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I løbet af de sidste to måneder af 2016, havde vi mulighed for at deltage i to konferencer, med fokus på at udvikle og fremme ‘Integrated Reporting’ (IR) og ‘Integrated Thinking’. Denne artikel søger at videregive nogle af de interessante emner og spørgsmål, der blev drøftet ved disse to begivenheder.

Pathogenetic Mechanisms in Soft Tissue Tumors

Soft tissue tumors (STT) constitute a heterogeneous group of tumors that arise in tissues of mesenchymal origin. They are currently classified according to morphology and resemblance to normal tissue into over 100 subtypes. Differentiation between the different subtypes can sometimes be difficult, and along with the fact that little is known about the mechanisms of STT development, this makes adeq

The impact of alteplase on pulmonary graft function in donation after circulatory death - An experimental study

OBJECTIVE: Lung transplantation is hampered by the lack of organs resulting in deaths on the waiting list. The usage of donation after circulatory death (DCD) lungs would dramatically increase donor availability. The most optimal organ preservation method, and the need for antithrombotic and fibrinolytic treatment to prevent thrombosis in the donor lungs is currently on debate. The present study i

Lobotomizing the Virtual Violators of the Establishment’s Guardians

Gender studies have lately paid special attention to the oscillating condition of masculinity in an ever-changing society (see Shira Tarrant, Men Speak Out, 2008). As these aspects were taken into consideration especially in the United States, a very good representation of this straggling sexuality is to be found in Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Oppressing the mental oppositio

Antibiotics for the management of transient tachypnea of the newborn

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess whether: antibiotics - compared to placebo or no intervention - are effective and safe in the management of infants with a suspected diagnosis of transient tachypnea of the newborn; it is safe to withhold exposure to antibiotics for infants with a diagnosis of transient tachypnea of the newborn. We wi

Enhancing Decision-Making Efficiency Through M-BI Use

Mobile business intelligence (m-BI) denotes the delivery of business information on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. m-BI promises to support the mobile workforce in making decisions just in time. Yet, a lack of knowledge exists on how m-BI use can actually lead to improved decisionmaking performance at the individual level. This void of understanding has implications for both prac

Two-View Orthographic Epipolar Geometry : Minimal and Optimal Solvers

We will in this paper present methods and algorithms for estimating two-view geometry based on an orthographic camera model. We use a previously neglected nonlinear criterion on rigidity to estimate the calibrated essential matrix. We give efficient algorithms for estimating it minimally (using only three point correspondences), in a least squares sense (using four or more point correspondences),

Absorption and optimal plasmonic resonances for small ellipsoidal particles in lossy media

A new simplifed formula is derived for the absorption cross section of small dielectric ellipsoidal particles embedded in lossy media. The new expression leads directly to a closed form solution for the optimal conjugate match with respect to the surrounding medium, i.e. the optimal permittivity of the ellipsoidal particle that maximizes the absorption at any given frequency. This defnes the optim

The cultural practice of minor cinema archiving : The case of immigrant filmmakers in Sweden

The aim of this article is to present the archival practice behind two extensive research projects that we have worked on during the last decade: the Stockholm Film Workshop and minor immigrant filmmaking in Sweden. Archive has become a general catchword in today’s academia that encompasses several practices of collecting, storing, distributing and displaying. We will stress in particular – partlyThe aim of this article is to present the archival practice behind two extensive research projects that we have worked on during the last decade: the Stockholm Film Workshop and minor immigrant filmmaking in Sweden. Archive has become a general catchword in today’s academia that encompasses several practices of collecting, storing, distributing and displaying. We will stress in particular – partly

Using click-chemistry for visualizing in situ changes of translational activity in planktonic marine bacteria

A major challenge in microbial ecology is linking diversity and function to determine which microbes are actively contributing to processes occurring in situ. Bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) is a promising technique for detecting and quantifying translationally active bacteria in the environment. This technique consists of incubating a bacterial sample with an analog of met

Chronic breathlessness associated with poorer physical and mental health-related quality of life (SF-12) across all adult age groups

Little is known about the impact of chronic breathlessness (modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) score ≥2 for most days, at least three of the last six months) on health-related quality of life (Short Form-12 (SF-12)). 3005 adults from randomly selected households were interviewed face-to-face in South Australia. mMRC ≥2 community prevalence was 2.9%. Adjusted analyses showed clinically meanin

Two-dimensional action spectroscopy of excitonic systems : Explicit simulation using a phase-modulation technique

Two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy has been intensively used to study electronic and vibronic coherences in biological systems and semiconductors. This technique studies coherent as well as incoherent signals that arise from the nonlinear interaction of a sequence of laser pulses. In this paper we present a direct evaluation of the 2D signal based on elementary quantum kinetics in order to compare