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Domain swapping as a molecular mechanism in amyloidosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Som en blixt från klar himmel drabbas en ung, och till synes frisk person, av hjärnblödning. Denna stroke leder till demens och efterföljande nya blödningar leder slutligen till en för tidig död. Man har kunnat visa att denna sjukdom beror på att en variant av ett visst protein, cystatin C, tvinnar ihop sig till rep-liknande långa fibriller. Dessa fibriller ansamlas sedAmyloidosis is a group of diseases characterized by a change in protein conformation resulting in aggregation and tissue deposition of amyloid fibrils. One variant of cystatin C, L68Q cystatin C, is highly amyloidogenic and persons carrying the corresponding gene suffer from massive cerebral amyloidosis leading to brain hemorrhage and death. Amyloidogenic proteins like cystatin C and prion protein


Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication in diabetes mellitus. In addition to the risk of renal failure, patients with established nephropathy are at increased risk of proliferative retinopathy and cardiovascular disease. As the earliest prodrome of nephropathy is microalbuminuria, albumin excretion needs to be monitored with a reliable method in all diabetics. In the event of microalbuminuri

Periodicity in the transient regime of exhaustive polling systems

We consider an exhaustive polling system with three nodes in its transient regime under a switching rule of generalized greedy type. We show that, for the system with Poisson arrivals and service times with finite second moment, the sequence of nodes visited by the server is eventually periodic almost surely. To do this, we construct a dynamical system, the triangle process, which we show has even

Offentlig äldreomsorg som del i ett socialt medborgarskap

Drawing on T. H. Marshall, the notion of social citizenship is applied in this article to the development of public care for the elderly in Sweden. Initially a historical résumé clarifi es the change of elder care in Sweden as a move from a residual arrangement with its roots in the poor laws of the nineteenth century to become, during the 1960s and 1970s, an institutionalized public s ervice c om

Photoinduced Ultrafast Dye-to-Semiconductor Electron Injection from Nonthermalized and Thermalized Donor States.

Electron injection from the transition metal complex Ru(dcbpy)(2)(NCS)(2) (dcbpy = 4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine) into a titanium dioxide nanocrystalline film occurs on the femto- and picosecond time scales. Here we show that the dominating part of the electron transfer proceeds extremely rapidly from the initially populated, vibronically nonthermalized, singlet excited state, prior to electronic

Increased prevalence of perennial allergic rhinitis in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Background: Impaired nasal breathing is a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine whether atopy to perennial allergens and existence of perennial allergic rhinitis was a risk factor for OSAS. Methods: In a case-control study, we compared the proportions of OSAS patients with atopy to perennial allergens and perennial allergic rhin

Transverse-momentum-ordered showers and interleaved multiple interactions

We propose a sophisticated framework for high-energy hadronic collisions, wherein different QCD physics processes are interleaved in a common sequence of falling transverse-momentum values. Thereby phase-space competition is introduced between multiple parton-parton interactions and initial-state radiation. As a first step we develop new transverse-momentum-ordered showers for initial- and final-s

Antibodies to hepatitis C virus and hepatitis C virus RNA in Chinese blood donors determined by ELISA, recombinant immunoblot assay and polymerase chain reaction

Antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) were determined in Chinese blood donors from the city of Wuhan by ELISA screening tests and confirmatory recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA). 281 and 222 sera were sampled under similar conditions in 1989 and 1990, respectively. The first collection of sera was sent to Sweden in lyophilized form, the second directly as fresh, unfrozen sera. A high proport

The philosophy of Joseph Margolis

In this article I focus on some of Joseph Margolis's contributions to medical ethics. I first discuss some of Margolis's normative and metaphysical views on death and abortion, particularly in his early work Negativities, as well as some of his metaphysical assumptions. Then these views and assumptions are related to his theory of persons and, by implication, his theory of culture, set forth in a

Neighborhood social participation, use of anxiolytic-hypnotic drugs, and women's propensity for disability pension: a multilevel analysis

Aims: The increasing number of people on disability pension in Sweden is of concern for Swedish policy-makers, and there is a need for a better understanding of the mechanisms behind disability pension. We investigated ( i) whether women living in the same neighborhood have a similar propensity for disability pension that relates to neighborhood social participation, and ( ii) whether there is an

Vapour-liquid equilibriums for kraft mill condensates

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) cause odour problems and constitute a significant part of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) emissions from the kraft mill. Most of these are found in the cooking and evaporation condensates. The design of efficient methods for the removal of the VOC requires knowledge of the vapour-liquid (VLE) and liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE). In the present study VLE for the mo

Metabolic effects of diltiazem and atenolol: results from a randomized, double-blind study with parallel groups

In a randomized, double-blind study (n = 58) with parallel groups, the effects of diltiazem (mean dose 329 mg/day) and atenolol (mean dose 67 mg/day) on carbohydrate and lipoprotein metabolism in hypertensive patients were compared. The mean systolic blood pressure (SBP)/diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reductions in the supine position were similar and satisfactory, 9/11 and 11/9 mmHg during atenol

The prevalence of Malassezia Yeasts in patients with atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis and healthy controls

Cultures for Malassezia yeasts were taken from both normal-looking skin and lesional skin in 124 patients with atopic dermatitis, 16 patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis and from normal skin of 31 healthy controls. Positive Malassezia growth was found in fewer patients with atopic dermatitis (56%) than in patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis (88%) or in healthy controls (84%, p < 0.01). In the pat

Plasticity in mice nociceptive spinal circuits -role of cell adhesion molecules.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Medan akut smärta ofta kan bemästras på ett framgångsrikt sätt saknas ofta adekvat behandling av kroniska smärttillstånd. Smärta är ett dominerande symptom vid en mängd sjukdomar såsom till exempel, reumatoid artrit, cancer, migrän, ryggskador, fibromyalgi och tillgängliga analgetika är ofta otillräckliga. Det finns därför ett stort behov att utveckla nya och effektiva Introduction: To understand the function of the genes and their products in the pain system, studies will have to deal with complex issues related to intercellular communication, e.g. plasticity in neuronal networks. To provide a basis for such studies, the present thesis compares basic features of the nociceptive spinal systems including the organization of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes (NWR),

Sex-specific cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a cohort treated for hypertension.

Objective Incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is higher in men than in women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the gender differential can be modified by pharmacological intervention in a population-based setting. Design and method In a prospective population-based cohort - the Malmo Diet and Cancer study - a total of 3608 hypertensives (1559 men, 2049 women), 45-73 years old

Radiation effects on S-phase duration, labelling index, potential doubling time and DNA distribution in head and neck cancer xenografts

The effect of irradiation on S-phase duration (Ts), labelling index (LI), potential doubling time (Tpot), and cell cycle phase distributions was determined by DNA flow cytometry in xenografted human squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Tumours were treated with a single dose of 3 Gy, and excised at intervals over a 90-h period. Six hours before each excision the tumours were label

Unequal error protection for convolutional codes

In this correspondence, unequal error-correcting capabilities of convolutional codes are studied. For errors in the information symbols and code symbols, the free input- and output-distances, respectively, serve as '' unequal '' counterparts to the free distance. When communication takes place close to or above the channel capacity the error bursts tend to be long and the free distance is not any

Affinity analysis of lectin interaction with immobilized C- and O-gylcosides studied by surface plasmon resonance assay

A biosensor based on the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) principle was used for kinetic analysis of lectin interactions with different immobilized saccharide structures. A novel affinity ligands beta-D-glycopyranosylmethylamines derived from common D-aldohexoses linked to the carboxymethyl dextran layer of the SPR sensor surface served for interactions with a wide range of lectins. The method of p