

Din sökning på "*" gav 526407 sökträffar

Impact of IL28B-Related Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Liver Transient Elastography in Chronic Hepatitis C Infection

Background and Aims: Recently, several genome-wide association studies have revealed that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in proximity to IL28B predict spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection as well as outcome following pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy among genotype 1 infected patients. Additionally the presence of the otherwise favorable IL28B genetic variant

The mammalian brain in the electromagnetic fields designed by man with special reference to blood-brain barrier function, neuronal damage and possible physical mechanisms

Life oil earth was formed during billions of years, exposed to, and shaped by the original physical forces such as gravitation, cosmic irradiation, atmospheric electric fields and the terrestrial magnetism. The Schumann resonances at 7.4 Hz are all example of oscillations possibly important for life.(1)) The existing organisms are created to function in harmony with these forces. However, in the l

Use of a novel smart heating sleeping bag to improve wearers’ local thermal comfort in the feet

Previous studies have revealed that wearers had low skin temperatures and cold and pain sensations in the feet, when using sleeping bags under defined comfort and limit temperatures. To improve wearers’ local thermal comfort in the feet, a novel heating sleeping bag (i.e., MARHT) was developed by embedding two heating pads into the traditional sleeping bag (i.e., MARCON) in this region. Seven fema

Growing interest in use of geographic information systems in health and healthcare research: a review of PubMed from 2003 to 2011.

Abstract in Undetermined There has been an increasing interest in applying GIS into health and healthcare research in recent years.4,5 However, this increasing interest has not yet been gauged. In order to address this, the current study was performed to examine the crude number and the annual rate of papers with ‘Geographic Information Systems’ among their MeSH Terms in PubMed (a free database wh

Clinical initiatives linking Japanese and Swedish healthcare resources on cancer studies utilizing Biobank Repositories.

The Tokyo Medical University Hospital in Japan and the Lund University hospital in Sweden have recently initiated a research program with the objective to impact on patient treatment by clinical disease stage characterization (phenotyping), utilizing proteomics sequencing platforms. By sharing clinical experiences, patient treatment principles, and biobank strategies, our respective clinical teams

Cross-reactions between engineered xylose and galactose pathways in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

BACKGROUND: Overexpression of the PGM2 gene encoding phosphoglucomutase (Pgm2p) has been shown to improve galactose utilization both under aerobic and under anaerobic conditions. Similarly, xylose utilization has been improved by overexpression of genes encoding xylulokinase (XK), enzymes from the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (non-ox PPP) and deletion of the endogenous aldose reductase

Forskning om diakoni - en litteraturöversikt

En inventering och presentation av fr.a. svensk forskning om diakoni och kyrkors sociala verksamheter. Först redovisas historisk forskning om fattigvård och diakoni. Därefter samhälls- och flervetenskaplig forskning, samt forskning om diakonatet och systematisk-teologisk forsknning

Cardiovascular disease and adrenergic dysfunction in mild primary hyperparathyroidism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Primär hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) är en sjukdom som beror på abnormt ökad produktion av parathormon (PTH) i en eller flera av de vanligen fyra bisköldkörtlarna. PTH har som uppgift är att reglera nivån av kalcium i blodet (i dagligt tal ofta kallad ”blodkalken”) inom snäva gränser. Den förhöjda halten av PTH och den åtföljande stegringen av kalciumnivån i blodet vid PHPPrimary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is associated with cardiovascular morbidity and premature death, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. The aim of this thesis was to investigate cardiovascular parameters and adrenergic function in mild PHPT compared to healthy controls subjects before and after curative parathyroidectomy (PTX). Forty-nine patients with mild PHPT (serum calci

