527404 sökträffar
Gångavstånd till regionala bussar. Undersökning i Bjärred 1992.
Car trips to shopping centres in southwestern Skåne.
Lommabanan nya mötesstationer och hållplatser
Anslutningsresor till interregionala tåg - en studie av färdmedelsval
Potential att överföra korta bilresor till cykel
Automatbana på Lundalänken
Signalreglerade GC-överfarter : en studie om oskyddade trafikanters säkerhet i fyra signalreglerade GC-överfarter i Malmö
Tidsserieanalys av kollektivtrafikomläggningen i Jönköping
The interaction between bicyclists and car drivers : a comparison between Malmö and Groningen
Trafiksäkerhet och tätortsplanering - en analys av Reykjaviks lokalgatunät med GIS
Väg- och trafikmiljöns betydelse för whiplashskador vid påkörning bakifrån
Förbisedd : en medborgarrättsstudie om gatubarnen i Mbale, Uganda
The purpose with this essay was to examine what civic rights the streetchildren in Mbale, Uganda, had. We also wanted to see if they had access to all the rights they are supposed to have according to the law. The streetchildren we examined were the ones who normally go to CRO, an organization that deals with the streetchildren of Mbale. We found out that as a member of the Ugandan society every c
Drogförebyggande arbete i skolan - vad fungerar?
The purpose of my thesis was to examine the conscious and unconscious role of compulsory school in drug prevention work. I considered five topics: objective, methods, environment/relations, sender and target group. Essential questions within the topics were: What elements in compulsory school work preventive on children's drug use? What are the possibilities of reinforcing drug prevention work
Barn till psykiskt störda föräldrar: en studie med deltagare från Samverkansprojektet i Malmö
Our main purpose was to enlighten the importance for the "samverkans-" project for the children of parents with a psychological disorder. The purpose of our empirical study was to examine if this project supports and give benefit to the children, a threatened group. Our questions were: How does the reality appear for a child of parents with a psychological disorder from a professional po
På väg mot frihet - unga kvinnors tankar om sig själva, livet och framtiden
The purpose of this essay was to examine and shed light on how girls in their late teens look upon themselves, their present situation and their future. The aim was also to show how they through different experiences have shaped and developed their identity. ¨ What is the girls point of view according to general ideals and norms directed to women, and what do they think about different characters,
Vilken roll spelar könet? - En studie i hur genus förmedlas i en handfull ungdomsböcker
The purpose of this paper was to study how gender is represented and passed on in a small number of juvenile books. I wanted to find out what parts girls and boys play in the stories, in what circumstances they figure and which problems they are ascribed. I chose six popular books for the youth, and studied them meticulously. The study is qualitative and I asked the text questions just like you wo
Marte Meo En möjlighet att förändras - en studie om erfarenheter av och inställningar till behandlingsmetoden Marte Meo
The goal for this essay was to achieve knowledge about the discoveries and experiences with the Marte Meo- method through the interviews with professional social workers and a client. The four questions in the essay were: · What expectations did the social workers have of the lessons in the method? · What experiences did they have of the lessons in the method? · What expectations did the social wo
Onesimus' Brothers - ett kärleksbudskap : observationer ur vardagslivet
This is a qualitative study of the children's home Onesimus' Brothers. In 1992 pastor Dugulescu decided to start a program to meet the streetchildrens needs. The purpose of this paper was to explore how the children's orphanage is organised and what the purpose and the methods of the work are. The question asked were: * How has the institutional care on the orphanage developed and chan
"Jag ser det inte som ett straff. Jag ser det som en hjälp." - En studie av påföljden "Samtalskontakt med socialtjänsten" i Malmö
The purpose of this paper was to examine how the intervention "Conversational-contact with the social services" actually looks and how it is experienced by the youths who attend it and the social workers who are providing it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of individual interviews. Main issues of the paper: - The youths- and social workers' experience of th