Din sökning på "*" gav 534753 sökträffar
Disease modification in OA — will we ever get there?
No drugs are currently approved that change the natural course of osteoarthritis (OA) and translate to long-term, clinically relevant benefits. Two-stage clinical trial designs for OA have now received FDA approval, but remaining challenges lie in defining suitable study populations, surrogate outcomes and pivotal long-term, clinically relevant trial endpoints.
Substance P-induced relaxation and hyperpolarization in human cerebral arteries
1. Vascular effects of substance P were studied in human isolated pial arteries removed from 14 patients undergoing cerebral cortical resection. 2. Substance P induced a concentration-dependent relaxation in the presence of indomethacin. No relaxation was seen in arteries where the endothelium had been removed. 3. N omega-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG, 0.3 mM) abolished the relaxation in arteries from
Clinical and Biochemical Aspects of the Emergency Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning(Summary in Swedish)Hjärnskada som orsakas av olyckor är en vanlig orsak till både handikapp och död bland vuxna. För 30 år sedan var majoriteten av de som drabbades yngre eller väldigt gamla. Ålderssammansättningen av de som drabbas har skiftat under de senaste 20 åren och nu är det ungefär lika vanligt i alla åldrar. Dessutom är den vanligaste olycksorsaken inte
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in Swedish primary care; Etiology, resistance and treatment
Background: Uncomplicated urinary tract infection (uUTI) is common and a majority of patients are prescribed antibiotics. There is little knowledge about antibiotic resistance in urine samples from patients with uUTI in primary health care (PHC). The aim was to describe antibiotic treatment, bacterial findings, the prevalence of resistant E.coli and factors associated with antibiotic resistance. T
Are Food Advertisements Promoting More Unhealthy Foods and Beverages over Time? Evidence from Three Swedish Food Magazines, 1995–2014
Unhealthy food in advertising has been suggested as a mediator for the increase in diet-related illness. This study quantitatively investigates changes in food advertising between 1995 and 2014 in terms of food categories promoted, macronutrient content, and percentage of foods classified as heathy or unhealthy from a sample of 7,199 ads from three Swedish food magazines. With the exception of inc
Home cooking trends and dietary illness : Nutritional compliance of recipes in a Swedish food magazine 1970–2010
Aims: To investigate the trends in nutritional compliance of recipes from a Swedish food magazine to offer a perspective on the effects of home cooking on public health. Methods: The nutritional content of 654 recipes from magazine issues published in 1970, 1980, 2000, and 2010 were collected. The recipes were analyzed for macronutrient energy contribution, sodium content, and composition. Results
Thrombophilia testing in mesenteric venous thrombosis, when to screen
Coordination of legislative speech in times of crisis : Youth unemployment and debates on redistributive policies in the Swedish Riksdag, 1994–2014
Parliamentary debates and the discussion on different law proposals are a key part of the process of policy making. We argue in this article that a high economic problem pressure in the region an MP represents will affect the MP’s legislative speechmaking. We also hypothesise that parties tend to coordinate their speakers in parliament to display a cohesive profile in the domain of labour, employm
Carbon cycle data assimilation with a generic phenology model
Photosynthesis by terrestrial plants is the main driver of the global carbon cycle, and the presence of actively photosynthesizing vegetation can now be observed from space. However, challenges remain when translating remotely sensed data into carbon fluxes. One reason is that the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR), which documents the presence of photosynthetically a
Social monitoring via close calls in meerkats
Social monitoring of the actions of group members is thought to be a key development associated with group living. Humans constantly monitor the behaviour of others and respond to them in a flexible way depending on past interactions and the current social context. While other primates have also been reported to change their behaviour towards other group members flexibly based on the current state
Kan etnisk rensning någonsin försvaras?
Durational properties of word-initial consonants – an acoustic and articulatory study of intra-syllabic relations in a pitch-accent language
A high precision logarithmic-curvature compensated all CMOS voltage reference
This paper presents a resistor-less high-precision, sub-1 V all-CMOS voltage reference. A curvature-compensation method is used to cancel the logarithmic temperature dependence regardless of mobility temperature exponent (γ). The circuit is simulated in 65 nm CMOS technology and yields an output voltage of 594 mV, temperature coefficient of 7ppm∘C in the range of −40 to 125 °C, a power supply reje
Skatteflyktslagen och HFD x 2 - 3:12 respektive koncernbidragsreglerna
Efter drygt två år sedan förra gången har Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen nu avgjort två mål om lagen mot skatteflykt. I inget av målen ansågs skatteflyktsklausulen tillämplig. I artikeln refereras och kommenteras målen samt ställs frågan om domskälen tillför något av värde när det gäller möjligheten att utläsa generella riktlinjer för när lagen mot skatteflykt kan bli tillämplig.
Incidence of referred carpal tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel release surgery in the general population : Increase over time and regional variations
Purpose: To investigate the change in incidence of referred carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and carpal tunnel release (CTR) surgery over time and regional variations. Methods: From the nationwide patient registry, we identified all adult individuals who had received first-time CTS diagnosis (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision code G560) at secondary or tertiary level and first-ti
Significance and translational value of high-frequency cortico-basal ganglia oscillations in Parkinson's disease
The mechanisms and significance of basal ganglia oscillations is a fundamental research question engaging both clinical and basic investigators. In Parkinson's disease (PD), neural activity in basal ganglia nuclei is characterized by oscillatory patterns that are believed to disrupt the dynamic processing of movement-related information and thus generate motor symptoms. Beta-band oscillations asso
PRME Report 2018: Lund University School of Economics and Management : UN PRME: Sharing information on progress: Ethics, responsibility and sustainability
Phenology of the avian spring migratory passage in Europe and North America : Asymmetric advancement in time and increase in duration
Climate change has been shown to shift the seasonal timing (i.e. phenology) and distribution of species. The phenological effects of climate change on living organisms have often been tested using first occurrence dates, which may be uninformative and biased. More rarely investigated is how different phases of a phenological sequence (e.g. beginning, central tendency and end) or its duration have
Association of recurrent venous thromboembolism and circulating microRNAs
Background: Patients with unprovoked first venous thromboembolism (VTE) are at a high risk of recurrence. Although circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) have been found to be associated with VTE and are markers of hypercoagulability, this study is the first to examine whether circulating miRNAs are associated with the risk of VTE recurrence. Results: A nested case-control study design was used where plas