

Din sökning på "*" gav 530834 sökträffar

An Algorithmic Approach to Multi-Item Auctions with Indivisibles

In this essay the problem of finding fair equilibria in auctions with multiple heterogeneous and indivisible items is investigated. We assume an equal number of bidders demanding items as number of items, and that every bidder is assigned exactly one item. Among the theoretical results we show the existence of an equilibrium, strategy-proofness for a particular set of prices and convergence of the

Towards standardised machine elements at a packaging provider

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to propose a standardisation process, to act as a support when developing standardised machine elements within Tetra Pak. The standardisation process has the intention to investigate the potentials to reduce the variety of the machine elements by applying common elements in several machines. The standardisation process is developed through altering between lite

Sveriges klimatskuld. Belyst och beräknad med olika metoder

The notion of Climate debt (or Carbon debt) has been used for more than a decade, but it was only during 2009 that it got a lot of attention through a NGO campaign and through interventions in the UNFCCC by Bolivian delegates. Climate debt is defined by Boliva as over-consumption of the available capacity of the Earth’s atmosphere and climate system, and it calls for the developed countries to rep

Ett leende på läpparna - stöd och strategier i bakfickan, En arbetsmiljöstudie på DSB First Sverige AB

Abstract Author: Emilie Premberg Title: “A smiling face – support and strategies up one`s sleeve” A work environment study at DSB First Sverige AB. Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Hans Swärd The aim of this study has been to find different “healthy-factors” that helps trainmanagers at DSB First to handle their situation at work with threat, violence and other negative stressors. A fur

Modelling Retirement Determinants in Sweden on Qualitative Microdata

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of the retirement decisions in Sweden by using qualitative micro data from The Survey on Health and Retirement in probit models. The models investigate the change in job status between the first survey wave in year 2004 and the second survey wave in year 2006/2007 by adding background variables measured in years 2004. The study show that de

Medarbetarnas rättighet - chefens skyldighet. En studie om mellanchefers syn på medarbetarsamtalet.

Author: Nina Andersson Title: The employees right – The managers obligation. A study regarding midline managers view of performance reviews. [Translated title] Supervisor: Tove Harnett Assessor: Hans Swärd In Swedish municipalities all employees have the right to once a year have a private meeting with their manager. This meeting is meant to give feedback to the employee regarding their work eff

Understanding Motivations for Student Mobility: the case of Georgia

The study aims to explore the relationship between migration and the quality of education, considering the lowering quality of higher education in Georgia as one of the main ‘push-factors’. The research itself tries to identify the main motivations of why Georgian students migrate. Furthermore, the main gaps and disadvantages of the higher education system of Georgia are investigated. The findings

Stock market efficiency of Ukraine, China and Russia in comparison to USA.

This thesis test weak form efficiency in the stock markets of Ukraine, Russian, and China and compare the efficiency with USA stock market. We employ Distribution test, Unit root test, Runs test, ARMA test and GARCH test to estimate the efficiency of the above four stock markets. In our study, we find that under unit root test and runs test, all of the four stock markets are not weak-form efficie

En kartläggande studie kring studenters uppfattning om nya normer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka studenters, som blivande arbetstagares, inställning och syn på några av arbetsmarknadens nya normer. Genom förändringar i form av teknisk utveckling och globalisering har nya normer på arbetsmarknaden tagit form. I denna studie ligger fokus på de förändrade normerna kring anställningsform och konkurrens. Tidsbegränsade anställningar har blivit allt vanligare och k

CO2 Emissions Allowances. Modeling the Price Dynamics in the EU Emission Trading System

The aim of this paper is to characterize the daily price fundamentals of European Union Allowances (EUAs) traded in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) during the period September 2005 - February 2010. We use GARCH model in order to account for changes in volatility. We split our analysis into two periods according to the two phases of the ETS. We disregard the period 02.04.2007 – 11.08.2008, wh

Childbearing Behavior after Migration: The Experience of Immigrant Women in Taiwan, 1987-2003

This paper indentifies the factors that affect the childbearing behaviors for marriage immigrants in Taiwan during 1987 to 2003, measured by individual level data for 87, 798 observations obtained from QLSFS (Quasi-longitudinal Study on Living Status of the Foreign Born Spouses in Taiwan). This survey contains the socio-demographic information for both immigrant women and their native husbands, wh

Den ungdomliga banklojaliteten

Begreppet kundlojalitet är omdiskuterat och meningarna om vad denna lojalitet innebär samt hur den skapas går isär. Stor fokus ligger på relationen som skapas mellan kund och företag vilken anses avgörande för skapandet av kundlojalitet. Bankers förhållande med kunderna har alltmer kommit att karaktäriseras av kontakt via telefon och Internet och i takt med yngre generationers intåg på konsumentma

Comparison of Multivariate GARCH Models with Application to Zero-Coupon Bond Volatility

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate different formulations of multivariate GARCH models and to apply two of the popular ones – the BEKK- GARCH model and the DCC- GARCH model – in evaluating the volatility of a portfolio of zero-coupon bonds. Multivariate GARCH models are considered as one of the most useful tools for analyzing and forecasting the volatility of time series when volatility

The Integrity of the Clean Development Mechanism - an interdisciplinary study on delegation

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, which allows industrialised countries that have binding emission targets to invest in emission reduction projects in non-industrialised countries. These CDM investments generate certified emission reductions (CERs), which can be used by the industrialised countries towards meeting their own targets. The dual objective o

Styrelsetillsättning i medlemsbaserade biståndsorganisationer: En fallstudie av sex svenska valberedningar

Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att förstå hur och på vilka grunder valberedningar i medlemsbaserade biståndsorganisationer nominerar styrelseledamöter. Vi vill därigenom ge ett bidrag till den knappa forskningen på biståndsorganisationers styrning och erbjuda en grund för vidare forskning på ideella organisationers valberedningsarbete. Metod:Kvalitativ fallstudie av sex svenska, medlemsbas

Teameffektivitet: En jämförelse mellan team inom privat och kommunal sektor

En kvantitativ surveyundersökning genomfördes för att undersöka om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan privat och kommunal sektor avseende teameffektivitet. Studien avgränsade sig till team som arbetar med ekonomi och 23 team bestående av i genomsnitt 7 personer undersöktes. Antal deltagare var 122 vilket motsvarar en svarsfrekvens på 73 %. Instrumentet som användes var TDS (Team Diagnostic Surve

"We are waiting to receive, to give” : A case study of the organizational sustainability of Local Non-Governmental Development Organizations in peri-urban Lusaka & Kitwe, Zambia

This study explored the alternative visions and innovative strategies of Zambian local non-governmental development organizations (LNGDO) in their attempt to improve their organizational sustainability with the purpose to understand and analyze the organizational sustainability of LNGDOs in peri-urban Lusaka and Kitwe, Zambia. A case study approach was used to both delimit the scope of the study a

Outsourcing av IT - Finns det några fördelar eller nackdelar inom de tre huvudtolkningarna?

Många företag väljer idag att outsourca och informationsteknologi (IT) är en av de mest outsourcade funktionerna som finns. Det finns både fördelar/möjligheter och nackdelar/risker med fenomenet, företag behöver därför väga dessa faktorer mot varandra för att se om outsourcing är den rätta lösningen. I uppsatsen kommer det att undersökas hur väl litteraturens fördelar/möjligheter och nackdelar/ris