

Din sökning på "*" gav 320415 sökträffar

The origin of the Palaeoproterozoic AMCG complexes in the Ukrainian shield : New U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes in zircon

The Ukrainian shield hosts two Palaeoproterozoic anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) complexes (the Korosten and Korsun-Novomyrhorod complexes) that intruded Palaeoproterozoic continental crust in north-western and central parts of the shield, respectively. We report results of U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite dating of 16 samples from the Korosten plutonic complex (KPC), and 6 samples fro

The economic impact of moderate stage Alzheimer's disease in Italy : Evidence from the UP-TECH randomized trial

Background: There is consensus that dementia is the most burdensome disease for modern societies. Few cost-of-illness studies examined the complexity of Alzheimer's disease (AD) burden, considering at the same time health and social care, cash allowances, informal care, and out-of-pocket expenditure by families. Methods: This is a comprehensive cost-of-illness study based on the baseline data from

Effects of anti- vs. pro-vaccine narratives on responses by recipients varying in numeracy : A cross-sectional survey-based experiment

Background. To inform their health decisions, patients may seek narratives describing other patients' evaluations of their treatment experiences. Narratives can provide anti-treatment or pro-treatment evaluative meaning that low-numerate patients may especially struggle to derive from statistical information. Here, we examined whether anti-vaccine (v. pro-vaccine) narratives had relatively stronge

Automatic Mapmaking

In this paper the problem of automatic mapmaking is treated. The principles are discussed and details are given for a simple version of the problem where an autonomous vehicle moves on a factory floor. A semi-automatic approach has been developed, analyzed, simulated and nally tested for a commercial laser guided vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with a laser scanner that measures the direction but

Towards a Translational Pain Model - Techniques and developments

Pain is a major health issue for each affected individual and has a large impact on health costs. Most of our knowledge about this defensive system rely on data from different animal experiments. There is an obvious need for a translational pain model allowing comparisons between experimental animals and humans. UVB irradiation of skin has been introduced as a valid translational pain model and th

ASLA 50 år : Ett samtal om tillämpad språkvetenskap - då, nu och i framtiden

Den svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap (Association Suédoise de Linguistique Appliquée, ASLA) bildades formellt i april 1966 och firade således 50 år som förening under 2016. Jubileumet uppmärksammades på olika sätt under året. I samband med ASLA-symposiet i Uppsala den 21-22 april 2016 hölls ett panelsamtal på temat om tillämpad språkvetenskap då, nu och i framtiden. I den här texten

Searching for a middle ground : anthropologists and the debate on the universalism and the cultural relativism of human rights

In the anthropological debate on human rights a new theoretical approach, a search for a middle ground, has been attempted to solve the dilemma of universalism versus cultural relativism. In the human rights discussion in general, and in the anthropological debate in particular, the dichotomy of universalism/relativism is seen as one major obstacle to the implementation. This article takes a criti

The expression of the DeltaNp73beta isoform of p73 leads to tetraploidy

The p73 locus gene has a complex structure encoding a plethora of isoforms. The different DeltaN truncated isoforms of p73 may exert different activities depending on the cellular context. The beta isoform of DeltaNp73 seems to have a particular pattern of action even if its role in cell cycle and mitosis is still under investigation. To gain further knowledge of DeltaNp73beta's function, we inves

Direct numerical simulations of a high Karlovitz number laboratory premixed jet flame - An analysis of flame stretch and flame thickening

This article reports an analysis of the first detailed chemistry direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a high Karlovitz number laboratory premixed flame. The DNS results are first compared with those from laser-based diagnostics with good agreement. The subsequent analysis focuses on a detailed investigation of the flame area, its local thickness and their rates of change in isosurface following re

The UP-TECH project, an intervention to support caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients in Italy : Preliminary findings on recruitment and caregiving burden in the baseline population

Objectives: The paper describes recruitment results and characteristics of the UP-TECH clinical trial sample, including level of care services use, informal caregiver burden and its determinants.Methods: UP-TECH is designed to test innovative care solutions for community-dwelling patients with moderate stage Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers in Italy. Four hundred and fifty patient-caregive

Gene therapy for Parkinson's disease : Disease modification by GDNF family of ligands

Gene transfer is a promising drug delivery method of advanced therapeutic entities for Parkinson's disease. One advantage over conventional therapies, such as peripheral delivery of the dopamine pre-cursor L-DOPA, is site-specific expression of proteins with regenerative, disease-modifying and potentially neuroprotective capacity. Several clinical trials have been performed to test the capacity of

Transcriptome analysis of a wild bird reveals physiological responses to the urban environment

Identifying the molecular basis of environmentally induced phenotypic variation presents exciting opportunities for furthering our understanding of how ecological processes and the environment can shape the phenotype. Urban and rural environments present free-living organisms with different challenges and opportunities, which have marked consequences for the phenotype, yet little is known about re

3D Face Appearance Model

We build a 3d face shape model, including inter- and intra-shape variations, derive the analytical jacobian of its resulting 2d rendered image, and show example of its fitting performance with light, pose, id, expression and texture variations.