

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

The use of biomass energy in the pulp and paper industry and the prospects for black liquor gasification combined cycle generation

The world production of paper and paperboard products, which increased 3.3% per year since 1980, reached 243 million tonnes in 1991 and is expected to continue to grow by about 2.5% per year over the next decade. Consumption levels in 1990 ranged from 2.8 kg per capita in India to 313 kg per capita in the United States. The biggest producers of pulp are the United States, Canada and the Scandinavi

The role of benthic macrofauna in nitrogen cycling in eutrophic lake sediment

This thesis concerns the role of sediment-living macrobenthos in the cycling of nitrogen species and nitrogen transformation in eutrophic freshwater sediments. In my thesis I have, employing 15N-isotope techniques in laboratory experiments, shown the importance of infaunal chironomid larvae and oligochaetes on denitrification in eutrophic lake sediments. Investigated benthic organisms not only ex

Tolerance Cost in Relation to Surface Finish during Longitudinal Turning Operations

Tolerances are an important part of production where the desire to produce quality products have to be weighed against the increased production costs. The desired tolerance will influence the choice of both production method as well as the machine used. Given that machining is an adequate production method, variation of the required surface roughness will imply a variation of the part cost which n

Comparative optics of prosobranch eyes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika livsmiljöer och livsstilar kan ställa mycket olika krav på ett sinnesorgans uppbyggnad och funktion. Man kan därför förvänta sig att tex. ögonen hos ett lejon skiljer sig väsentligt från musslors, maskars eller djuphavsfiskars ögon. Det har också visat sig att om man undersöker ett öga i detalj så är det oftast mycket väl anpassat till just de förutsättningar som Functional aspects of the large diversity of eye design in prosobranch molluscs was investigated using morphological and optical methods. Three species from different habitats were investigated. Littorina littorea from Scandinavian intertidal rock habitats, Strombus raninus and S. gigas from tropical sand-flats and Ampularia sp. from heavily vegetated habitats in tropical fresh-water. Littorina a

Fänriks Ståls Sverige

Artikel om svensk-ryska kriget 1808-09 samt betydelsen av Johan Ludvig Runebergs Fänriks Ståls sägner i 1800- och 1900-talets Sverige.

Medvetandets stilla grund. Mystik och spiritualitet i världens religioner

We are witnessing an increasing interest in yoga, meditation, pilgrimages, retreats, and other expressions of spirituality. This study presents an overview of spirituality in the five major religions of the world; Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Every chapter highlights a specific theme, such as yoga in Hinduism, mindfulness in Buddhism, ecstatic prayer in Islam, and retreats

Measurements of High-Precision Atomic Data with Applications to Astrophysics and Cosmology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Undersökningar av astrofysikaliska spektra kräver noggranna atomära data, som t.ex. våglängder och övergångssannolikheter. Denna avhandling bidrar med atomära data av hög precision för astrofysikaliska och kosmologiska tillämpningar. Mätningarna har gjorts på ljus producerat i en hålkatodlampa med hjälp av Fouriertransformspektrometri. Genom att observera våglängdsskifInvestigations of astrophysical spectra require accurate atomic data, such as wavelengths and transition probabilities. This thesis provides high-precision atomic data for astrophysical and cosmological applications. The measurements have been carried out using Fourier transform spectrometry on light produced in a hollow cathode light source. The variability of fundamental constants is investigat

Liberty Revisited. A Historical and Systematic Account of an Egalitarian Conception of Liberty and Legitimacy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling har tre huvudsakliga mål. Det första är att argumentera för en tolkning av politisk frihet som innebär att frihet föreligger i den utsträckning man inte är dominerad av andra: frihet som icke-dominans. Detta skiljer sig från den vanligare tolkningen av frihet som innebär att frihet föreligger i den utsträckning ingen annan interfererar med det man gör: This dissertation argues for an interpretation of liberty in terms of non-domination rather than non-interference, that non-domination can work as an independent criterion of political legitimacy, and that non-domination includes an approximation of equality in socioeconomic goods. In the first part, four theories of liberty and power – those of Kant, Locke, J. S. Mill and H. Taylor, and Wollstone