

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Complex Ducts

Popular Abstract in Swedish Numeriska methoder har används för att beräkna turbulent strömning och värmeöverföring i komplexa kanaler med olika turbulens modeller.Th need for a reliable and reasonable accurate turbulence model without specific convergence problem for calculating duct flows in industrial applications has become more evident. In this study a general computational method has been developed for calculating turbulent quantities in any arbitrary three dimensional duct. Four different turbulence models for predicting the turbulent Reynolds stresse

Long-term survival and glial differentiation of the brain-derived precursor cell line RN33B after subretinal transplantation to adult normal rats

The potential use of in vitro-expanded precursor cells or cell lines in repair includes transplantation of such cells for cell replacement purposes and the activation of host cells to provide "self-repair." Recently, we have reported that cells from the brain-derived cell line RN33B (derived from the embryonic rat medullary raphe and immortalized through retroviral transduction of the temperature-

Utvärdering av utökat föräldradeltagande inom barnkirurgisk vård

The benefits of increased parental participation in the care of the hospitalised child is well documented, and care given by parents is found to be effective. To facilitate the child’s recovery by providing the parents with information and education about care, and to minimise disruption to the child’s and the family’s normal life the care after hypospadiasis repair was changed. Outcomes were eval

Astronomical applications of quantum optics for extremely large telescopes

A programme has been started to investigate photon properties that are not currently exploited in astronomical instruments, namely second- and higher-order coherence functions encoded in their arrival time, and the orbital angular momentum. This paper expounds the first results achieved in the study of a novel astronomical photometer capable of pushing time tagging towards the picosecond region. T

Refined characterisation of chromosome aberrations in tumours by multicolour banding and electronic mapping resources

Acquired chromosome abnormalities in tumours often reflect pathogenetic events at the gene level. Multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with single-copy probes offers extensive possibilities to characterise chromosome breakpoints in relation to the physical map of the human genome. This approach is based on the construction of comprehensive EST- based maps, combinatorial labelling

Quality of life after cystectomy and urinary diversion: An evidence based analysis

Purpose: We critically examined the evidence supporting the widely accepted notion that patients undergoing continent urinary tract reconstruction after cystectomy experience superior quality of life outcomes than patients receiving a conduit. Materials and Methods: Based on a comprehensive MEDLINE literature search we retrieved and evaluated all full-length articles published in the English, Fren

Matrix-matrix interaction of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and fibronectin

Recent work indicates that cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) plays an important role in extracellular matrix assembly and matrix-matrix protein interactions. In order to identify the proteins in extracellular matrix that interact with COMP, we used an ELISA-based solid-phase binding assay, which revealed a specific, high-affinity interaction between COMP and fibronectin. This interaction

Kinetics of Oxygen Transfer Reactions Involving Molybdenum Dithiolene Complexes

Oxo transfer reactions from [MoO2(mnt)2]2– [mnt2– = 2,3-disulfanylmaleonitrile dianion (1,2-dicyanoethylenedithiolate)] to the abiological oxygen acceptors PPh3–xEtx (x = 0–3) have been studied spectrophotometrically in acetonitrile. The pseudo-first-order rate constants depend linearly on the concentration of the oxo acceptors. The sequence of reactivity is PEt3 > PEt2Ph > PEtPh2 > PPh3, reflecti

Sensitivity of Website Reliability to Usage Profile Changes

To measure the reliability of a website from a user’s point of view, the uncertainty on the usage of the website has to be taken into account. In this paper we investigate the influence of this uncertainty on the reliability estimate for a web server. For this purpose a session based Markov model is used to model the usage extracted from the server’s logfiles. From these logfiles a complete user p

Photoemission studies of the annealing-induced modifications of Ga0.95Mn0.05As

Using angle resolved photoemission we have investigated annealing-induced changes in Ga1-xMnxAs with x=0.05. We find that the position of the Fermi energy is a function of annealing time and temperature. It is also established that the Curie temperature is strongly correlated to the separation between the Fermi level and the valence band maximum. Valence band photoemission shows that the Mn3d spec

Observation and rovibrational analysis of the intermolecular HCl libration band nu(1)(6) of HCN-HCl, DCN-HCl and (HCN)-C-13-HCl

The high-resolution far-infrared absorption spectrum of the intermolecular HCl libration band nu(6)(1) (nu(B)) of the gaseous molecular complex (HCN)-C-12-HCl and the two isotopically substituted species (HCN)-C-13-HCl and (DCN)-C-12-HCl is recorded by means of static gas-phase Fourier transform far-infrared spectroscopy at 205 K using an electron storage ring source. The rotational structure of t

Den välreglerade friheten: att konstruera det lekande barnet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Barns lek är ett väl beforskat område där forskare till exempel försökt förstå lek som företeelse, studerat lekens betydelse för lärande, arbetat fram metoder för lekpedagogik eller studerat lek så som den framstår för barnen. I denna studie av lek i förskolan fokuseras den styrning som äger rum i leken. Det teoretiska perspektivet utgörs av Foucaults maktanalys. UtgångThe purpose of the thesis is to shed light on pre-school as an arena for governmentality, where play is a tool for governing the child. The study focuses what in play-situations may become an object of governance and what techniques the teachers use to govern the children when they play. The theoretical framework is the work of Foucault and his perspective on power and knowledge. The empirical stu

Low 5-minute Apgar score: a population-based register study of 1 million term births

OBJECTIVE: To determine the rate of 5-minute Apgar scores below 7 in term infants (at least 37 weeks) in Sweden during 1988-1997, evaluate the influence of obstetric risk factors on low 5-minute Apgar scores, and to study the infant prognosis regarding infant mortality, neonatal neurologic morbidity, and outcome. METHODS: Data were collected from the Swedish Medical Birth Registry 1988-1997, and t

Constituting the feminist subject in poststructuralist discourse

In this article, we describe a collective biography that we convened in order to revisit the site of the radical theoretical break with the liberal humanist individual marked by the poststructuralist work of Henriques and colleagues and the feminist poststructuralist work of Weedon. These writers suggest that the new subject of poststructuralist theory will be more open to the changes desired by f