

Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar

Seminarieserien Människan som forskningsobjekt – vem var värdig och vem var undermålig?

16 oktober 2024 18:30 till 19:45 | Seminarium En del forskningsprojekt som var okontroversiella i historiens kontext är idag helt otänkbara. Även på Lunds universitet har det bedrivits forskning som speglade en samtid som idag verkar oupplyst och med en människosyn som inte präglades av alla människors lika värde och rättigheter. I universitetets samlingar och arkiv finns spår av forskning som ida

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/seminarieserien-manniskan-som-forskningsobjekt-vem-var-vardig-och-vem-var-undermalig - 2025-03-20

Book Launch: Urban Creativity – Essays on interventions in public space

26 september 2024 18:00 | Övrigt Public space is fundamental to democracy. It is a common arena that we all have the right to use. In Urban Creativity, nine European researchers from different disciplines describe how subcultures utilize public space. Welcome to the book launch at Skissernas Museum! The essays are about graffiti and street art, the Occupy movement, the umbrella protests in Hong Ko

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/book-launch-urban-creativity-essays-interventions-public-space - 2025-03-20

Brown Bag Lunches: Serieskapare och konstnär Magda Lundberg

1 oktober 2024 12:15 till 12:45 | Övrigt Foto: Emelie Victoria Isaksen Kanske har du sett hennes serie Fåglar med träffsäkra vardagsskildringar i Sydsvenskan eller DN? Höstens första Brown Bag Lunches gästas av serieskapare Magda Lundberg! Välkommen till Brown Bag Lunches, samtalsserien där vi fördjupar oss i det som är Skissernas Museums kärna – den kreativa processen! Tillsammans med spännande o

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/brown-bag-lunches-serieskapare-och-konstnar-magda-lundberg - 2025-03-20

Brown Bag Lunches: Kläddesigner Linnéa Samia Khalil

5 november 2024 12:15 till 12:45 | Övrigt Hennes klädmärke Pampas har fått stor uppmärksamhet både nationellt och internationellt, särskilt efter att ha skapat eurovisionvinnaren Nemos scenklädsel. Hör hur den kreativa processen bakom kläderna ser ut när Linnéa Samia Khalil gästar Skissernas Museum. Välkommen till Brown Bag Lunches, samtalsserien där vi fördjupar oss i det som är museets kärna – d

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/brown-bag-lunches-kladdesigner-linnea-samia-khalil - 2025-03-20

Brown Bag Lunches: Konstnär Gunilla Klingberg

3 december 2024 12:15 till 12:45 | Övrigt Gunilla Klingberg vid Sergelpaviljongen. Foto: Sanna Lindberg Just nu visas Gunilla Klingbergs utställning VRIDAVÄNDAVIRVLAVÄVA på Skissernas Museum. Välkommen till ett lunchsamtal där du får veta mer om hennes konstnärskap och hur hennes process ser ut från idé till storskaligt konstverk. Välkommen till Brown Bag Lunches, samtalsserien där vi fördjupar os

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/brown-bag-lunches-konstnar-gunilla-klingberg - 2025-03-20

ReproducibiliTea Journal Club - How is AI impacting scientific integrity?

16 oktober 2024 17:00 till 18:00 | Övrigt The ReproducibiliTea journal club How is artificial intelligence (AI) impacting scientific integrity? At this ReproducibiliTea journal club meeting, we will discuss the paper Publication Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (Kocak et. al.). Join us for a vibrant discussion on the effects of AI on scientific integrity!The ReproducibiliTea journal cl

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/reproducibilitea-journal-club-how-ai-impacting-scientific-integrity - 2025-03-20

Insect societies – a simple but complex life together

16 oktober 2024 10:00 till 11:00 | Föreläsning Björn Klatt ger docentföreläsning Insects have developed remarkable ways of living together, so called insect societies, with a range of different forms and levels of complexity. Eusocial insect societies are characterized by multi-generational communities, simple on the individual level but complex on the organizational level with advanced communicat

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/insect-societies-simple-complex-life-together - 2025-03-20

AI Lund lunch seminar: AI narratives in international environmental politics

16 oktober 2024 12:00 till 13:15 | Seminarium Topic: AI narratives in international environmental politicsWhen: 16 October at 12.00-13.15Where: OnlineSpeakers: Yi hyun Kang Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Science at Lund UniversityModerator: Bibi Imre-Millei Doctoral student, Department of Political Science, Lund UniversitySpoken language: EnglishAbstractArtificial intelligence (AI) is widely

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/ai-lund-lunch-seminar-ai-narratives-international-environmental-politics - 2025-03-20

Human Rights Lunch Online: Human rights of older persons in long-term care

25 oktober 2024 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to Human Rights Lunch Online where you can get new insights from the field of human rights research while enjoying your lunch! The two LU profile areas Human Rights and Proactive Ageing will team up together with The Swedish Institute for Human Rights. Brittis Edman, project leader, will present the latest report of The Swedish Institute for Hu

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online-human-rights-older-persons-long-term-care - 2025-03-20

Master Class with Emeritus Professor Martti Koskenniemi

30 oktober 2024 10:00 till 16:30 | Workshop For doctoral students in the fields of human rights, international law, the sociology and anthropology of law, the history of international law, international relations and political science. Martti Koskenniemi, one of the world’s leading theorists and historians of international law, will hold a master class for doctoral students working within Lund Uni

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/master-class-emeritus-professor-martti-koskenniemi - 2025-03-20

