

Din sökning på "*" gav 532970 sökträffar

Biogas production from crop residues on a farm-scale level: is it economically feasible under conditions in Sweden?

Anaerobic digestion would enable the energy potential of agricultural crop residues such as sugar beet tops and straw to be harnessed. Sweden is so spread out that full utilisation of this potential by centralised slurry-based technology is difficult. It appears that simple but effective high-solids reactor systems have a better chance of being economically viable on a farm-scale level (50500 kW).

Structural studies of thymidine kinases from Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus provide insights into quaternary structure and conformational changes upon substrate binding

Thymidine kinase (TK) is the key enzyme in salvaging thymidine to produce thymidine monophosphate. Owing to its ability to phosphorylate nucleoside analogue prodrugs, TK has gained attention as a rate-limiting drug activator. We describe the structures of two bacterial TKs, one from the pathogen Bacillus anthracis in complex with the substrate dT, and the second from the food-poison-associated Bac

Molekylär medicin: Molekylärgenetisk metodik avslöjar mekanismerna bakom tumörutveckling

The rapid advance in our understanding of cancer biology during the past decade, as exemplified by the discovery of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes and their interactions in tumourigenesis, has revolutionized cancer research. This rapid progress has largely been due to the use of molecular genetics techniques. However, despite the wealth of available information as to the genetic basis of ca

The pursuit of heavy elements in the HgMn-type star Chi Lupi: Observations with the GHRS in the COSTAR ERA

Observations of the ultra-sharp-lined HgMn star chi Lupi made with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph after the Hubble Space Telescope First Servicing Mission display the effect of COSTAR corrective optics upon the spectral resolution of several observing modes. The resolution is restored to levels expected in the absence of the telescope spherical aberration for all observations made throug

Similar support for three different life course socioeconomic models on predicting premature cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality

Background: There are at least three broad conceptual models for the impact of the social environment on adult disease: the critical period, social mobility, and cumulative life course models. Several studies have shown an association between each of these models and mortality. However, few studies have investigated the importance of the different models within the same setting and none has been p

Efficient one-day sampling of mechanical job exposure data - A study based on upper trapezius activity in cleaners and office workers

This ergonomics exposure assessment study compared the efficiency of eight 1-day-only strategies, that is, the relationship between the number of data collected per subject and the precision of the resulting mean exposure estimate. Whole-day electromyographic recordings from the right upper trapezius muscle in 24 cleaners and 23 office workers were processed to give minute-by-minute values of gap

Interstitial cells of Cajal are normally distributed in both ganglionated and aganglionic bowel in Hirschsprung's disease

Surgery for Hirschsprung's disease is often complicated by post-operative bowel motility disorders. The impact of intestinal neural histology on the surgical outcome has been previously studied, but no information is available concerning the influence of the distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) on these complications. These cells are considered to be pacemakers in the gastrointestinal

Altered endothelial/pericyte ratio in Goto-Kakizaki rat retina

The Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat represents a model of hereditary non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), characterized by nonobesity, mild hyperglycemia from early life, impaired glucose tolerance test results, and a markedly defective insulin response to glucose. The rats develop signs of both nephropathy and neuropathy, but, to our knowledge, retinal changes have not been reported so far in

Promise, Protection, and Prosperity. Aspects of the "Shield" as a Religious Relational Metaphor in an Ancient Near Eastern Perspective. An Iconographical and Textual Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar en aspekt av religiös beskyddsmetaforik, nämligen den metaforiska användningen av olika ord för det defensiva vapen som vi idag kallar sköld, i den Hebreiska bibeln, den egyptiska och den assyriska litteraturen. Sköldmetaforen kan sägas vara en relationsmetafor ("relational metaphor") vilket avser en typ av metaforer som används för att uttrycThis thesis discusses the religious metaphorical use of different words for "shield" in the Hebrew Bible and Egyptian and Assyrian literature. The literary contexts in the analysis are delimited based on the observation that they share a similar view of divine intervention in war and an analogous view of the enemy. Using the defensive weapon that we today call the "shield" often meant the differen

Influence of packaging material and storage temperature on texture, colour, and weight of broccoli.

Sophisticated packaging solutions can be used in order to preserve vegetables during storage and transport. Polymeric films with selective barriers matching the respiration of the produce, thereby creating an ideal atmosphere inside the package, are available on the market. Fresh broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica ‘Monterey’) heads were packed in 4 different commercially available polymer

Polarization measurements in neutral pion photoproduction

We present measurements of the recoil proton polarization for the H-1((γ) over right arrow,(p) over right arrow)pi(0) reaction for theta(c.m.)(pi) = 60degrees-135degrees and for photon energies up to 4.1 GeV. These are the first data in this reaction for polarization transfer with circularly polarized photons. Various theoretical models are compared with the results. No evidence for hadron helicit

Photoluminescence quenching at a polythiophene/C-60 heterojunction

Quenching of photoluminescence in a substituted polythiophene in the presence of a deposited C-60 layer is studied by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). The steady-state PL is evaluated by con -sidering the interference of the absorbed and emitted electro-optical field in the thin film coupled to exciton diffusion in the conjugated polymer. PL quenching occurs for excitons gene

Enriched environment increases neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the subventricular zone of stroke-lesioned adult rats

Background and Purpose - The subventricular zone in the adult brain is identified as an endogenous resource of neuronal precursors that can be recruited to adjacent lesioned areas. The hypothesis was tested that postischemic environmental enrichment might enhance subventricular zone cell genesis. Methods - A cortical infarct was induced in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats by ligating the midd

Herpes simplex virus--the most frequently isolated pathogen in the lungs of patients with severe respiratory distress

308 consecutive patients with severe or complicated respiratory tract infections underwent fiber-optic bronchoscopy in the search for a microbiological etiology. Protected brush specimens were used for bacterial cultures and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for virus isolation and cytological examination. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) was the most commonly found pathogen and was isolated in 37 patients.

Pharmacological basis for duration of effect: formoterol and salmeterol versus short-acting beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists

The mechanisms behind the long duration of bronchodilating action of the beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists formoterol and salmeterol are only partially understood. This review compares pharmacological characteristics of long-acting versus short-acting beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists in human and animal airways. Based upon the reviewed evidence, it is concluded that for beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists, long d

Endogenous free fatty acids repel and attract Collembola

We used video recording of the movement pattern of Protaphorura armata (Collembola) to test whether its avoidance of the odor of dead conspecifics extends to related species. P. armata was repelled by the odor of dead individuals of Onychiurus scotarius and Onychiurus circulans, but not by live individuals. Free palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids were present in extracts of the three repellent sp

Recent Developments in High-Temperature Proton Conducting Polymer Electrolyte Membranes.

Progress in the area of proton conducting polymer electrolyte membranes is intimately linked with the development of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, and is today largely driven by the insufficient properties of humidified Nafion® membranes at temperatures above 100 °C. Recent developments in the field include new ionomers and hybrid membranes containing inorganic nanoparticles to control