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Gunnar Broberg in memoriam
Gunnar Broberg, professor emeritus i idé- och lärdomshistoria vid Lunds universitet, gick ur tiden lördagen den 30 april 2022 i en ålder av 79 år.
A molecular dynamics study on the influence of vacancies and interstitial helium on mechanical properties of tungsten
Tungsten is a prime candidate material for use in plasma facing components in nuclear fusion reactors. This would entail weathering extreme conditions, such as high thermal loads and particle bombardment. It is of vital importance to understand how tungsten mechanically responds to these conditions, and how it is impacted by the defects that form. The current communication considers how the mechan
Demographic and disease related characteristics at the acute onset of childhood type 1 diabetes in relation to incidence
Co-benefits and global use of the EAT-Lancet index
Cambodia in 2022 : An Era Nears its End, A New One Dawns
Cambodia in 2022 was at the crossroads of the past and the future. Preparations were under way for the imminent power handover to a new generation of Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) leaders, most of whom are scions of the incumbent government. The era of the military fighter generation of CPP leaders led by Prime Minister Hun Sen was drawing to an end, which necessitated the reflection on and the c
Globalization, recruitments, and job mobility
Previous research indicates that firms pay a premium to poach workers from exporting firms if experience working for an internationally engaged firm reduces trade costs. Because international experience is less valuable to non-exporters, we would expect to see differences in recruitments between firms that are internationally engaged and those that serve only the domestic market. Moreover, increas
Living Dangerously : Archaeological Insights Into Jomon Engagement With Volcanic Geohazards In Prehistoric Japan
Remissyttrande: Statens jordbruksverks rapport Uppdraget att föreslå vilka bestämmelser på djurskyddsområdet som bör omfattas av ett nytt sanktionssystem samt Näringsdepartementets promemoria Skyldighet att lämna uppgifter till Transportstyrelsen om sanktionsavgifter som avser överträdelser av djurtransportförordningen
Factors Associated with Adherence To a Supervised Exercise Intervention for Osteoarthritis : Data From the Swedish Osteoarthritis Registry
OBJECTIVE: To explore how lifestyle and demographic, socioeconomic and disease-related factors are associated with supervised exercise adherence in an osteoarthritis (OA) management programme and their ability to explain exercise adherence.METHODS: A cohort register-based study on participants from the 'Swedish Osteoarthritis Registry' who attended the exercise part of a nationwide Swedish OA mana
Suicide by the use of firearms in Sweden 2001 to 2013: Demographics, Depression and Firearms Licenses
Influenza vaccine effectiveness in patients hospitalized with severe acute respiratory infection in Lithuania during the 2019-2020 influenza season : a test negative case - control study
BACKGROUND: Influenza is a contagious viral airborne disease that adds to the clinical and economic burden on the healthcare system. It could be prevented substantially by seasonal influenza vaccination. Seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness (SIVE) varies a lot and should therefore be monitored. This report aims to update age-stratified SIVE estimates among patients hospitalized due to severe a
Cancer, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality in Iraqi- and Swedish-born individuals in Sweden : the MEDIM cohort study
Immigrants from the Middle East to Sweden have a twice as high prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity as native-born Swedes. Both obesity and T2D have been linked to increased incidence of cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and all-cause mortality (ACM); however, data on differences between ethnicities are scarce. In a population-based cohort we aimed to study the impact of Middle Easte
Remissyttrande: Promemorian Nya bestämmelser för att avgöra brottmål i den tilltalades utevaro
Are population level familial risks and germline genetics meeting each other?
Large amounts of germline sequencing data have recently become available and we sought to compare these results with population-based family history data. Family studies are able to describe aggregation of any defined cancers in families. The Swedish Family-Cancer Database is the largest of its kind in the world, covering the Swedish families through nearly a century with all cancers in family mem
Dendrokronologisk analys. S:t Clemens kyrkoruin, Visby, Gotland
Dendrokronologisk analys. Prover från hus i Slästorp, Åsbo socken, Östergötland
Dendrokronologisk analys. Rustbädd under en kraftig grundmur, Norrköping, Östergötland
Socialtjänst i förändring - En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarnas upplevelse om omorganisationen i Malmö Stad utifrån förberedelse, kommunikation och involvering.
In the fall of 2022, Sweden's most significant social service that is located in Malmö City went through a major organizational change. The goal of the reorganization was that it would be easier to manage the daily operations, collaborate internally, and primarily handle cases equally when the respective departments were located in the same buildings. The aim of this study is to gain the persp
Vaporlike phase of amorphous Si O2 is not a prerequisite for the core/shell ion tracks or ion shaping
When a swift heavy ion (SHI) penetrates amorphous SiO2, a core/shell (C/S) ion track is formed, which consists of a lower-density core and a higher-density shell. According to the conventional inelastic thermal spike (iTS) model represented by a pair of coupled heat equations, the C/S tracks are believed to form via "vaporization" and melting of the SiO2 induced by SHI (V-M model). However, the mo