

Din sökning på "*" gav 534718 sökträffar

Lexikal verbsemantik i tre dimensioner

This article suggests a model for lexical verb semantics that unifies Halliday’s model for transitivity with Langacker’s concept of base and profile and also with a model for situation type (cf. Smith 1997). It is claimed that verbs adhere to one of four macro domains: the material, the social, the mental or the relational domain. Within these domains there are numerous types of verbs, such as mot

Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD) och komplex PTSD (CPTSD) : En klinisk kunskapsuppdatering

Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition where one or more very traumatic events, that include life-threatening or extreme psychological stress, have left permanent traces of distress that induce sustained suffering. In this clinical overview, we present current updates in diagnostic criteria and a new diagnosis of complex PTSD, and discuss the pr

Distriktssköterskors ledarroll i omvårdnadsarbetet inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård – en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Den globala befolkningen åldras, och enligt WHO kommer 1 av 6 människor att vara 60 år eller äldre år 2030. I Sverige är en fjärdedel av befolkningen redan 60 år eller äldre, vilket har ökat omvårdnadsbehovet i hemmet. Patienter skrivs ut snabbare från sjukhus, vilket ställer högre krav på kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. Distriktssköterskor har en viktig roll i att leda och samordna omvård

Cost–benefit analysis of beach-cast harvest : Closing land-marine nutrient loops in the Baltic Sea region

Harvesting beach-cast can help mitigate marine eutrophication by closing land-marine nutrient loops and provide a blue biomass raw material for the bioeconomy. Cost–benefit analysis was applied to harvest activities during 2009–2018 on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, highlighting benefits such as nutrient removal from the marine system and improved recreational opportunities as well as co

Marine biomass for a circular blue-green bioeconomy? A life cycle perspective on closing nitrogen and phosphorus land-marine loops

A blue-green bioeconomy revolution is underway in Europe, with particular attention being paid to the development of new or underutilized marine biomass resources. The wild harvest and mariculture of low-trophic non-fed species of marine biomass may be contributing to circular economies, the mitigation of environmental problems such as eutrophication and climate change through the uptake of nutrie

Hög på livet : Den moderna forskningen om psykedelika

Forskningen är ännu i sin linda, men i studie efter studie visar sig hallucinogena substanser kunna lindra depression, beroende och trauma. Ämnen som psilocybin och DMT, vilka förekommer naturligt i vissa svampar och plantor, ser ut att kunna bidra till nya genombrott i hjärnforskningen såväl som till ökat välmående för individen. Samtidigt är lagstiftningen lika hård som mot högst skadliga och be

Long-Term Pattern of Psychotropic Medication Uses Among Swedish Parents of Children Diagnosed With Cancer

BACKGROUND: Parents experience a range of mental health disorders following their child's cancer diagnosis. It is thus essential to explore how the child's cancer diagnosis affects the dosage of psychotropic medication in both short- and long-term use, as well as potential disparities in utilization patterns between mothers and fathers.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using Swedish registers, we identified a

Energy Efficiency in Seasonal Homes : A Study on the Occupancy, Energy Use, and Renovation of Second Homes in Sweden

The escalating utilisation of second homes has led to an extension in heating periods and, to a certain degree, renovations to elevate the standard, resulting in augmented energy and resource consumption. A comprehensive survey was conducted in Sweden, examining user patterns across different seasons, heating systems, and implemented energy efficiency measures. The results indicate that second hom

Self-reported fatigue in people with post COVID-19 : Impact on functioning in daily life, and associated factors – a cross-sectional study

Objective: To assess (i) the impact of self-reported fatigue on functioning in daily life, and (ii) the association with sociodemographics, physical capacity, and work ability among people with post-COVID-19. Design: A cross-sectional study. Subjects: Adults reporting post-COVID-19 symptoms for at least 2 months. Methods: Participants were recruited through social media and responded to an online

Assessment of intraepidermal nerve fiber densities in 5 µm sections from arm and leg - a search for normative age-related values

Background and aims: Normative values are lacking regarding intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) in thin sections of 5 µm. Thus, we aimed to assess IENFD in thin sections in a healthy adult population as well as to investigate whether IENFD is related to age, sex, and site of excision.Methods: Archival skin biopsies or excisions at the Department of Pathology, Lund, Sweden, from arm and leg

Comparing terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and satellite imagery for estimating carbon stocks in trees of a semi-arid savannah

Due to the intensifying impacts of climate change, accurate estimation of global carbon stocks is crucial, with aboveground vegetation biomass representing a significant carbon reservoir. Savannahs, which cover approximately 50% of the African continent, play a vital role in carbon storage, as trees within these ecosystems contribute substantially to the continent’s total carbon stocks. Estimating

MAGIC library – A tool to assess surface water acidification

We have developed a tool, the MAGIC library, which provides an acidification assessment for any given lake or stream in Sweden based on ten parameters describing lake geographical position, surface area, annual discharge and observed lake water chemistry. The MAGIC library consists of two key components: a library of the existing MAGIC model simulations for 2438 lakes and an analogue matching rout

Experimental optimization of second-order harmonic generation for higher-order generation applications

När atomer och molekyler interagerar med laserfält av hög intensitet kan fascinerande och oväntade fenomen uppstå. Två viktiga genombrott inom laserforskningen inträffade på 1960- respektive 1980-talet, när två besläktade men distinkta processer upptäcktes. Den senare av dessa ledde till Nobelpriset i fysik 2023, vilket skapade svensk historia. När en högintensiv laserstråle fokuseras på en kristAn atom interacting with a strong laser field can give rise to high-order harmonic generation (HHG), a non-perturbative, highly non-linear process. The resulting HHG spectrum is a comb of odd harmonics. For some experiments, a large energy difference between consecutive harmonics is beneficial. In order to achieve a larger spacing between harmonics, second-harmonic (SH) radiation resulting from an