

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Cognition in the fast lane : ravens’ gazes are half as short as humans’ when choosing objects

Time cannot be directly perceived; instead, its flow is inferred from the influx of sensory information. To prevent sensory overload, attentional mechanisms split up information into processable units. This portioning remains imperceptible to the individual. However, the length of these units still influences the speed of perception and the speed at which behaviors are performed. Previous studies

Refining Holocene geochronologies using palaeomagnetic records

The aperiodic nature of geomagnetic field variations, both in intensity and direction, can aid in dating archaeological artefacts, volcanic rocks, and sediment records that carry a palaeomagnetic signal. The success of palaeomagnetic dating relies upon our knowledge of past field variations at specific locations. Regional archaeo- and palaeomagnetic reference curves and predictions from global geo

Upplevelse av kropp och rörelse hos unga vuxna med autism

Bakgrund Studier om hur personer med autism upplever kropp och rörelse är få. Annorlunda kroppsliga funktioner och kroppsuppfattning kan påverka individen negativt. Interventioner som är baserade på kroppskännedom och anpassad rörelse skulle kunna stärka individens inre resurser.SyfteAtt få en djupare förståelse av upplevelserna av kropp och rörelse bland ungdomar/unga vuxna med autism, samt att u

Amputation-Free Survival in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus and Peripheral Arterial Disease With Heel Ulcer : Open Versus Endovascular Surgery

BACKGROUND:: Heel ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) are hard to heal. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the difference in amputation-free survival (AFS) between open and endovascular revascularization in patients with DM, PAD, and heel ulcers.METHODS:: Retrospective comparative study of results of open versus endovascular surgery in pat

Influence of graphite nanoadditives to vegetable-based oil on machining performance when MQCL assisted hard turning

The current study demonstrates through experiment, the effect of solid lubricant assisted minimum quantity cooling lubrication (MQCL) when turning tempered (~60 HRC) alloyed steel Uddeholm Caldie with cemented carbide tools on the process performance. In MQCL application, nanosized graphite nanoplatelets (GnP) solid lubricant powder was dispersed (0.2% vol.) in rapeseed oil based lubricant “ECOLUB

Förbjuden kärlek

Känslor och känsloyttringar kan förefalla vara allmänmänskliga företeelser, men forskning visar att den generella inställningen till känslor har skiftat mellan olika kulturer såväl som inom en och samma kultur över olika tidsperioder. Under medeltiden värderades exempelvis kontroll och förnuft högre än känslosamhet i det västerländska samhället, men från och med sent 1700-tal kom känslor och kärleResearch has shown that the general attitudes towards emotions have shifted between different cultures as well as within one culture over different periods. During the Middle Ages, for example, control and reason were considered more desirable human qualities than emotions in Western societies. However, from the late 1700s emotions and empathy were described with increasingly positive terms. From

A New Approach to Constrained Function Optimization

A new approach to the constrained function optimization problem is presented. It is shown that the ordinary Lagrange multiplier method and the penalty function method may be generalized and combined, and the new concept ofmultiplier function is introduced. The problem may then be converted into an unconstrained well-conditioned optimization problem. Methods for numerical solution are discussed, an

Climate change and water resources in arid regions : uncertainty of the baseline time period

Recent climate change studies have given a lot of attention to the uncertainty that stems from general circulation models (GCM), greenhouse gas emission scenarios, hydrological models and downscaling approaches. Yet, the uncertainty that stems from the selection of the baseline period has not been studied. Accordingly, the main research question is as follows: What would be the differences and/or

Selective targeting of primary and secondary nucleation pathways in Ab42 aggregation using a rational antibody scanning method

Antibodies targeting Ab42 are under intense scrutiny because of their therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease. To enable systematic searches, we present an “antibody scanning” strategy for the generation of a panel of antibodies against Ab42. Each antibody in the panel is rationally designed to target a specific linear epitope, with the selected epitopes scanning the Ab42 sequence. By screen