

Din sökning på "*" gav 534702 sökträffar

Accounts of Honesty. Refuting Allegations of Bribery

This article investigates the stories told by Swedish men charged with bribery. The interviews are drawn from a study of court cases relating to bribery. White-collar criminals often justify their actions with reference to business culture: ‘‘Everyone’s doing it.’’ In this study, when refuting alle- gations, interviewees also invoke a ‘‘folk logic of bribery,’’ thus making use of mainstream cultur

A community standard format for the representation of protein affinity reagents

Protein affinity reagents (PARs), most commonly antibodies, are essential reagents for protein characterization in basic research, biotechnology, and diagnostics as well as the fastest growing class of therapeutics. Large numbers of PARs are available commercially; however, their quality is often uncertain. In addition, currently available PARs cover only a fraction of the human proteome, and thei

Evaluation of thermal resistance of the military sleeping bags

Military sleeping bags are envisaged for intensive use during military actions. They have extra properties that provide protection for military staff. In cold climatic conditions when sleeping bags are used for rest soldiers’s combat ability and survival depends on the thermal insulation properties of material technical resources (gear) and clothing. Aim of the research is to establish the extreme

Ensemble analysis of frost damage on vegetation caused by spring backlashes in a warmer Europe

Tree dehardening and budburst will occur earlier in a warmer climate, and this could lead to an increased risk of frost damage caused by temperature backlashes. By using a spring backlash index and a cold hardiness model, we assessed different aspects of risk for frost damage in Norway spruce forests during the present climate and for one future emission scenario. Uncertainties associated with cli

Reductions in microbial biomass along disturbance gradients in a semi-natural grassland

Soil disturbance is a common phenomenon in semi-natural sandy grasslands, caused by management practices, livestock trampling and erosion. To better understand ecosystem processes when the surface layers of the soil are disturbed, we investigated the effects of disturbance on different functional microbial groups by the use of signature fatty acid analysis. Four levels of disturbance were investig

In vivo cytochrome and alternative pathway respiration in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana plants with altered alternative oxidase under different light conditions

The in vivo activity of the alternative pathway (V-alt) has been studied using the oxygen isotope fractionation method in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana modified for the expression of the AtAOX1a gene by anti-sense (AS-12) or overexpression (XX-2). Under non-stressful conditions, V-alt was similar in all plant lines regardless of its different alternative pathway capacities (V-alt). Total leaf res

On the belief (in-)dependence of sequential equilibria

In this paper, we demonstrate that the existence of sequential equilibria may depend on the players holding beliefs which are tailored to the respective equilibrium but otherwise difficult to justify. We also discuss potential remedies. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Unemployment and economic security for young adults in Finland, Norway and Sweden: From unemployment protection to poverty relief

In this study, we investigated if there has been a displacement in the type and coverage of welfare services available for young unemployed adults in Finland, Norway and Sweden over the last two decades. This question is important because a number of studies have argued that the generous unemployment benefits and extensive labour market intervention found in the Nordic welfare states shield young

A reflection on Richard B. Saltman 'Structural patterns in Swedish health policy

Looking back over 30 years of Swedish health care, professor Saltman examines structural changes in the Swedish health care sector. This is a very welcome contribution to the literature, and it makes good sense – institutional change is often a slow process, and it may take considerable time before the effects can be fully appreciated. Saltman’s paper provides a useful analytical overview of thre

Nocturnal passerine migration without tailwind assistance

Nocturnal passerine migrants could substantially reduce the amount of energy spent per distance covered if they fly with tailwind assistance and thus achieve ground speeds that exceed their airspeeds (the birds' speed in relation to the surrounding air). We analysed tracking radar data from two study sites in southern and northern Scandinavia and show that nocturnally migrating passerines, during

Deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea during the last century

Deoxygenation is a global problem in coastal and open regions of the ocean, and has led to expanding areas of oxygen minimum zones and coastal hypoxia. The recent expansion of hypoxia in coastal ecosystems has been primarily attributed to global warming and enhanced nutrient input from land and atmosphere. The largest anthropogenically induced hypoxic area in the world is the Baltic Sea, where the

Immunolocalization of Collagens (I and III) and Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein in the Normal and Injured Equine Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon

This is a descriptive study of tendon pathology with different structural appearances of repair tissue correlated to immunolocalization of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) and type I and III collagens and expression of COMP mRNA. The material consists of nine tendons from seven horses (5-25 years old; mean age of 10 years) with clinical tendinopathy and three normal tendons from horses (

Do the European Great Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) reach South Africa during wintering?

Former studies have shown that the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) has two genetically distinguishable haplogroups (a ‘‘western’’ and an ‘‘eastern’’ clade). The species occurs in South Africa from January to late March, yet, in the whole database of EURING, there are no recoveries to the south of the Congo. There are at least three hypotheses concerning which birds are seen winterin

The (International) Political Economy of Falling Wage Shares: Situating Working-Class Agency

This paper relates the financial and monetary dimensions of the contemporary economic crisis to working-class agency via a central concern of classical political economy: the distribution of surplus between the chief factors of production. The fall in the wage share of value added is now accepted as a stylised fact in the empirical economic literature. This paper argues that the punctuated pattern

A method for quantifying focused versus overview behavior in AOI sequences

We present a new measure for evaluating focused versus overview eye movement behavior in a stimulus divided by areas of interest. The measure can be used for overall data, as well as data over time. Using data from an ongoing project with mathematical problem solving, we describe how to calculate the measure and how to carry out a statistical evaluation of the results.

Comparison of species identification of endocarditis associated viridans streptococci using rnpB genotyping and 2 MALDI-TOF systems.

Streptococcus spp. are important causes of infective endocarditis but challenging in species identification. This study compared identification based on sequence determination of the rnpB gene with 2 systems of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry, MALDI Biotyper (Bruker) and VITEK MS IVD (bioMérieux). Blood culture isolates of viridans streptococci from 63

The delta C-13 chemostratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician Mjosa Formation at Furuberget near Hamar, southeastern Norway: Baltic, Trans-Atlantic, and Chinese relations

Whereas no studies have previously been carried out on the delta C-13 chemostratigraphy of the Sandbian-Katian (Upper Ordovician) succession anywhere in Norway, such investigations in Sweden and the East Baltic region have made the delta C-13 chemostratigraphy of that interval well known. 1 an attempt to document for the first time the presence of the globally distributed and stratigraphically imp

Computational modelling of oxygenation processes in enzymes and biomimetic model complexes

With computational resources becoming more efficient and more powerful and at the same time cheaper, computational methods have become more and more popular for studies on biochemical and biomimetic systems. Although large efforts from the scientific community have gone into exploring the possibilities of computational methods on large biochemical systems, such studies are not without pitfalls and