

Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar

Quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent high-grade cervical lesions

BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus types 16 (HPV-16) and 18 (HPV-18) cause approximately 70% of cervical cancers worldwide. A phase 3 trial was conducted to evaluate a quadrivalent vaccine against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 (HPV-6/11/16/18) for the prevention of high-grade cervical lesions associated with HPV-16 and HPV-18. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind trial, we assigned 12,167 women b

Neural expression and increased lavage fluid levels of secretoneurin in seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Secretoneurin is a neuropeptide potentially involved in migration of eosinophils, monocytes, and dendritic cells. Whether secretoneurin is present in the human airway mucosa and whether it is released at ongoing allergic airway inflammation is currently unknown. In patients with allergic rhinitis, we have explored the occurrence of secretoneurin in nasal mucosal biopsies and lavage fluids before a

Intranasal steroids decrease eosinophils but not mucin expression in nasal polyps

Increased mucin expression is a feature of nasal polyposis. Corticosteroids reduce polyp size and symptoms, but their effect on mucin production remains unknown. In this study, the effects of intranasal corticosteroids on MUC5AC mucin expression, nasal resistance, eosinophil and neutrophil infiltration, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), interleukin (IL)-8, and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a

Justifications of physicians' choice of action - Attitudes among the general public, GPs, and oncologists in Sweden

Objective. To compare choice of actions and justifying reasons among the general public, GPs and oncologists. Design. A postal questionnaire using four vignettes: a healthy patient reluctant to quit smoking and one demanding an X-ray, a pulmonary cancer patient reluctant to quit smoking and one demanding immunotherapy. Subjects. A random sample of the general public (n=1000), GPs (n=200), and onco

Selective predation on wing morphology in sympatric damselflies

Although predation is thought to affect species divergence, the effects of predator-mediated natural selection on species divergence and in nonadaptive radiations have seldom been studied. Wing melanization in Calopteryx damselflies has important functions in sexual selection and interspecific interactions and in species recognition. The genus Calopteryx and other damselfly genera have also been p

Stability and change in health-related behaviors of midlife swedish women

We investigated the dimensions and stability in health-related behaviors (HRBs) among midlife Swedish women, and the factors that predicted change in those behaviors. At age 43, 569 women from a representative longitudinal sample completed questionnaires about lifestyle (diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol) and participated in medical screening. Four years later we mailed a follow-up questionnaire. H

The impact of graft size on the development of dyskinesia following intrastriatal grafting of embryonic dopamine neurons in the rat.

Intrastriatal transplants of embryonic ventral mesencephalon can cause dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). We assessed the impact of transplant size on the development of graft-induced dyskinesia. Rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions were primed to exhibit l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. They were then intrastriatally grafted with different quantities of embryonic ventral me

Spinal cord stimulation in severe angina pectoris - A systematic review based on the Swedish Council on Technology assessment in health care report on long-standing pain

Patients who continue to stiffer from lasting and severely disabling angina pectoris despite Optimum drug treatment and who are not suitable candidates for invasive procedures,. suffer from a condition referred to as "chronic refractory angina pectoris". Based on the available data, spinal cord Stimulation, SCS, is considered Lis the first-fine additional treatment for these patients by the Europe

Pericytes: gatekeepers in tumour cell metastasis?

Tumour cells use two major routes to spread during metastasis, e.g. lymph vessels and blood vessels within or surrounding the primary tumour. The growth rate of the primary tumour often correlates with the quantity of new blood vessels that form within the tumour. However, qualitative abnormalities of the tumour vasculature profoundly affect the perfusion of the primary tumour and the escape of tu

Kinin receptor expression during Staphylococcus aureus infection.

An inappropriate host response to invading bacteria is a critical parameter that often aggravates the outcome of an infection. Staphylococcus aureus is a major human Gram-positive pathogen that causes a wide array of community- and hospital-acquired diseases ranging from superficial skin infections to severe conditions such as staphylococcal toxic shock. Here we find that S aureus induces inflamma

PITX2 gain-of-function in rieger syndrome eye model.

The human autosomal-dominant disorder Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome presents with defects in development of the eyes, teeth, and umbilicus. The eye manifests with iris ruptures, irido-corneal adhesions, cloudy corneas, and glaucoma. Transcription factors such as PITX2 and FOXC1 have been found to carry point mutations, causing the disorder. However, for approximately 40% of the cases, the pathogenesis

Proteomics education, an important challenge for the scientific community: Report on the activities of the EuPA education committee

The main missions of the EuPA Education Committee (EuPA-EC) are to promote and enhance the quality of proteomics knowledge by creating educational programs and to initiate European-wide scientific exchange programs for young proteomics researchers. In this first report we present the initial actions we have undertaken in relation to the missions of the EuPA-EC, and the educational activities that

Maximum-likelihood curve-fitting scheme for experiments with pulsed lasers subject to intensity fluctuations

Evaluation schemes, e.g., least-squares fitting, are not generally applicable to any types of experiments. If the evaluation schemes were not derived from a measurement model that properly described the experiment to be evaluated, poorer precision or accuracy than attainable from the measured data could result.. We outline ways in which statistical data evaluation schemes should be derived for all

Multirate Feedback Control Using the TinyRealTime Kernel

Embedded microcontrollers are often programmed in plain C and lacksupport for multithreading and real-time scheduling. This can makeit very cumbersome to implement multirate feedback controlapplications. We have developed the TinyRealTime kernel forthe Atmel ATmega8L AVR to show that it is feasible to usehigh-precision, deadline-based scheduling even in a tiny 8-bitprocessor with 1 KB of RAM. The

Fast and accurate 4-node quadrilateral

An accurate and variationally consistent 4-node quadrilateral element is introduced where high coarse mesh accuracy and low mesh distortion sensitivity are characteristic qualities, even when incompressibility is approached for plane strain. One-point quadrature integration procedure is adopted and a new improved stabilization technique is developed. Orthogonality conditions are utilized so that t

The effects of epinephrine/norepinephrine on end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration, coronary perfusion pressure and pulmonary arterial blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

End-tidal CO2 concentration correlates with pulmonary blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and has been claimed to be a useful tool to judge the effectiveness of chest compression. A high concentration of end-tidal CO2 has been related to a better outcome. However, most authors have noticed a decrease in end-tidal CO2 concentration after administration of epinephrine, concomitant with a

Modeling of protein interactions with surface-grafted charged polymers. Correlations between statistical molecular modeling and a mean field approach

Ion exchange media involving charge groups attached to flexible polymers are widely used for protein purification. Such media often provide enhanced target protein purity and yield. Yet, little is understood about protein interaction with such media at the molecular level, or how different media architectures might affect separation performance. To gain a better understanding of such adsorptive sy