

Din sökning på "*" gav 535473 sökträffar

The Significance of Spaciousness: an investigation of spaciousness in the context of the residential yard

Popular Abstract in Swedish Som en följd av de senaste årens förtätningstrend har stadens täthet blivit en aktuell stadsbyggnadsfråga. Förtätning är ett komplext fenomen som berör en rad centrala egenskaper hos staden. Förtätning är också en kontroversiell stadsbyggnadsstrategi. Det är motsättningen mellan förtätning och friytor som den här avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i. Krymper mellanrummenThe new interest in density displayed by professional town planners and town-planning researchers is related to the present densification of the urban environment in many towns and cities. Research on densification is primarily concerned with the link between urban form and sustainable development. The point of departure of this thesis is to consider what a denser housing environment will mean to

Time-lapse resistivity investigations for imaging saltwater transport in glaciofluvial deposits

Five intersecting resistivity sections have been measured in glaciofluvial deposits hosting an aquifer of regional importance situated along a heavy traffic highway in Sweden. The winter salt spreading has caused a regular salinity increase through the years. For imaging the transport of saltwater in the aquifer, the sections were measured exactly in the same location before and after winter, and

Identification of phosphorylation sites within the SH3 domains of Tec family tyrosine kinases

Tec family protein tyrosine kinases (TFKs) play a central role in hematopoietic cellular signaling. Initial activation takes place through specific tyrosine phosphorylation situated in the activation loop. Further activation occurs within the SH3 domain via a transphosphorylation mechanism, which for Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) affects tyrosine 223. We found that TFKs phosphorylate preferential

Essays on Fiscal Policy, Public Debt and Financial Development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av tre olika artiklar som kan läsas separat. Varje artikel har tilldelats ett eget kapitel i avhandlingen. Självständigheten av dessa kapitel bör inte tolkas som att de inte hör ihop. Förutom att alla tillhör området makroekonomi, har alla den gemensamma egenskapen att relatera till nutida ekonomisk politiska debatten. Titeln på den första artikThis thesis consists of three distinct articles that can be read separately. Each one has been awarded a chapter of its own. The independence of these chapters should not be taken as meaning that they are unrelated. Besides belonging all to the subfield of macroeconomics, they share the common feature of being inherently economic policy oriented. The title of the first article is "Fiscal Policy a

Hereditary dyslipidemias and combined risk factors in children with a family history of premature coronary artery disease

AIM: Schoolchildren aged 10-11 with a family history of premature coronary artery disease (CAD), were examined in order to identify children with genetically determined dyslipidemias and a combination of risk factors. METHODS: A total of 4000 questionnaires were distributed by the school; 55% of the families answered and returned the questionnaire. Blood lipids, apolipoprotein B, and Lp(a) lipopro

Inhomogeneous CuO6 tilt distribution and charge-spin correlations in La2-x-yNdySrxCuO4 around the commensurate hole concentration

Phononic and magnetic Raman scattering are studied in La2-x-yNdySrxCuO4 with three doping concentrations: x1/8, y = 0; x1/8, y = 0.4; and x = 0.01, y = 0. We observe strong disorder in the tilt pattern of the CuO6 octahedra in both the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases that persist down to 10 K and are coupled to bond disorder in the cation layers around 1/8 doping independent of Nd concentration

FACILITATING A HEALTHY TRANSITION for involuntary migrant families within Primary Health Care

The refugee families face a complex transition due to the nature of the migration. This exposes them to vulnerability in cohesion and family function. Primary Health Care Nurses (PHCN) and Interpreters in Primary Health Care (PHC) play a vital role in their promotion of health because migrant health care is mainly carried out within PHC. The overall aim of this thesis was to reach a comprehensive

ADHD and language impairment A study of the parent questionnaire FTF (Five to Fifteen).

The parental questionnaire FTF (Five to Fifteen) was given to parents of 76 children (mean age 11 years) diagnosed with ADHD. About half of the children had at least once been referred to a speech- and language pathologist. Most of them had not received any intervention or follow-up. A factor analysis identified six problem areas, which explain close to 75% of the total variation: Cognitive Skills

Comparison between tape-recorded and amplitude-integrated EEG monitoring in sick newborn infants

In 15 ill newborn infants a comparison between long-term multichannel and single-channel recordings of simultaneously tape-recorded (Medilog system) and amplitude-integrated EEG (Cerebral Function Monitor) was made. There was good agreement between the main type of background activity diagnosed with the tape-recorded and the amplitude-integrated EEG for all recordings. Two infants had repetitive s

Measurement of keyhole effect in a wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel

It has been predicted theoretically that for some environments, the capacity of wireless multiple-input multiple-output systems can become very low even for uncorrelated signals; this effect has been termed "keyhole" or "pinhole." In this letter, We present the (to our knowledge) first measurement of this effect. The measurements are done in a controlled indoor environment, with transmitter and re