

Din sökning på "*" gav 533264 sökträffar

Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Activity: The Case of Georgia

Baumol in his seminal paper “Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive” offers the hypothesis that while total supply of entrepreneurs varies among societies, their productive contribution varies much more because of institutions in those countries. According to him, the rules of the game are responsible to divert entrepreneurial capabilities to productive, unproductive or destruc

Active Knäred - Tourism as a driving force for urban growth

Detta projekt utreder hur en by kan utvecklas genom att ha turism som drivkraft. Knäred är en ort med cirka 1200 invånare och har haft en stagnerande befolkningskurva de senaste 20 åren. Det är besultat att den tåget återigen ska gå mellan Markaryd och Halmstad för persontrafik med up- pehåll i Knäred. Men genom att anlägga en järnvägsstatoion innebär inte per automatik att ett samhälle växer. FörThis project is investigating how a village can be developed by using tourism as the main driving force. Knäred is a villa- ge with around 1200 inhabitants that has had a decreasing population the past 20 years. It has been decided that the old train stop will be opened for passenger transportation again. But reestablishing a train station does not automa- tically mean that a settlement will grow.

Effects of frequency-dependence in maintaining diversity in coexisting ecologically similar species

Niche theory predicts that cooccurring species must differ in their use of environments in order to coexist, thereby diversity can be maintained in a community. However, ecologically similar species do frequently occur in nature, hence species inhabit similar physical environs and share single underling resources. In coexisting species with a similar niche, ecological drift is thought to eventuall

Financial and process optimization through statistical identification of batch specific variability

7 miljoner människor dör varje år på grund av cigarrettrökning. Idag finns det flera olika produkter på marknaden som kan hjälpa personer att sluta denna dåliga vana. Den första var Nicorette® tuggummin. När McNeil AB producerar Nicorette® tuggummin, följer McNeil de strikta kraven på kvalité som de regulatoriska myndigheterna kräver. Dessa krav tvingar McNeil att slänga tonvis av tuggummin varje McNeil AB produces pharmaceutical chewing gums that contains nicotine. Since this smoking cessation product is a pharmaceutical, the regulatory agencies demand that any gums outside pre-set specifications are discarded. Some batches have more discarded material than others, due to the variability in the manufacturing process. By analysing this variability, the personnel could make choices that low

Natural sugar as an MRI contrast agent for brain cancer detection using chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging at 3T

Hjärntumörer utgör cirka 2,5% av alla cancerdiagnoser i Sverige (2013) och femårsöverlevnaden är cirka 50%. Hjärntumörer diagnostiseras med bildtagningstekniker såsom datortomografi (CT), positronemissionstomografi (PET) och magnetkamera (MR). En MR-bild byggs upp av signaler från protoner i vatten, som är en av människokroppens vanligaste beståndsdelar. För att möjliggöra diagnostisering och klasBackground and Purpose: Dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) imaging is a novel technique that can be used to assess information about microvasculature by using natural sugar (D-glucose) as a biodegradable contrast agent. The method relies on chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST). The hydroxyl protons in glucose are saturated using a selective radio-frequent pulse and will subsequently exchange w

Investigation of how the conservons may be affecting the polar growth in Streptomyces venezuelae

The dirt underneath your shoes might save your life In the soil the bacterium Streptomyces venezuelae can be found. It scavenges for nutrients just like filamentous fungi do, by building a large network of hyphae also known as mycelium. At the tips of the hyphae, S.venezuelae grow their cell wall in a polarized fashion. They grow their wall by using a protein complex called the polarisome, almos

An Extreme Value Approach To Pricing Credit Risk

An Extreme Value Approach To Pricing Credit Risk will outline the possibility to investigate a company’s price of risk over different time periods given a pre-defined risk level. With help of credit default swap (CDS) prices and extreme value theory the credit risk can be estimated for different return levels. This is incorporated by investigating monthly CDS data from Deutsche Bank AG EUR CDS 5Y

Vaknat på fel sida? En studie av sambandet mellan sömn och emotionsreglering

Sömn är en livsnödvändig biologisk process och forskning har länge undersökt dess betydelse för både vår fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Det finns indikationer på att sömnproblem har en särskild koppling till affektiva syndrom såsom depression, men samtidigt har förhållandevis lite forskning undersökt sambandet mellan sömn och emotion. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka förhållandet mellan sömn o

Sexual Sociality between Lebanese and Syrian men: A Study of the Representations of Syrian Men in the Non-heterosexual Lebanese Context.

