

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Defining immunological impact and therapeutic benefit of mild heating in a murine model of arthritis

Traditional treatments, including a variety of thermal therapies have been known since ancient times to provide relief from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms. However, a general absence of information on how heating affects molecular or immunological targets relevant to RA has limited heat treatment (HT) to the category of treatments known as "alternative therapies". In this study, we evaluated t

A flagellin-derived toll-like receptor 5 agonist stimulates cytotoxic lymphocyte-mediated tumor immunity

Toll-like receptor (TLR) mediated recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns allows the immune system to rapidly respond to a pathogenic insult. The "danger context" elicited by TLR agonists allows an initially non-immunogenic antigen to become immunogenic. This ability to alter environment is highly relevant in tumor immunity, since it is inherently difficult for the immune system to r

Selling women the green dream: the paradox of feminism and sustainability in fashion marketing

This article explores the paradox of corporations using social and environmental justice concerns to market products that are themselves made in conditions of environmental and social injustice, most often in the Global South. The effects of the fashion industry on people is two-pronged: 1) the unsafe and exploitative conditions under which many garment workers operate, and 2) the severe and harmf

Evolution of the ermine moth pheromone tetradecyl acetate

The nine sympatric forms of small ermine moths of the genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptere; Yponomeutidae) in the west palaearctic region show various degrees of differentiation1,2, including among other characteristics, differences in their sexual pheromones3. As is the case for many other moths4, the ermine moths so far analysed use delta 11-unsaturated acetates ((Z)-11-tetradecenyl, (E)-11-tetradeceny

Sex pheromones and reproductive isolation in four european small ermine moths

Reproductive isolation among four sympatric small ermine moths (Yponomeuta) is analyzed in terms of niches in the sexual communication channel. Potential pheromone components were identified from pheromone gland secretions of Y. evonymellus, Y. cagnagellus, Y. padelius, and Y. vigintipunctatus by gas chromatography with flame ionization and electroantennographic detection and tested for behavioral

Chain-elongated analogues of a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum. A structure-activity study using molecular mechanics

Chain-elongated analogues of (Z)-dec-5-enyl acetate, a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, have been studied. The conformational energies required for the analogues to mimic spatial relationships in the parent molecule, assumed to be crucial for the receptor interaction, were calculated by molecular mechanics (MM2). The calculated energies show a striking correlation with meas

Full scale tunnel evacuation experiment to determine appropriate emergency exit portal designs in road tunnels

In this paper, the execution and results of an evacuation experiment that was conducted in a road tunnel in Stockholm in 2014 is presented. The primary objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of different emergency exit portal designs, and other technical installations/aids in the tunnel, during a fire evacuation in smoke. Based on the results, it is concluded that the emerge

Behavioral responses of male turnip moths, Agrotis segetum, to sex pheromone in a flight tunnel and in the field

The response of individual male turnip moths Agrotis segetum was observed in a sustained flight tunnel to a mixture of decyl acetate, (Z)-5-decenyl acetate, (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate, and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate in proportions similar to those found in gland extracts from virgin females (0.6: 1:5:2.5). Lures containing 3-30 μg (Z)-5-decenyl acetate proved to be maximally attractive, with approxim

”Operation Rimfrost bygger, liksom annat polisiärt arbete, på vetenskaplig grund.”

Den ekonomiska brottsligheten må vara högre i områden som Limhamn och Västra hamnen, men det är brott där polisen oftast inte behöver sätta in massiva razzior, skriver Ardavan Khoshnood, docent i akutsjukvård vid Lunds universitet och kriminolog.Economic crime may be higher in areas such as Limhamn and Västra hamnen, but these are crimes where the police usually do not need to launch massive raids, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, associate professor in emergency medicine at Lund University and criminologist.

An exploratory analysis of the impact of climate change on macedonian agriculture

Using a mixed input–output model, this study examines potential changes in sector output and water requirements in Macedonia arising from climate change. By defining three climate change scenarios and exogenously specifying the warming shocks for five key agricultural sub-sectors, the effects on the economy were quantified. The results indicated that except for cereals and grapes, agricultural pro

Människors gånghastighet i rök: Förslag tillrepresentation vid brandteknisk projektering

There is limited information about the behavior and movement of people in case of fireevacuation in smoke-filled environments, and there is limited guidance on how peoples’walking speed in smoke can and should be represented in the fire safety design process.In this report, a literature review within this area, and a subsequent recommendation onhow to represent walking speed in both smoke-free andThere is limited information about the behavior and movement of people in case of fire evacuation in smoke-filled environments, and there is limited guidance on how peoples’ walking speed in smoke can and should be represented in the fire safety design process. In this report, a literature review within this area, and a subsequent recommendation on how to represent walking speed in both smoke-free

Genomic imprinting analyses identify maternal effects as a cause of phenotypic variability in type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis

Imprinted genes, giving rise to parent-of-origin effects (POEs), have been hypothesised to affect type 1 diabetes (T1D) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, maternal effects may also play a role. By using a mixed model that is able to simultaneously consider all kinds of POEs, the importance of POEs for the development of T1D and RA was investigated in a variance components analysis. The analys

Development of a chemical probe against NUDT15

The NUDIX hydrolase NUDT15 was originally implicated in sanitizing oxidized nucleotides, but was later shown to hydrolyze the active thiopurine metabolites, 6-thio-(d)GTP, thereby dictating the clinical response of this standard-of-care treatment for leukemia and inflammatory diseases. Nonetheless, its physiological roles remain elusive. Here, we sought to develop small-molecule NUDT15 inhibitors

Nuclear field theory predictions for 11Li and 12Be : Shedding light on the origin of pairing in nuclei

Recent data resulting from studies of two-nucleon transfer reaction on 11Li, analyzed through a unified nuclear-structure-direct-reaction theory have provided strong direct as well as indirect confirmation, through the population of the first excited state of 9Li and of the observation of a strongly quenched ground state transition, of the prediction that phonon-mediated pairing interaction is the

Medium polarization effects on the superuidity of finite nuclei and of the inner crust of neutron stars

We review recent progress made in understanding the role of medium polarization on superuidity in finite nuclei and in the inner crust of neutron stars. The interweaving of collective and quasiparticle degrees of freedom is treated within the framework of Nuclear Field Theory, propagating the basic renormalization processes through the Nambu-Gor’kov equations. It is then possible to obtain quantit