Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar
Gender equality and diversity
Antenna selection in measured massive MIMO channels using convex optimization
Injectable Calcium Phosphate Bone Substitute In Distal Radial Fractures
Fractures of the distal end of the radius are common and occur in many different forms. The long-term results after conservative treatment of fracture of the distal end of the radius in younger adults with special reference to degenerative changes and function are investigated in 76 patients (Paper I). After 30 years, 81% of the patients made no difference between the fractured and the non- fractu
Exporting Integrity: Anti-corruption Programs in the Balkans
Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, 30 March 2006, Panel on Timing and Spacing Development, Exporting Integrity: Anti-corruption Programs in the Balkans Steven Sampson Dept of Social Anthropology Lund University, Sweden Contact: steven.sampson@soc.Lu.se Anti-corruption is high on the list of development priorities, and a high level of corruption can actually prevent a government fro
A traffic safety program for a Swedish town
Förnyelsens livsformer: Reflektioner kring försöks- utvecklings - och forskningsprojekt inom folkbildning och vuxenundervisning i Norden.
God svenska! Attityder till språkliga attityder bland gymnasister och deras lärare
Tuning of the Continuous-Time Kalman Filter from Sampled Data
Entrepreneurship Education Initiatives: Does Active Learning really Make a Difference
Affinity-based protein chips: Diagnostic applications in oncology
No title
Naturgasbaserad infravärme jämförd med naturgasbaserad vattenburen värme i växthus. Rotning av sticklingar och produktion av färdigvara
Abstract not available
Adaptive Control of Linear Systems with Poles in the Closed LHP with Constrained Inputs
The paper proposes an indirect adaptive control strategy fo possible non minimum phase systems having poles in the closed LHP. The adaptive control is based on a control law for systems with amplitude constrained inputs.
Att välja tvånget frivilligt. Idrott som struktur och meningsskapare i unga människors liv.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Datorsimuleringar, konsten att modellera verkliga eller tänkta händelser med hjälp av en dator och ett lämpligt simuleringsprogram, har blivit ett dominerande verktyg inom tekniska och naturvetenskapliga områden, likväl inom akademiska och industriella tillämpningar. Trots att experimentella studier har ett vedertaget erkännande inom diverse forskningsstudier har den snThis thesis concerns the study of Fluid-Structure interaction phenomena among deforming and (non-deforming) vibrating objects under unsteady fluid fl ow exposures. This multi-physical phenomenon is widely encountered in real-life situations and therefore it is of significant importance to understand the underlying physics. The trend is that both industrial and research facilities aim for developi