

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Nanoscale mapping of carrier collection in single nanowire solar cells using X-ray beam induced current

Here it is demonstrated how nanofocused X-ray beam induced current (XBIC) can be used to quantitatively map the spatially dependent carrier collection probability within nanostructured solar cells. The photocurrent generated by a 50 nm-diameter X-ray beam was measured as a function of position, bias and flux in single p–i–n doped solar-cell nanowires. The signal gathered mostly from the middle seg

Physical vs. virtual agent embodiment and effects on social interaction

Previous work indicates that physical robots elicit more favorable social responses than virtual agents. These effects have been attributed to the physical embodiment. However, a recent meta-analysis by Li [1] suggests that the benefits of robots are due to physical presence rather than physical embodiment. To further explore the importance of presence we conducted a pilot study investigating the

Novel tau fragments in cerebrospinal fluid : relation to tangle pathology and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease

Tau is an axonal microtubule-binding protein. Tau pathology in brain and increased tau concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Most of tau in CSF is present as fragments. We immunoprecipitated tau from CSF and identified several endogenous peptides ending at amino acid (aa) 123 or 224 using high-resolution mass spectrometry. We raised neo-epitope-s

EMF exposure variation among MRI sequences from pediatric examination protocols

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exposure environment is unique due to the mixture and intensity of magnetic fields involved. Current safety regulations are based on well-known acute effects of heating and neuroexcitation while the scientific grounds for possible long-term effects from MRI exposure are lacking. Epidemiological research requires careful exposure characterization, and as a first

Cancer risks in childhood and adolescence among the offspring of immigrants to Sweden

We used the nation-wide Swedish Family-Cancer Database to analyse the risk of nervous system tumours, leukaemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in age groups 0-4 and 0-19 years among Swedish-born offspring of immigrants. The study included 850 000 individuals with an immigrant background, including European, Asian and American parents. We calculated standardised incidence ratios for the above three mal

Cancer risks in Nordic immigrants and their offspring in Sweden

Numerous migrant studies on cancer have been carried out, but little data are available on cancer incidence upon inter-European migration. We used the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database to analyse cancer risk among Nordic immigrants and their offspring in Sweden. The parental population had entered Sweden in their 20s and they had become parents in Sweden. Finns were the largest immigrant g

Isolation of the paired gene of Drosophila and its spatial expression during early embryogenesis

We have cloned the paired gene of Drosophila melanogaster, a pair-rule gene required for the establishment of proper segmentation. The transcriptional pattern in young embryos shows developmental polarities along the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes. Transcripts, initially expressed with a double-segment periodicity, switch to a single-segment repeat during syncytial blastoderm.

IMS at the CoNLL 2017 UD Shared Task: CRFs and Perceptrons Meet Neural Networks

This paper presents the IMS contribution to the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task. In the preprocessing step we employed a CRF POS/morphological tagger and a neural tagger predicting supertags. On some languages, we also applied word segmentation with the CRF tagger and sentence segmentation with a perceptron-based parser. For parsing we took an ensemble approach by blending multiple instances of three parse

Long-term outcome after coronary endarterectomy adjunct to coronary artery bypass grafting

OBJECTIVES: Coronary endarterectomy (CE) in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is occasionally required to achieve revascularization in diffusely diseased vessels. Its beneficial effect has been questioned because of an increased risk of perioperative mortality and morbidity; however, its influence on the long-term outcome remains uncertain. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact

Understanding how reduced loading affects Achilles tendon mechanical properties using a fibre-reinforced poro-visco-hyper-elastic model

Understanding tendon mechanobiology is important for gaining insight into the development of tendon pathology and subsequent repair processes. The aim of this study was to investigate how experimentally observed mechanobiological adaptation of rat Achilles tendons translate to changes in constitutive mechanical properties and biomechanical behavior. In addition, we assessed the ability of the mode

Minor harassments : Ethnic minority youth in the Nordic countries and their perceptions of the police

As different social groups are directly and indirectly confronted with diverse forms of police practices, different sectors of the population accumulate different experiences and respond differently to the police. This study focuses on the everyday experiences of the police among ethnic minority young people in the Nordic countries. The data for the article are based on semi-structured interviews

Associations of blood mercury and fatty acid concentrations with blood mitochondrial DNA copy number in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study

Background: Fish contains methylmercury (MeHg) which can cause oxidative stress and neurodevelopmental toxicity at sufficiently high doses. Fish also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which have both antioxidant (n-3) and oxidant (n-6) properties. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is sensitive to oxidative stress but has not been previously studied in relation to MeHg exposure or PUFA status. Ob

Divergent effects of metformin on an inflammatory model of Parkinson’s disease

The oral antidiabetic drug metformin is known to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties through activation of AMP kinase, thus protecting various brain tissues as cortical neurons, for example. However, the effect of metformin on the substantia nigra (SN), the main structure affected in Parkinson’s disease (PD), has not yet been studied in depth. Inflammation is a key feature of PD and it may play a

Characteristics of Lymphoproliferative Disorders with More Than One Aberrant Cell Population as Detected by 10-Color Flow Cytometry

Background: We have evaluated the frequency of lymphoproliferative disorders with more than one aberrant population of monotypic B-cells detected during routine hematopathological diagnostics. Materials and Methods: 2600 samples peripheral (blood, bone marrow, fine-needle aspirate, lymph node, and pleural fluid cell suspensions) were analyzed using a 10-color B-cell panel and a 10-color T-cell pan