Din sökning på "*" gav 530377 sökträffar
Aromatic polymers for fuel cell membranes.
Home of Wellness by Oriflame.
Long-term effects of acupuncture
Popular Abstract in Swedish Akupunktur är en mer än 2000 år gammal terapeutisk metod, som ingår i den traditionella kinesiska medicinen (TCM), för lindring av en del sjukdomar och symtom såsom smärta. Tunna, solida nålar instickes i så kallade akupunkturpunkter, oftast belägna i muskulaturen och utspridda över hela kroppen längs linjer som kallas meridianer. Det finns ett flertal olika sätt att teIn a retrospective follow-up study, n=202, long-term pain relief (>6 months) after a course of acupuncture treatments was found mainly among patients with chronic nociceptive pain while patients with neurogenic or psychogenic pain did not benefit much. In a placebo-controlled randomised single-blind long-term study with independent observer of chronic nociceptive low back pain, n=50, it was found
Incentives to catalyse green building certifications for building construction
In the construction industry, sustainability and greening is more than just a passing trend. It has become an important agenda since the building sector has immense environmental impacts. It accounts for 42% of final energy consumption and about 35% of all greenhouse gas emissions. In order to meet these challenges, the construction industry needs to change and adopt new working procedures which t
Restytor och gränsöverskridande rumsliga praktiker i Flemingsberg
Assessing the Effects of EU Trade Preferences for Developing Countries
Species specific susceptibility testing for ß-lactam antibiotics. With special reference to staphylococci.
The main objective of this thesis was to identify methods for the detection of ß-lactam resistance in staphylococci, bacteria often causing nosocomial infections. Detection of ß-lactam resistance in these species is difficult due to strong regulation of genes encoding for the two main resistance mechanisms, ß-lactamase production and the penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 2?. ß-lactamase has high af
The Regeneration of the University: Karl Jaspers and the Humboldtian Tradition in the Wake of the Second World War
The influence of increased intramuscular pressure on platelet adhesion in PTFE grafts.
Adsorption and Self-Assembly of Cationic Surfactants at Silica Surfaces
The equilibrium self-assembly of cationic surfactants in bulk solution and at negatively-charged silica substrates is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The surfactants used are quaternary ammonium salts, both monovalent (DoTAB, TTAB, CTAB) and divalent (DoPPDAC). The adsorption of DoPPDAC to silica, in the absence or presence of added electrolyte, is studied with the technique of null
Anna - en kompis
A 90 nm CMOS 10 GHz beam forming transmitter
A 10 GHz beam forming transmitter was designed in a 90 nm CMOS process. Two power amplifiers with independently controllable phase enable the beam forming. The controllable phase is accomplished by switching in binary weighted transistors fed by quadrature signals, which are generated by a quadrature voltage controlled oscillator followed by a buffer. The design contains seven differential on-chip
Microbial production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid and poly(3-hydroxypropionate): Investigation of Lactobacillus reuteri propanediol utilization pathway enzymes
Popular Abstract in English Since the onset of the 20th century, human society has been using non-renewable resources, mainly oil, for the production of fuels and chemicals that are now an integral part of our everyday life. In the last few decades however, concerns regarding environmental effects, geopolitical issues and the eventual depletion of oil have led to us re-evaluating our dependency onConcerns regarding environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions and climate change have led to a shift within the research community and chemical and energy industry sectors for finding sustainable routes for producing fuels and chemicals from renewable resources, thereby minimizing our dependence on petroleum. The C3-chemical 3-hydroxypropionic acid has been identifed as a top candidate
How Tibetans Deal With Political Conflict in Exile
European Tourism
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