

Din sökning på "*" gav 533077 sökträffar

Samtal eller konflikt? En studie av den deliberativa kvaliteten i svenska riksdagsdebatter

Deliberative democracy has during the last decades soared to the forefront of democratic theory research. It is presented as a solution to many of the deficiencies that the world's democracies currently are experiencing. However, up until recently the research about democracy in Sweden has focused on ways to include the citizens in the democratic process and not about the state of the current

Citizenship and Environmental Sustainability - A Survey Study on Swedish Lund University Students

Throughout the pursuit of environmental sustainability, the attention placed on governments’ responsibility to reduce environmental degradation has progressively decreased and rather, began focusing on the attitudes and behaviours of individuals. Overtime, this increasing attention placed on the individual highlighted the central role which citizens have in creating and pushing for a sustainable s

Why rock the boat? - A qualitative case study concerning three municipalities’ reasons for large-scale organisational change

There is an ongoing debate within Swedish public administration regarding whether municipalities can handle contemporary issues that require some amount of coordination as well as whether they are straying from democratic principles. It is argued that the origin of this debate lies in the sectorisation of the Swedish welfare system, where the traditional model has been deemed unfit. There is conce

Konstruktion och instrumentering av försöksuppställning för kemitekniska studier

I det här arbetet har en försöksuppställning tagits fram och instrumenterats. Försöksuppställningen består av en tankserie med tre tankar monterade i kaskad, en pump, en plattvärmeväxlare, ventiler och rör samt instrumentering och elektronik och en dator för reglering. Uppställningen är designad så att den ska vara flexibel och möjliggöra ett flertal olika laborationer och försök. Målet med uppstä

Resonance Raman Scattering on Wurtzite Gallium Arsenide Nanowires

Advances in crystal growth allow for precise control of crystal phase in semiconductor nanowires. The arising novel materials, like wurtzite gallium arsenide (wz-GaAs), are promising options for new and improved, mainly optoelectronic devices. To do this, however, intensive investigation into their electroninc band structure is needed. This can for example be achieved by optical spectroscopy like

Distributing a Neural Network on Axis Cameras

Datorseende blir allt bättre, men med dess precision tillkommer en beräkningskostnad. Detta arbete undersöker hur man kan använda svagare men fler datorer, exempelvis kameror, för att implementera dagens kraftfulla algoritmer.This document describes the methods and results of our Master’s Thesis, car- ried out at Axis Communications AB. A central problem with deep neural networks is that they contain a large num- ber of parameters and heavy computations. To cope with this, our idea was to split the network into chunks large enough that they require their own core, yet small enough to not violate our memory constraints.

Structure and function of a bacterial redox sensor.

Gram-positive bacteria e.g. Streptomyces coelicolor [8], Bacillus subtilis [43] and Staphylococcus aureus [40] contain a novel sensor for the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) redox balance that functions as a transcriptional repressor called Rex (redox). Rex plays a key role in regulating genes in energy metabolism. It also modulates transcription of important genes for cellular redox homeo

Återinventering av Ivösjöns bottenfauna

En inventering av Ivösjöns bottenfauna (makroevertebrater) genomfördes våren 2016 på tio lokaler runt omkring Ivösjön i nordöstra Skåne. Inventeringen fungerade dessutom som en uppföljning till en liknande inventering år 2008. Sjöar och vattendrags bottenfauna är viktig av många anledningar; makroinvertebraterna fungerar som nedbrytare av dött växtmaterial och som bytesdjur åt rovdjur som fisk och

Program för främjande och bevarande av biologisk mångfald i kilen, Ronneby kommun

Med en urban expansion världen över krävs det idag att biologisk mångfald räknas med vid utveckling av städer och omkringliggande ytor. I Ronneby kommun skall området Kilen omvandlas från att ha varit ett gammalt industriområde till att bli en ny stadsdel med bostäder, arbets- och handelsmöjligheter samt grönytor som kan fungera för rekreation och gynnande av biologisk mångfald. För utvecklingen a

Reconstructing heads of insect pollinators with micro CT-3D

Bees are mostly diurnal insects and rely on their vision to perform daily tasks. Their apposition compound eyes play a big part in regulating vision. To improve our knowledge of how vision functions, we will observe these apposition compound eyes using micro CT. The aim of this report was to compare two different methods of preparing and scanning the bees. The first method uses resin to embed the

The Impact of Polystyrene Microplastics on Filtration Rate in the Marine Copepod Acartia tonsa

Microplastic particles are of increasing environmental concern around the globe and recent studies have shown that these particles are present in the entire water column, thus affecting a range of zooplankton including copepods that have a vital role in the marine food web. This study investigated whether microplastic beads have an effect in the filtration rate in the copepod Acartia tonsa, which

Search for new phenomena in low-mass dijet using trigger-level analysis

The recent upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) benefits searches for new physics phenomena using multijet final states. The increased center-of-mass energy opens new possibilities to probe new physics at scales beyond the Tera-electron volt (TeV), especially in di-jet final states. However, in the sub-TeV mass region, the QCD background to dijet searches is overwhelming and not all events c

Structural Effects on Degradation and Photophysical Behaviour of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskites

Perovskites have proven to have very promising properties applicable in future higher efficient technological devices such as light emitters and solar cells. In further development of perovskite solar cell devices there are however serious material drawbacks such as instability and toxicity, causing the perovskite research community to question if and how these obstacles can be overcome. In this


This paper seeks to investigate if factors extracted from macroeconomic and financial variables can improve the forecast accuracy of the bull and bear market in the S&P500 stock index. The study extended the models constructed by Nyberg(2012) and Chen (2009) by augmenting their model with factors. Very little, if any research has been done in modelling the bull and bear using this approach. Af

Sveriges framtida befolkningsstrukturer

The most central for the population to grow is the fertility rate. When the birth rate is not the most central for an individual the conditions change the population growth. The fertility rate in Sweden is around 1,88 children per woman, although there has been a drastic increase in the population. This increase, which is a combination of the domestic birth rate and an external increase, has given

Motiverar Miljön?

Syfte: att ta reda på om anställdas motivation påverkas om företaget har implementerat ett hållbart förhållningssätt som ska påverka miljön positivt. Forskningsfråga: Hur påverkas anställdas arbetsmotivation av att företaget har implementerat hållbarhet i verksamheten? Metod: kvalitativ, abduktiv Teoretiska perspektiv: agentteori, motivationsfaktorer, motivations påverkan på lönsamhet EmpirPurpose: To examine whether the motivation among employees is affected when the company implement sustainability. Research question: To what extent is the work motivation among employees affected by the company’s initiative to implement sustainability in the business. Methodology: Quantitative, abductive Theoretical perspectives: Agent theory, motivational factor, motivation as an influence

"Mine lands blodh till tienst". En undersökning av Andreas Servius' bönbok "Någre Christilige och Catholische böner" av år 1593, med särskild hänsyn till dess förlagor, innehåll och funktion

The main purpose of this thesis is to present and analyse the Swedish sixteenth-century Catholic priest Andreas Servius’ prayer book Någre Christilige och Catholische böner printed in the Silesian city of Neisse year 1593. The general questions of the study are: which where the main sources of the prayers found in this prayer book? What characteristics typical for the period’s piety can be found i