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Transient Aggregates in Protein Folding are Easily Mistaken for Folding Intermediates
It has been questioned recently whether populated intermediates are important for the protein folding process or are artefacts trapped in nonproductive pathways. We report here that the rapidly formed intermediate of the spliceosomal protein U1A is an off-pathway artefact caused by transient aggregation of denatured protein under native conditions. Transient aggregates are easily mistaken for stru
Agricultural Diversifcation in Can Tho: Farm Level
Precise detection of pH inside large unilamellar vesicles using membrane-impermeable dendritic porphyrin-based nanoprobes.
Accurate real-time measurements of proton concentration gradients are pivotal to mechanistic studies of proton translocation by membrane-bound enzymes. Here we report a detailed characterization of the pH-sensitive fluorescent nanoprobe Glu(3), which is well suited for pH measurements in microcompartmentalized biological systems. The probe is a polyglutamic porphyrin dendrimer in which multiple ca
A New Necessary Condition for Shortest Path Routing
In shortest path routing, traffic is routed along shortest paths defined by link weights. However, not all path systems are feasible in that they can be realized in this way. This is something which needs to be taken into account when searching for a set of paths that minimize capacity consumption. In this paper, we discuss a new necessary condition that can be used during search to prune infeasib
Regional cerebral metabolic rate (positron emission tomography) during inhalation of nitrous oxide 50% in humans
BACKGROUND: Recent studies in man have shown that cerebral blood flow increases during inhalation of nitrous oxide (N2O), a finding which is believed to be a result of an increased cerebral metabolic rate (CMR). However, this has not previously been evaluated in man. METHODS: Regional CMR(glu) (rCMR(glu)) was measured three dimensionally with positron emission tomography (PET) after injection of 2
Short- and long-term survival and function of unilateral intrastriatal dopaminergic grafts in Parkinson's disease
Six patients with Parkinson's disease were followed for 10 to 72 months after human embryonic mesencephalic tissue from four to seven donors was grafted unilaterally into the putamen (4 patients) or putamen plus caudate (2 patients). After 8 to 12 months, positron emission tomography showed a 68% increase of 6-L-[18F]-fluorodopa uptake in the grafted putamen, no change in the grafted caudate, and
Directed self-organization of single DNA molecules in a nanoslit via embedded nanopit arrays
We show that arrays of nanopit structures etched in a nanoslit can control the positioning and conformation of single DNA molecules in nanofluidic devices. By adjusting the spacing, organization and placement of the nanopits it is possible to immobilize DNA at predetermined regions of a device without additional chemical modification and achieve a high degree of control over local DNA conformation
Documentation of soiled and biodeteriorated facades: a case study on the Coliseum, Rome, using hyperspectral imaging fluorescence lidars
Non-invasive documentation of historic façades with fluorescence lidar techniques can provide helpful information for the cultural heritage sector, especially when large areas outdoors are to be examined. This paper presents a case study on the Coliseum, Rome, where both cleaned and heavily soiled areas of the monument were scanned and analysed with two fluorescence lidar systems. Biodeterioration
Biotite and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints on the post-Svecofennian tectonothermal evolution, Forsmark site, central Sweden
In order to characterize the post-Svecofennian tectonothermal evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield, 40Ar-39Ar biotite and some 40Ar-39Ar muscovite geochronological data are reported from a total of 30 surface outcrop and 1000 m long borehole samples at Forsmark, central Sweden. The thirteen surface samples were collected across three branches of a major WNW to NW trending system of deformation zo
Relationship between the electrical and rheological properties of potato tuber tissue after various forms of processing
The impedance at frequencies of 1-1000 kHz and dynamic bending storage modulus measured by the vibrating reed method were compared for potato tuber tissue, which had been processed by various methods. Raw potato tuber tissue strips were either heated for 30 min up to 100°C or frozen-thawed. Some samples were osmotically dehydrated in a mannitol solution up to a concentration of 0.7 mol/l. The elec
