

Din sökning på "*" gav 532432 sökträffar

NLO Higgs boson production plus one and two jets using the POWHEG BOX, MadGraph4 and MCFM

We present a next-to-leading order calculation of Higgs boson production plus one and two jets via gluon fusion interfaced to shower Monte Carlo programs, implemented according to the POWHEG method. For this implementation we have used a new interface of the POWHEG BOX with MadGraph4, that generates the codes for generic Born and real processes automatically. The virtual corrections have been take

Top quark induced backgrounds to higgs production in the W W (*) → l l ν ν decay channel at next-to-leading-order in QCD

We present the complete next-to-leading-order (NLO) contributions to the pp→e+νeμ-ν̄μbb̄+X process in the four-flavor scheme, i.e., with massive b quarks, and its contribution to the H→WW(*) →llνν measurement in the 1-jet bin at the LHC. This background process includes top pair, single top, and non-top-quark resonant contributions. The uncertainty at NLO from the renormalization and factorization

T -odd asymmetry in W+ jet events at the LHC

W bosons produced at high transverse momentum in hadron collisions can have polarization along the direction perpendicular to the production plane, which is odd under naïve T reversal where both the three-momenta and angular momenta are reversed. Perturbative QCD predicts nonzero polarization at the one-loop level, which can be measured as parity-odd components in the angular distribution of charg

Seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness study in older adults during three influenza seasons (2015-2018) in Lithuania

Background: Due to lack of knowledge about seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness (SIVE) against laboratory-confirmed influenza in patients aged ≥65 years a study to measure SIVE in patients admitted to hospital due to severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) in Lithuania during the 2015-2018 was conducted.Materials/methods: A test-negative case-control study was performed between 2015-2016 and

Monte Carlo developments and data comparison

During the last years, the improvement in predictions for LHC processes has been enormous. In this talk the following two topics are covered. First, using the FxFx merging prescription, the prediction and data comparison for a vector boson in association with multiple jets are considered at NLO accuracy. Second, we show some results for the newly developed extension of the MINLO method that allows

The automation of next-to-leading order electroweak calculations

We present the key features relevant to the automated computation of all the leading- and next-to-leading order contributions to short-distance cross sections in a mixed-coupling expansion, with special emphasis on the first subleading NLO term in the QCD+EW scenario, commonly referred to as NLO EW corrections. We discuss, in particular, the FKS subtraction in the context of a mixed-coupling expan

Ultrasound examination of lymph nodes in the hepatoduodenal ligament

Ninety patients, found to have lymph nodes in the hepato-duodenal ligament (HDL) on ultrasound examination were reviewed over a one-year period in order to define the diseases in which such nodes can be found. The patients were divided into four main groups; benign liver disease (n = 31), malignant disease (n = 26), disease of the gallbladder or the biliary tree (n = 14) and a group with various b

On crystal structure imaging of silicalite by HREM

High-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) images of silicalite (ZSM-5) along [010] were taken with a 400-kV EM with a resolution of 1.6 Å. The images contain a dark contrast in the centers of the main channels, where there are no atoms. This contrast is an artifact and is not appreciable in the HREM images which have been published so far. That this problem can be overcome by choosing the proper

Rödlistade mossor och värdefulla lokaler i Skåne

Nationally Red-listed bryophytes in the county of Skåne, southern-most Sweden] The status and present as well as past distribution of the 85 bryophyte taxa that have been reported from the county are described and briefly summarised and localities with revcent recerds of several Red-listed species are listed, mapped and described. The number of Red-listed species per 5x5 km grid-square, and all kn

Previous exposure to measles, mumps, and rubella--but not vaccination during adolescence--correlates to the prevalence of pancreatic and thyroid autoantibodies.

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to determine whether a relationship exists between previous exposure to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) by natural infection or vaccination or by new immunization with MMR vaccine, and either the presence or levels of autoantibodies against thyroid cell and pancreatic beta-cell antigens. METHODS: Antibodies against MMR and autoantibodies against thyroglobulin,

Etiological diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency using an original flowchart of immune and biochemical markers

Approximately 70-80% of cases of primary adrenal insufficiency are classified as idiopathic. An effective protocol for the etiological diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency is needed to ensure correct patient management. With the aim of developing an algorithm for the etiological diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency, we studied 56 Italian patients with nonsurgical primary adrenal insuff