

Din sökning på "*" gav 533515 sökträffar

Mapping the present-day chemical abundance structure of the Solar neighbourhood: O & Si

Vår galax, Vintergatan, innehåller bortåt 200 miljarder stjärnor av varierande åldrar och storlekar. Under en mörk och klar natt kan man se ungefär 2000 med blotta ögat. Detta är en liten del av det stora hela, men tillräckligt för att stimulera människors nyfikenhet. Vad är de gjorda av, och varför är de där de är? Enkla frågor, som har väldigt komplexa svar. Genom att kartlägga strukturen och deContext. Large scale chemical abundance gradients in the Galactic disks, small-scale abundance structures, and the mean chemical abundance values in the Solar vicinity, are important constraints to Galactic chemo-dynamical formation and evolution models. The formation and evolution of stars, and interstellar gas and dust depends on the distribution and evolution of matter in the Galaxy. Therefore,

Servicefönster i järnvägsanläggningen - En studie om varför nyttjandet ser ut som det gör

The railway is an important part of the Swedish infrastructure. For several years there has been an increase in traffic as well as in the demand for a well-functioning railway system. However the increased traffic does at the same time set higher demands for availability, reliability and punctuality. In order to meet these demands and to perform maintenance work in an efficient and predictable way

What creates successful FM within the public sector? Literature review and a case study from a strategic point of view

The Facilities Management industry is the largest business services market in Europe and it is growing fast. At the same time, the industry has matured and added substantial responsibilities beyond the basic maintenance and operational functions that formed the basis of the field and is now described as an emerging multi discipline market. Despite its large share of the market, public FM has got l

Konstens slut? - En idéhistorisk studie gällande Arthur Dantos argument för konstens slut från 1984 till 1998.

The following paper examines the philosopher and art-critic Arthur Danto’s well-known thesis concerning ”the end of art” in relation to its influences and contemporary historical context. Inspired by Hegel’s philosophy of history and art, Danto’s argument was based on the idea that Western art history, construed as a grand narrative, had come to an end in the second half of the twentieth century.

Differences in phenotypic plasticity in Mytilus Edulis from Öresund and the Baltic Sea

Kan strandkrabbor påverka blåmusslors tillväxt? Kunskapen om hur organismer anpassar sig till olika miljöer är av stor betydelse för att kunna förstå deras evolutionära historia och för att kunna förutse hur de kan komma att påverkas av ett förändrat klimat. Vissa organismer kan anpassa sig till förändringar i miljön genom att anta en ny fysisk skepnad, något som kallas för fenotypisk plasticitet

Degradation of Commonly Used Plastics into Nanoparticles

The impact of degraded nanosized plastics Large amounts of plastics are released into the environment worldwide every year. An estimated 4 to 12 million metric tons (Mt) of plastic waste, generated on land, entered our oceans in 2010 alone. Of the 6300 Mt of plastic, generated in 2015, around 79% of which was collected in the natural environment. The enormous amounts of this release have been ide

Miniaturization of a Low Power Harmonic Radar for UAV use

The aim with this Master thesis work is to design, build and test a small size, light weight and low power consumption harmonic radar system that will be installed in a flying drone for the purpose of tracking and localizing tagged Bogong moths near their aestivation caves and crevices in Australia during summer. A FMCW harmonic radar is proposed, it comprises a radar transmitter, receiver and a s

An exploration in segmentation and statistical modeling of highway map data

This thesis studies segmentation and categorization of highway road data, with the ambition that the understanding gained could be used for virtual verification of road scenarios for self-driving systems. We will look at a few approaches for segmentation of the road data, such as heuristics as well as methods involving optimization. The result of the segmentation is categorized and we then explore

Insights into the Integration of MCS and Sustainability

This thesis focuses on the integration of management control system (MCS) and sustainability in companies. Some literatures showed a disconnection between the efficiency of sustainability as a success strategy and management control systems. To research this, we aim at answer two questions. What are the challenges that the companies were faced with when they tried to integrate MCS and sustainabili

When and how did South Africa foreign policy change? Changes in South African foreign policy since the first democratically elected government of 1994.

South African foreign policy underwent a major change with the end of the apartheid government. The first democratically elected president, Nelson Mandela, focused on democracy, equality and social justice. Human rights were to guide foreign affairs and international peacekeeping played an important role. The three subsequent presidents, Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa, all came to pre

Europeanization of European Election Campaigns: A Study of the Swedish Social Democratic Party’s and Green Party’s European Election Campaigns in 2014 and 2019

Since Sweden held its first election to the European Parliament in 1995, Swedish political parties have arranged campaigns and elected national candidates for the European elections. Europarties also arrange campaigns for the European elections, and elect candidates for the President of the European Commission. Europarties however experience difficulties reaching the voters in the EU Member States

"The White Influencer's Burden"

På sociala medier tar människor sig friheter när det gäller användningen av bilder på barn, och det framförallt inom humanitära organisationer och företag. Bilden på barnet, används som ett politiskt verktyg för förändring och som en empatiförhöjare för att få målgrupper att agera. Fenomenet är något som numera även syns bland kändisars och influerares sociala plattformar, vilket skapar en stor sp

Frälsningen av Kina - Helgelseförbundets bild av Kina 1898

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka bilden av Kina som svenska missionärer från Helgelseförbundet förmedlar hem till läsarna i Sverige år 1898 genom förbundets egna tidskrift Trons Segrar. Fokuset för uppsatsen kommer att vara specifikt synen på kinesiska trosföreställningar, andlighet och traditioner, men även återkommande teman och sådant som kan ses som tecken på den känsliga politiska at

The technology transfer reality behind Costa Rica’s renewable electricity

Costa Rica is a developing country that has been the first to produce electricity form 100% renewable sources for 300 days and its representatives advise other countries to “follow Costa Rica’s example”. The aim of this study is to inspect this phenomenon from the points of factors that contributed to it, the country’s national innovation system capabilities, and technology transfer issues. The te

Vittnesmål i arkiven: Bevarande och tillgängliggörande av vittnesmål från Förintelseöverlevare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how archival institutions perceive their role in managing archives that contain witness testimonies from Holocaust survivors. Choices made by the archival institutions in regards of preservation, digization, ethics and availability to users are analyzed. Three archives are the focus of this research. The Polish Research Institute archive contains witness testim

An Exploration of Temporal Context in the Recollection of Previously Encoded Events

The effect of temporal context in the encoding and retrieval of facial stimuli was examined based on behavioural and EEG data collection during a cued recall memory task. Participants were found to have greater accuracy in their recollection of serial list items encoded before a correctly retrieved facial stimulus in comparison to those encoded after a correctly retrieved facial stimulus. Addition

Optimization of Reverse Osmosis Performance

Reverse osmosis is one of the most common water purification techniques and is used in applications ranging from salt water desalination plants to medical devices. Baxter develops medical devices and water purification devices used in medical applications using the reverse osmosis technique. In this thesis a new flow path design is investigated. By replacing a single feed water pump with two indep

Investigating the performance of hempcrete as an option for retrofitting masonry buildings

One fifth of the energy consumed by buildings in Sweden is by those built before 1945, many of them constructed from solid masonry walls. Improving their heating energy consumption is a challenge we must face in light of human’s impact on climate change as well as increasing energy costs. Improving thermal performance can be achieved with many insulating materials however the environmental impact