This thesis explores the multiple representations of Syrian men in the non-heterosexual Lebanese context. Through qualitative research methods, eleven Lebanese men who have sex with men are interviewed about their sexual sociality with Syrian men. In terms of eroticization, this thesis exposes that Western and negotiated forms of orientalism overlap and produce multiple and even contradictory form

Förskolebarns kunskaper om brand och utrymning

Young children have been identified as particularly exposed to fires. This study aims at investigating pre-school children's level of knowledge about fire and evacuation and if the level of knowledge increases after an education. The aim has also been to present guidelines of how educational materials for children of that age should be designed. The work has been conducted by interviews with p

A case study of the possibility, consequences and synergies for Södra Cell Mörrum to invest in a steam turbine

Med ett ökat överskott av 3-bars ånga, som i dagsläget släpps ut i luften, har detta examensarbetet syftat till att undersöka möjligheterna, konsekvenserna och synergierna som uppstår ifall pappersbruket Södra Cell i Mörrum, SCM, investerar i en kondensturbin. Hösten 2017 investerade SCM i en ny indunstning vilket resulterade i ett ökat överskott av 3-bars ånga. Överskottet motiverade detta arbetThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether Södra Cell Mörrum, SCM, could invest in a steam turbine to produce profitable electricity from excess steam, which is currently being released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, this study investigated the potential side effects from this installation and suggests solutions. This study was conducted in two phases: collecting data which was then s


This project focuses on understanding creativity and its surroundings, along with the effects it can have on the mind. The goal was to inspire individuals to grow both physically & mentally throughout their creative processes. Research has been done through books, videos, articles, Internet and discussions. As well as an interview at a company about their creative workplace. Other research was

The Right to Urban life

Contemporary urban movements in Sweden emerge and are primary active in so-called million program neighborhoods. Many of these neighborhoods are some of the most deprived and socially vulnerable areas in Sweden. Million program neighborhoods have been objects for external descriptions ever since they were built. Depicted, on the one hand as “the heart" of diversity in Swedish society, and on

Temporary Restrictions on Travel: How the United Kingdom deals with foreign fighters and how it affects the individual's Human Rights

I februari 2015 antog det Brittiska parlamentet the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, i syfte att fylla ut luckor i den tidigare kontra-terror lagstiftningen. De temporära reseförbud som därmed infördes riktas mot det tilltagande problemet med så kallade foreign fighters och består av två delar. Befogenheten att beslagta och kvarhålla pass och andra resedokument ger en gränskontrollerande tIn February 2015 the British Parliament adopted the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 for the purpose of filling gaps in the previous counterterrorism legislations. The temporary restriction on travel measures thus introduced, target the increasing problem with so-called foreign fighters and consist of two elements. The power to seize and retain passports and/or travel documents entrusts a p

An Old Model in a New Time - The growing of the precariat and the decline of the Swedish model. A critical analysis of Lex Laval

I sin teori om prekariatet ger Guy Standing sin syn på den rådande arbetsmarknaden där fler och fler människor lever under osäkra arbetsförhållanden. Enligt honom är det konsekvenserna av en politik som har sett rörlighet på marknaden som svaret på ekonomiska problem. Vid problem har politikerna försvagat de kollektiva organisationerna och försämrat anställningstrygghet med mera för arbetstagarna.In his theory of the precariat Guy Standing gives his view on the current labour market where more and more people has precarious working situations. According to him it is the consequence of a policy that has seen movability on the labour market as the answer to economical problems. At troubled times the politicians have weakened the unions and worsened the employment securities for the workers.

Kartläggning av garantiarbeten - En fallstudie på ett svenskt byggföretag

Syftet med studien är att kartlägga garantiarbeten samt utreda möjliga orsaker till dess uppkomst. Studien ska även visa på vilka lämpliga förbättringsarbeten som kan implementeras för att förebygga uppkomsten av garantiarbeten. Vidare syftar studien dessutom till att belysa garantikostnadernas storlek.

Developing Issues on Withholding Tax on Outgoing Dividends in the European Union

The European Court of Justice has repeatedly held that it is contrary to EU-law to charge withholding tax on cross-border dividend payments when comparable, domestic transactions are not taxed at the corresponding burden. Therefore, the question of withholding taxes compatibility with EU-law has been the topic of extensive legal literature over many years. However it seems that this is a non-stopp

Investigating the non-compliant purchasing behavior at Company X - A case study

The purpose of this study was to identify the reasons behind the employees noncompliant purchasing behavior at Company X. Another aim was to find the solutions to the reasons behind the non-compliant purchasing behavior to change that behavior. This study was carried out by following an abductive approach, where a qualitative case study research was conducted. The chosen case study method was a mu

Controller Design for Multistorey Buildings via Convex Optimisation

Earthquakes, wind and traffic may cause unwanted vibrations in buildings. Vibration control devices are often installed between floors to suppress such disturbances. In the context of buildings, controllers are commonly designed using methods which are subject to a number of limitations: we cannot discuss optimal performance or conclude that no controller exists which satisfies a given set of desi

A Network Camera with a Nose

En nätverkskamera med en näsa Dagens nätverkskameror innehåller i många fall redan idag flera sensorer utöver bildsensorer. De kan ta upp ljud och känna vibrationer bland annat. Utöver detta, kan en gassensor också vara ett komplement? Lågkostnadssensorer för gasmätning är något som börjar att sticka upp på marknaden och öppnar upp för många applikationer. De lägre priserna möjliggör även att de kSome network cameras have already several other sensors besides the image sensor to extend the capabilities of the camera. It is then only natural to think what can be achieved when air sensors are added into the mix. In this master thesis the applications of air sensors coupled together with network cameras have been investigated. Considering the network infrastructure is already in place, having