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Dialogue with a Woman Departed
This article explores the holistic approach to Leo Hurwitz's documentary aesthetic, by looking at how "Dialogue with a Woman Departed" (1981) interweaves the portrait of an individual with the contemporary history of the American nation and with the cyclical processes of nature.
Om e-handelslagens tillämplighet vid gränsöverskridande marknadsföring
Vilket lands lag är tillämplig vid gränsöverskridande marknadsföring som riktar sig till Sverige? Den traditionella och i Sverige etablerade effektlandsprincipen innebär att svensk marknadsföringsrätt anses tillämplig på marknadsföring som har effekt här i riket, oavsett i vilket land marknadsföringen har sitt ursprung. I artikeln diskuterar författaren med utgångspunkt i ett avgörande från Markna
Prepulse dependence of X-ray emission from plasmas created by IR femtosecond laser pulses on solids
We report a strong prepulse dependence of the emission of X-rays from plasmas created by 150 fs Ti:sapphire laser pulses on solids. The laser pulses were focused onto plane samples of aluminium and vanadium with a main pulse power density of about 2.5 x 10(16) W cm(-2). By splitting off a portion of the main pulse we were able to generate a prepulse whose delay and intensity were variable relative
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Long-term survival following allogeneic or syngeneic stem cell transplant for follicular lymphoma in Sweden.
Neonatal invasiv grupp B-streptokockinfektion. Förhastat av Socialstyrelsen att avfärda allmän screening.
The Morality Tale of a Duellist: Narratives of Duelling in Early Modern Courts
Being Tibetan: Internet and Public Identity among Tibetan Youth
The article focuses on the ways exiled Tibetan youth interact on the Internet. It is argued that the discussions and debates on the Net not only communicate a sense of unity, but that they strive to control the various expressions of Tibetan identity as well. Internet has become an important arena for diasporic communities and must be recognized for its creative potential. The core of the debates
Natural Radiative Lifetimes In the Perturbed 6snd 1d2 Sequence of Barium
Islamiskt entreprenörskap : reflektioner kring tolkning, ledarskap och organisering
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Vertically sounding ozone lidar system based on a KrF excimer laser
A differential absorption (DIAL) lidar system based on a Raman shifted KrF excimer laser was constructed and employed for vertically sounding measurements of tropospheric ozone, This system is described, including a presentation of measurements of Raman shifting efficiencies in hydrogen and deuterium. The performance of the new system was evaluated in measurement campaigns involving two further op
Kristen och postkristen teologi - en lägesrapport
Artikeln är en kritisk diskussion av Martinson, Sigurdson, Svenungsson, "Systematisk teologi - en introduktion" 2007 och av Mattias Martinson, "Postkristen teologi - experiment och tydningsförsök" 2007.
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“Mournful and yet grand is the destiny of the artist.” Some Economic History of Music Composers and their Creativity
This dissertation provides new insights on creativity and the lives of creative people, by availing of unique data-sets covering the lives, works and emotional states of famous music composers. The underlying research documents the long-run persistence of a society’s preference towards cultural goods and shows that the geography of composer births displays remarkable continuity over a period of se