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Abstract in French L’étude de l’effet d’amorçage syntaxique (syntactic priming) permet d’examiner la relation (potentielle) entre input et output dans l’interaction. On observe un effet d’amorçage lorsque la présentation d’un item (l’amorce) facilite le traitement ultérieur d’un item similaire (la cible). L’amorçage syntaxique ou structurel est un phénomène de réutilisation de la structure syntaxi

Desalination and Economy Prospects as Water Supply Methods

This paper discusses five major parameters in desalination, namely technology, raw-water, energy sources, cost and environmental effects. Both size and yield have grown rapidly in desalination plants due to high performance in technology developments in the last few years. Five different types of desalination technology are presented and bench-marked for long-term use: multistage flash evaporation

Non-textual marking systems at Gebel el Silsila : From Dynastic signifiers of identity to symbols of adoration

In Gebel el Silsila the quarry faces are cluttered with literally thousands of pictorial and textual representations; together they form a window of information to the ancient activity in the area and provide us with a prosopography of its workers and an idea of the ancients’ contemporary ideology. The more complex category of representations is quarry marks, a form of graffiti that appears in abu

Climate Change and International Relations : Reconsidering Interdependence, Governance and Security

There is increased evidence to support the hypothesis that humanity actively, albeit inadvertently, contributes to global environmental change on a scale and with an intensity unprecedented in human history. Climate change, and to some extent stratospheric ozone depletion, present the international structures and systems for naturalresources management research and politics with fundamentally new

Molecular Pharmacology and Structure Function Modelling of the Leukotriene B4 Receptor BLT1

Leukotrienes are membrane derived bioactive lipids that play an important role in immune responses by initiating and maintaining the inflammatory responses. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) released at the site of an inflammatory response attracts, activates and prolongs the life of leukocytes and lymphocytes. LTB4 can bind to two recently cloned cell surface G-protein coupled receptors named BLT1 and BLT2.

Reflektion och självinsikt i "den kommunikativa pedagogiken"

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Tallsten barnomsorgs- och skolenhet införde man 1996, som del i en omorganisation av verksamheten, ett nytt tanke- och arbetssätt utifrån en kommunikativ pedagogik. Tre mindre organisatoriska enheter, som var mer eller mindre slutna i förhållande till varandra, slogs samman till en enhet. Ett primärt syfte i sammanhanget var att skapa en helhetssyn på barnet från 1?18This thesis focuses on the pedagogue as a social being and how she or he experiences the social life in preschools and schools in Tallsten. In 1996, the child-care and education authorities in Tallsten introduced a new manner of thinking and working based on the communicative pedagogy. The idea of communicative pedagogy was origanlly put forth by the Danish teacher Lars Rokkjaer. One of the goals