowest excited states are separated by a small energy gap in the

Solar-based detoxification of phenol and p-nitrophenol by sequential TiO2 photocatalysis and photosynthetically aerated biological treatment

Simulated solar UV/TiO2 photocatalysis was efficient to detoxify a mixture of 100 mg phenol l(-1) and 50 mgp-nitrophenol (PNP) l(-1) and allow the subsequent biodegradation of the remaining pollutants and their photocatalytic products under photosynthetic aeration with Chlorella vulgaris. Photocatalytic degradation of phenol and PNP was well described by pseudo-first order kinetics (r(2) >0.98) wi