

Din sökning på "*" gav 529269 sökträffar

Transferring Ownership of Public Housing to Existing Tenants: A Market Design Approach

This paper explores a housing market with an existing tenant in each house and where the existing tenants initially rent their houses. The idea is to identify equilibrium prices for the housing market given the prerequisite that a tenant can buy any house on the housing market, including the one that he currently is possessing, or continue renting the house he currently is occupying. The main cont

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Sustainability is a concept that has generated a great political and scientific debate during the last two decades, especially from the moment it was added to the concept of development. This has led to the distinction of two main interpretations of the term: weak and strong sustainability. The basic difference between both is that the first considers natural, manufactured and human capitals are s

Coaxial jet noise prediction: Grid resolution effect on the numerical solution

The flow and acoustic fields that are generated by two coaxial jets are considered. The problem is handled by solving the flow field using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and the acoustics by a wave equation with source terms provided by the instantaneous LES. The paper is focused on the influence of the grid resolution on the solution accuracy.

Accuracy of finite element predictions in sideways load configurations for the proximal human femur

Abstract in UndeterminedSubject-specific finite element models have been used to predict stress-state and fracture risk in individual patients. While many studies analysed quasi-axial loading configurations, only few works simulated sideways load configurations, such as those arising in a fall. The majority among these latter directly predicted bone strength, without assessing elastic strain predi

Tumors associated with Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer: Defective Mismatch Repair and Familial Risk of Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Defekt mismatch-reparation och familjär cancerrisk Cancer är på cellnivå en genetisk sjukdom. Förändringar i cellens arvsmassa (DNA) drabbar tre huvudtyper av gener; onkgener, tumörsuppressorgener och DNA-reparationsgener. Onkgener är en grupp gener som befrämjar cellens tillväxt. Vid cancerutveckling aktiveras onkgener via mutation eller genom ökat uttryck, vilket ledInactivation of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system is a tumorigenic mechanism involved in 15-20% of tumor types such as colorectal and endometrial cancer and is specifically associated with the Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) syndrome. These MMR defective tumors are characterized by microsatellite instability (MSI), a phenomenon that reflects alterations in length of repeated s

Den administrativa hållningen - En tidstypisk orientering bland samordnare i ungdomsvårdens projektvärld?

Organisatoriska former av en formaliserad, administrativ karaktär ter sig nästan ofrånkomliga i dagens ”projektvärld” (Sahlin, 1996, Sulkunen, 2007). Referensgrupper och arbetsgrupper utgör i allmänhet, en överbyggnad. Till denna hör också krav på dokumentation och planer: en vid variation av byråkratiska formulär. I det här utvärderade projektet, en vårdkedja inom ungdomsvården, karakteriserades

The Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicle - A New Concept for Fuel Consumption Reduction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens samhälle är väldigt beroende av fordon av olika slag. Aldrig förr har människor rest till olika delar av världen, så mycket som idag. Den enorma mängden resors och transporter som sker varje dag är en tung belastning för vår natur. Bilar och lastbilar, som ökar i antal varje dag, släpper ut giftiga avgaser på vägarna och flygplan förbrukar enorma mängder fossilt Urban traffic involves frequent acceleration and deceleration. During deceleration, the energy previously used to accelerate the vehicle is mainly wasted on heat generated by the friction brakes. If this energy that is wasted in traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) could be saved, the fuel economy would improve. Today there are several solutions to meet the demand for better fuel economy