

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Serum bone turnover markers were associated with bone mass in late prepuberty and early puberty

Aim: To analyse the association between bone turnover markers and bone mass in children and young adults. Methods: This descriptive study followed 132 children (68 boys/64 girls) from Malmö, Sweden, as controls in a school-based intervention study (2000–2017). Height, weight, Tanner stage and bone mass were measured annually from ages 8 to 15 years, with follow-ups at 19 and 23 years of age. Serum

Association of daily physical activity with pulmonary artery pressure in HFpEF and HFmrEF NYHA class III patients : a pilot trial—feasibility and first results

Introduction: Supervised physical exercise has been shown to benefit patients with heart failure with preserved/mildly reduced ejection fraction (HFpEF/HfmrEF) by improving symptoms and diastolic function. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between unsupervised daily physical activity and changes in daily pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) in patients with stable NYHA class III heart fai

Psychological Flexibility and Compassion Training for Equality in Organizations : A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Diversity and Inclusion Intervention

Objectives: Discrimination and prejudice are prevalent in workplaces worldwide, but there are few empirically validated interventions for combating racial bias in organizational settings. This study aims to evaluate an intervention consisting of experiential exercises derived from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT). The objective is to address psychologica

Contribution of prioritized urban nature-based solutions allocation to carbon neutrality

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are essential for carbon-neutral cities, yet how to effectively allocate them remains a question. Carbon neutrality requires city-led climate action plans that incorporate both indirect and direct contributions of NBS. Here we assessed the carbon emissions mitigation potential of NBS in European cities, focusing particularly on commonly overlooked indirect pathways, fo

Direct numerical simulations of laboratory-scale NH3/air jet flames : Analysis of flame structure, flame stabilization and NO emission characteristics

In the present study, three-dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS) of experimental ammonia/air premixed jet flames with different turbulent intensities were performed. The DNS results were first compared to the measurements with good agreements. Based on the DNS data, the turbulent flame structure, stabilization mechanism and NO emission characteristics of the flames were investigated. It

OxLDL/LOX-1 mediated sex, age, stiffness, and endothelial dependent alterations in mouse thoracic aortic vascular reactivity

Elevated plasma levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) are a risk factor and key component that accelerates and worsens cardiovascular disease fueling inflammation, plaque buildup and vascular damage. OxLDL can elicit its detrimental action via lectin-like oxLDL receptor 1 (LOX-1). In this study, we determined whether oxLDL, via LOX-1, alters aortic vascular reactivity and determined i

Domain decomposition methods for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations

Nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods have been utilized for a long time to solve linear and nonlinear elliptic problems, and more recently, parabolic problems. Despite this, there is no convergence theory for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations on general Lipschitz domains in Rd, d ≥ 2. We therefore develop a Steklov–Poincaré theory for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems and s

Primary glomerular diseases and long-term adverse health outcomes : A nationwide cohort study

Background: Although glomerular diseases are the third most frequent cause of end-stage kidney disease worldwide, little is known about their long-term outcomes. Methods: In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3–5 enrolled in the Swedish Renal Registry, we compared risks of hospitalization, kidney replacement therapy (KRT), major cardiovascular events (MACE), and death of the four mos

Life Among the Cod: Sessile Communities on Artificial Reefs in the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea has a generally low biodiversity, and several species are declining due to high anthropogenic pressure. One example is the Baltic Sea cod (Gadus morhua, L.), the cod has decreased since the 1980s in both biomass and abundance. One potential solution to increase the cod population is to improve settling ground and provide shelter for juveniles in artificial reefs. The Hanö Cod Reef p

Localized Thermoresponsive Behavior in P(NIPAm-co-AAc) Copolymers : Structural Insights From Rheology and Small Angle X-Ray Scattering

Stimuli-responsive polymers stand out for their ability to respond to small environmental changes. One of the most representative thermo-sensitive materials is poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) (PNIPAm), which presents reversible phase transitions close to the human body temperature. However, previous studies observed that the copolymerization of NIPAm with small quantities of different monomers like a

Influence of Mitochondrial NAD(P)+ Transhydrogenase (NNT) on Hypothalamic Inflammation and Metabolic Dysfunction Induced by a High-Fat Diet in Mice

The mitochondrial protein NAD(P) + transhydrogenase (NNT) has been implicated in the metabolic derangements observed in obesity. Mice with the C57BL/6J genetic background bear a spontaneous mutation in the Nnt gene and are known to exhibit increased susceptibility to diet-induced metabolic disorders. Most of the studies on NNT in the context of diet-induced obesity have compared C57BL/6J mice with

wav2pos: Sound Source Localization using Masked Autoencoders

We present a novel approach to the 3D sound source localization task for distributed ad-hoc microphone arrays by formulating it as a set-to-set regression problem. By training a multi-modal masked autoencoder model that operates on audio recordings and microphone coordinates, we show that such a formulation allows for accurate localization of the sound source, by reconstructing coordinates masked

Emigration and the Transnationalization of Sending States’ Welfare Regimes

How does emigration affect sending states’ welfare policies? Existing migration literature has identified numerous political, economic, and institutional variables that influence sending states’ approaches towards emigrants’ welfare. However, this literature has neglected broader processes of social transformation in sending states. Using the concept of welfare regime transnationalization, we show

Textilindustrins förberedelser inför införandet av ny EU-lagstiftning om förstörelse av osålda produkter

Den europeiska textilindustrin står inför stora förändringar när EU:s nya förordning "Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation" (ESPR) träder i kraft. En central del av regleringen är förbudet mot förstörelse av osålda konsumentprodukter, en åtgärd som syftar till att minska miljöpåverkan och öka hållbarheten inom modeindustrin. Studiens mål är att undersöka hur textilindustrin förbStatistics show that approximately 2,71 billion people have at some point shopped for clothes online (Sellers Commerce, 2022). E-commerce is becoming more and more common rather than to buy and try on clothes in a physical store which has led to many clothes being returned for various reasons (poor fit, free returns, etc.). The fast fashion industry generates significant textile waste, with unsold

The effect of the endothelin receptor antagonist atrasentan on insulin resistance in phenotypic clusters of patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease

Aims: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients with a clinical phenotype characterized by a high degree of insulin resistance are at increased risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). We previously demonstrated that the endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) atrasentan reduced insulin resistance in T2D. In this study, we compared the effect of atrasentan on insulin resistance across different phenotypic clusters

When migrants become ‘the people’ : unpacking homeland populism

The emerging debate on transnational populism has thus far mainly focused on cases, which have remained relatively inconsequential due to the weak institutionalisation of the political transnationalism arena. By bringing in a better-structured arena of migrant transnationalism, this paper introduces populist political parties mobilising transnational migrants to the debate and explores the resulti

Kommunala kapaciteter och strategier för en hållbar kommunal framtid : – fyra positioner med olika handlingsalternativ framåt

In the work of writing this report, four leading municipal research environments - CERUM, CKS, KEFU, and KFi - with the support of Kommuninvest, have collaborated to explore and understand the complex challenges that Swedish municipalities have had to manage during the transition from relatively favorable economic times to more challenging times, including changed economic conditions and a deterio