Film maker Leslie Thornton movie screening at Panora cinema

13 oktober 2024 14:30 till 17:00 | Övrigt Photo: Still from the movie Peggy and Fred in Hell. By Leslie Thornton. On October 13th, Malmö Art Academy is pleased to present filmmaker Leslie Thornton with a screening of her film Peggy and Fred in Hell (1981-2013) at Panora cinema in Malmö.   Leslie Thornton will present the film Peggy and Fred in Hell (1981-2013) at the screening October 13th followe

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/film-maker-leslie-thornton-movie-screening-panora-cinema - 2025-03-20

Edstrandska stipendieutställningen 2024

24 oktober 2024 17:00 till 23 november 2024 16:00 | Utställning Edstrandska stiftelsen delar ut tre av Sveriges största konststipendier samt fyra stipendier till nyexaminerade masterstudenter. I samarbete med Konsthögskolan i Malmö visar stipendiaterna sina verk i en grupputställning som öppnar den 24 oktober. Edstrandska stipendiestiftelsen har i år tilldelat ett stipendium om 500 000 kr vardera

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/edstrandska-stipendieutstallningen-2024 - 2025-03-20

The Sociology of Law Department's Lunch Seminar: Complexity, uncertainty and rigidity in the transformation of advice work in the United Kingdom

23 oktober 2024 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium The Sociology of Law Department arranges a research seminar series inviting local and international social scientists to present state-of-the-art research within various areas of law and society. This paper explores some of the uncertainties and rigidities encroaching on the professional activity of providing legal advice to more marginalised citizens

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/sociology-law-departments-lunch-seminar-complexity-uncertainty-and-rigidity-transformation-advice - 2025-03-20

(CANCELLED) The Sociology of Law Department's Lunch Seminar: Max Travers on Teaching Sociology of Law

30 september 2024 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium The Sociology of Law Department arranges a research seminar series inviting local and international social scientists to present state-of-the-art research within various areas of law and society.  Unfortunately, the lunch seminar is cancelled. Teaching Sociology of LawThis presentation identifies two views or tendencies in sociology of law. The first

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/cancelled-sociology-law-departments-lunch-seminar-max-travers-teaching-sociology-law - 2025-03-20

Decolonial Sociology of Law Seminar Series: "The making of a pariah class: activist lawyers’ experiences of post-imperial chauvinism"

6 november 2024 14:00 till 16:00 | Seminarium Bringing together perspectives from scholars at varying career stages, this research seminar series offers a platform for critical discussion and debate on a range of issues germane to decolonising sociology of law, including the role of researchers, positionality, and knowledge production, re-evaluating and reimagining foundational scholarship in the

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/decolonial-sociology-law-seminar-series-making-pariah-class-activist-lawyers-experiences-post - 2025-03-20

Concert & mingel at IAC following the film screening ‘Zonen’ by Nina Jeppsson and Kent Olofsson

11 oktober 2024 22:00 | Konsert, Övrigt ”Zonen” is a film by director, actor, and artist Nina Jeppsson, created in collaboration with composer Kent Olofsson. The film will be screened at Panora 11 October at 20:00, the concert & mingel starts at 22:00 at IAC. Come, have a drink, listen, and talk to the artists about the film between songs. Entrance to the concert and mingle at IAC is included in t

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/concert-mingel-iac-following-film-screening-zonen-nina-jeppsson-and-kent-olofsson - 2025-03-20

AI in Mathematics - Exploring Current Problem Solving Capabilities of State of the Art Systems

24 oktober 2024 14:15 till 15:15 | Föreläsning Alexandros Sopasakis, an associate professor of mathematics at Lund University, will give a talk on the current capabilities of AI as a tool to address mathematical problems in both academic and professional settings. Edit: Note the room change. Abstract: Artificial Intelligence has made significant strides in mathematical problem-solving, evolving fr

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/ai-mathematics-exploring-current-problem-solving-capabilities-state-art-systems - 2025-03-20

A Mathematician's Expedition into Education Research

16 oktober 2024 14:15 till 15:15 | Föreläsning Jan-Fredrik Olsen, an associate professor of mathematics at Lund University, will give a talk based on his journey into the field of mathematics education research. Abstract: Transitioning from research in pure mathematics to mathematics education research has been more challenging than I initially expected. Indeed, the very concept of what it means t

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/mathematicians-expedition-education-research - 2025-03-20

Sfinxerna landar den 2 oktober!

2 oktober 2024 10:30 | Övrigt Äntligen kommer sfinxerna tillbaka! Efter tre års arbete lyfts de nygjutna sfinxerna tillbaka till Universitetshusets tak.Den första lyfts på plats den 2 oktober med preliminär starttid ca. kl. 11.Totalt är det fyra sfinxer som ska lyftas och arbetet beräknas pågå i en dryg vecka.Varmt välkommen!Läs SFV:s pressmeddelande  Om evenemangetPlats:Universitetshuset, Paradis

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/sfinxerna-landar-den-2-oktober - 2025-03-20

Boksläpp: Specialdidaktik för innehållsinkluderande undervisning

8 oktober 2024 14:00 till 16:00 | Övrigt Tisdagen den 8 oktober kl. 14.00–16.00 är det äntligen dags för boksläpp av Specialdidaktik för innehållsinkluderande undervisning, på Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap. Boken presenteras i stort och författarna gör nedslag i ett flertal kapitel. Under släppet blir det även bokutlottning. Anmäl dig senast den 1/10 i formuläret. Av tradition har svenska

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/bokslapp-specialdidaktik-innehallsinkluderande-undervisning - 2025-03-20