

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

Dynamic Fetal and Placental Circulatory Changes during Uterine Contractions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oxytocin-stresstestet (OST) introducerades för mer än 30 år sedan som ett kliniskt test att bedöma moderkakans reservkapacitet att tillgodose fostrets behov av syre. Vid ett OST framkallas med hjälp av oxytocininfusion ett regelbundet ”värkarbete” i avsikt att imitera värkarbetet under förlossningen. Under livmodersammandragningarna stängs blodcirkulationen i livmodern The best mode of delivery for fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and umbilical artery (UA) blood flow changes is not well elucidated. Uterine artery, fetal UA, middle cerebral artery (MCA), and venous blood flow changes during uterine contractions during an oxytocin challenge test (OCT) have not been observed systemically. AIMS: To evaluate outcome in IUGR with UA blood flow chang

Association of Amphiphiles and Polyelectrolytes with DNA

DNA- cationic amphiphile and DNA-cationic polymer systems were studied with respect to the intermolecular interactions, as well as structure and stability of formed complexes. The thesis is divided in two parts: one section is a summary and the other section contains five papers. The summary is organized as follows; Chapter 2 gives an overview on the behavior of polyelectrolytes in solutions with

Consuming work and managing employability: Studentsʼ work orientations and the process of contemporary job search

Unemployment and precarity have become key features of 21st century work. Employability is presented as a solution to these issues. Individuals are exhorted to manage their employability, in order to be able to exercise choice in the labour market. While employability is individualsʼ responsibility, governments, employers and educational bodies simply provide opportunities for its development. Hig

Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes: Principles and Finite Length Performance

In this paper, we give an overview of spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs), the spatial coupling of parallel and serially concatenated convolutional codes, recently introduced by the authors. For presentation purposes, we focus on spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs). We review the main principles of SC-TCs and discuss their exact density evolution (DE) analysis on the binary

New Selective Control Strategy of Power System Properties

This paper presents a new technique to coordinate distributed load switching in order to restore the voltage during disturbed conditions. The technique of today is mainly based on load shedding, but the restoration of the load is manually controlled. With increased and intelligent signal analysis in the distribution and transmission systems it is possible to switch load automatically, both on and

Studies on Thiol-Disulfide Oxidoreductases in Bacillus subtilis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bacillus subtilis är en modellorganism för endosporbildande bakterier. Endosporen är ett vilostadium som kan bildas av vissa bakteriarter vid svält. Endosporer är mycket tåliga. De kan t.ex. överleva extrem värme, UV-strålning, uttorkning och farliga kemikalier utan att skadas. När tillgången på näring på nytt kan tillåta växt av bakterien, kan endosporen germinera och Bacillus subtilis is a model organism for endospore-forming gram-positive bacteria. Endospores are formed in response to nutrient starvation. They can resist harsh environments and last for long periods of time. Once nutrients again become available, the endospore can germinate and the vegetative life cycle be resumed. The outermost layers of the endospore are cortex and coat that protect the cell

Resource economy of carnivorous plants: Interactions between prey capture and plant performance in three subarctic Pinguicula species

Popular Abstract in Swedish I min avhandling har jag studerat resursekonomin hos tre köttätande växter i fjällen. Arterna var vanlig tätört (Pinguicula vulgaris), fjälltätört (P. alpina) och dvärgtätört (P. villosa). Alla försöken var utförda i fält. Bytesfångsten varierade mellan individuella plantor, år och arter. Ynga blad fångade mer byten än gamla. Vanlig tätört fångade fler byten än de andraIn this thesis, I have studied in situ the resource economy of the three carnivorous plant species Pinguicula alpina, P. villosa and P. vulgaris in a subarctic environment. The prey capture varied among individual plants, years and species. It was higher in young leaves then in old ones. P. vulgaris captured more prey that the other species and reproductive individuals of P. vulgaris captured more

I Lönnlövets skugga

Våldsamma konflikter mellan landets ursprungsbefolkningar och myndigheterna har på senare tid skakat Kanada. Christer Lindberg ger här, med glimtar från indianbyar, förhandlingsbord, internatskolor och museer, en översikt av de kanadensiska indianerna och deras krav på erkännande, landrättigheter och självstyre. Social misär och fattigdom präglar det dagliga livet på indianreservaten och de som bo

Adsorption of Molecules on Metal Surfaces Studied by High Resolution Core Level Photoemission

Various aspects of the adsorption of molecules on metal surfaces have been studied making use of different properties of high resolution core level photoemission. A thorough investigation has been performed of the ordering and the site occupancy of CO overlayers on Rh(111). CO has been shown to adsorb in on-top and three-fold-hollow sites. The distribution of the molecules between these two sites

Effect of Different Fabric Skin Combinations on Predicted Sweating Skin Temperature of a Thermal Manikin

In this study, a knit cotton fabric skin and a Gore-tex skin were used to simulate two sweating methods. The Gore-tex skin was put on top of the pre-wetted knit cotton skin on a dry heated thermal manikin 'Tore' to simulate senseless sweating, similar to thermal manikins 'Coppelius' and 'Walter'. Another simulation involved the pre-wetted fabric skin covered on top of the Gore-tex skin in order to

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion and Pulsed-Gradient Spin Echo Studies of Biomolecular Solutions and Amphiphilic Liquid Crystals.

Biomolecular solutions and amphiphilic liquid crystals are studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dispersion (NMRD) and Pulsed-Gradient Spin Echo (PGSE) respectively. A random-flight simulation is performed to obtain the obstructing factors for self-diffusion of small molecules in macrofluids. The accuracy of existing mean-field approximations for the obstruction factors is analyzed. The orientatio