Studies of arginine-arene interactions through synthesis and evaluation of a series of galectin-binding aromatic lactose esters
Aromatic lactose 2-O-esters were synthesized and used to probe arene-arginine interactions with the galectin family of proteins. They were found to be low mu m inhibitors of galectin-1, -3, and -9N-terminal domain and moderate inhibitors of galectin-7, but not inhibitors of galectin-8N-terminal, which locks an arginine residue close to the critical, esterified lactose 2-O-position. Molecular model
Incidental meniscal findings on knee MRI in middle-aged and elderly persons
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee is often performed in patients who have knee symptoms of unclear cause. When meniscal tears are found, it is commonly assumed that the symptoms are attributable to them. However, there is a paucity of data regarding the prevalence of meniscal damage in the general population and the association of meniscal tears with knee symptoms and with r
Profile of hydrolases and biogas production during two-stage mesophilic anaerobic digestion of solid potato waste
Two two-stage systems, one consisting of a solid-bed reactor for hydrolysis/acidification connected to an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket methanogenic reactor, and the other consisting of a solid-bed reactor connected to a methanogenic reactor packed with wheat straw biofilm carriers, were investigated with regard to hydrolytic enzymes and methane production during mesophilic anaerobic digestion o
Effects of metsulfuron methyl and cypermethrin exposure on freshwater model ecosystems
The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term (2 weeks) effects of the herbicide metsulfuron methyl alone and in combination with the insecticide cypermethrin in freshwater enclosures (80 1). We used a factorial design with four levels of herbicide (0, 1, 5, 20 mug/1) and two levels of insecticide (0 and 0.05 mug/1). The root growth of the macrophyte species Elodea canadensis and Myrioph
Amorphous drug nanosuspensions. 3. Particle dissolution and crystal growth
In the present paper, we have studied particle dissolution and crystal growth of the poorly water soluble drug felodipine, using fluorescence as a probe for the amount of crystalline material. Dissolution kinetics is essentially diffusion-controlled, while the rate of crystal growth is significantly slower compared to the diffusion-controlled limit. The deviation from diffusion control was charact
Temperature gradients and heat flux measurements in hot pressing of paper
Impulse drying was simulated with a platen press equipped with a heated pressing head. The heat transferred to the wet paper sheet and the temperature gradient achieved in the thickness direction of the sheet during the press pulse were measured. The influence of the basis weight, the applied pressure, and the hot surface temperature on the temperature gradient and the total amount of heat transfe
Increase in mast cells and hyaluronic acid correlates to radiation-induced damage and loss of serous acinar cells in salivary glands: the parotid and submandibular glands differ in radiation sensitivity
The detailed mechanisms which can explain the inherent radiosensitivity of salivary glands remain to be elucidated. Although DNA is the most plausible critical target for the lethal effects of irradiation, interactions with other constituents, such as cell membrane and neuropeptides, have been suggested to cause important physiological changes. Moreover, mast cells seem to be closely linked to rad
Dissolved organic carbon characteristics in boreal streams in a forest-wetland gradient during the transition between winter and summer
The character and quantity of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were studied in nine small boreal streams and adjacent soils during two years, with focus on the spring snowmelt period. The streams cover a forest-wetland gradient, spanning from 0% to 69% wetland coverage. Lower values of the absorbance ratio measured at 254 nm and 365 nm (A(254)/A(365)), in both soil plots and streams, indicated that
A diet based on wheat bread baked with lactic acid improves glucose tolerance in hyperinsulinaemic Zucker (fa/fa) rats
In the present study, the objective was to evaluate the long-term metabolic impact of adding lactic acid to a bread-based diet in obese, hyperinsulinaemic Zucker (fa/fa) rats. All diets were based on a white wheat bread, and the lactic acid was added either prior to, or after the baking process. In addition, a diet with addition of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v was included to investigate the possi