Size matters-sometimes. The [CuxIy]((y-x)-)(NR4)(+)((y-x)) systems

A systematic study of compounds formed by solvolysis of Cu in a solution of iodine in acetol in the presence of homotetraalkylammonium iodide has resulted in five new compounds: catena tetrakis (tetramethylammonium) bis(mu(3)-iodo)-mu(2)-iodo-tri-copper(I), hexakis(tetrabutylammonium) tetrakis(mu(3)-iodo)-tris(mu(2)-iodo)-di-iodo-hexa-copper(I) pentakis(mu(3)-iodo)-tetrakis(mu(2)-iodo)-di-iodo-hep

The role of academic developers in transforming Bologna regulations to a national and institutional context

Academic developers (ADs) often participate in the implementation of programs or reforms within higher education. Sometimes they agree with these and sometimes they disagree. This paper discusses possible agentic positions during an authentic policy implementation, i.e. the National Qualification Framework within a Norwegian university. Through reflexive interpretation, and by applying concepts f

Chromosome dynamics and genomic instablity in neuroblastoma. Three genomic pillars: MYCN amplification, numerical and structural changes.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Neuroblastom är den vanligaste solida tumören, utanför hjärnan, hos små barn och finns nästan inte alls hos vuxna. Varje år insjuknar mellan femton och tjugo barn i Sverige, de flesta före två års ålder. Överlevnaden har ökat de senaste tjugo åren men är fortfarande på låga nivåer för de mer aggressiva formerna. Neuroblastom uppstår i det sympatiska nervsystemet. DärförIn this thesis, the main focus has been on the childhood cancer neuroblastoma, one of the most common and lethal childhood tumours. Neuroblastoma has througout the years continued to be a clinical and biological enigma. Our first focus was on one of the most important biological risk factors in neuroblastoma -- amplification of the oncogene MYCN in the tumour cells. Because amplified MYCN typical

Occurrence and reduction of pharmaceuticals in the water phase at Swedish wastewater treatment plants.

During the last decade, several screening programs for pharmaceuticals at Swedish wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been conducted by research institutes, county councils, and wastewater treatment companies. In this study, influent and effluent concentrations compiled from these screening programs were used to assess the occurrence and reduction of non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals for human u

Interaction Blockade and Pairing in Two-Dimensional Finite Fermion Systems

The properties of two-component fermionic quantum systems in two dimensions, such as they nowadays may be realized with cold atoms in traps, are studied within the pairing model adapted from nuclear physics. We compare the results with those of a full numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian. The chemical potential differences, excitation energies and angular momentum spectra show th

Study of the Average Charge States of 188Pb and 252,254No Ions at the Gas-filled Separator TASCA

The average charge states of Pb-188 and No-252,No-254 ions in dilute helium gas were measured at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA. Hydrogen gas was also used as a filling gas for measurements of the average charge state of No-254. Helium and hydrogen gases at pressures from 0.2 mbar to 2.0 mbar were used. A strong dependence of the average charge state on the pressure of the filling gases was

Sexual dimorphism in immune function changes during the annual cycle in house sparrows

Difference between sexes in parasitism is a common phenomenon among birds, which may be related to differences between males and females in their investment into immune functions or as a consequence of differential exposure to parasites. Because life-history strategies change sex specifically during the annual cycle, immunological responses of the host aiming to reduce the impact of parasites may

Industrins utveckling mot netto-nollutsläpp 2050

Sverige har en vision om ”netto-noll” utsläpp av växthusgaser till 2050 och är på god väg att nå utsatta delmål för utsläppsreduktioner till 2020. Klimatfrågan är dock långsiktig och det under klimatkonventionen antagna 2-gradersmålet innebär utsläppsåtaganden som sträcker sig till år 2050 och bortom. En långsiktigt effektiv klimatpolitik ska därför utvärderas både efter vilka långsiktiga utveck

Finding Risk Groups by Optimizing Artificial Neural Networks on the Area under the Survival Curve Using Genetic Algorithms

We investigate a new method to place patients into risk groups in censored survival data. Properties such as median survival time, and end survival rate, are implicitly improved by optimizing the area under the survival curve. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are trained to either maximize or minimize this area using a genetic algorithm, and combined into an ensemble to predict one of low, interme