

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Early parathyroidectomy in mild primary hyperparathyroidism: Effects on heart and bones

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det råder delade meningar om hur man bäst tar hand om patienter med lindrig primär hyperparatyreoidism (PHPT), dvs. överfunktion i en eller flera av de fyra bisköldkörtlarna med endast lätt förhöjning av kalciumnivån i blodet. Det finns de som förordar operation, medan andra anser att det inte behövs någon behandling så länge sjukdomen inte förvärras. Syftet med det aktThere is an ongoing controversy regarding how to take care of patients with mild primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Some recommend surgical treatment at diagnosis, others just follow-up as long as there is no evidence of disease progression. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate cardiac and skeletal risk factors related to the duration of mild PHPT. Fifty patients with mild PHPT were randomized

In vitro toxicity of biomaterials determined with cell density, total protein, cell cycle distribution and adenine nucleotides

Inhibition of cell growth is the most commonly used endpoint for in vitro toxicity of biomaterials. The use of several different endpoints might however generate more information concerning the nature of the toxicity. Thus, we examined the toxicity of two biomaterials, Polyvinylchloride (PVC) and Polyoximethene (POM), with different selected endpoints. The influence of cell growth on these endpoin

Modeling CNS neurodegeneration by overexpression of disease-causing proteins using viral vectors.

Defective handling of proteins is a central feature of major neurodegenerative diseases. The discovery that neuronal dysfunction or degeneration can be caused by mutations in single cellular proteins has given new opportunities to model the underlying disease processes by genetic modification of cells in vitro or by generation of transgenic animals carrying the disease-causing gene. Recent develop

Measurement of diffusion coefficients in gel beads: Random and systematic errors

The method of calculating diffusion coefficients in gel beads based on transient experiments of solute uptake from a finite volume has been studied theoretically. Monte Carlo simulation was used to investigate the effect of random errors in the concentration measurements. The influence of sampling frequency and diffusion direction was investigated. Systematic errors derived from an assumption of c

Limitations of the pulse-shape technique for particle discrimination in planar Si detectors

Limitations of the pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) technique - a promising method to identify the charged particles stopped in planar Si-detectors - have been investigated. The particle resolution turned out to be basically determined by resistivity fluctuations in the bulk silicon which cause the charge-collection time to depend on the point of impact. Detector maps showing these fluctuations ha

Why don't chimps talk and humans sing like canaries?

We focus on two problems with the evolutionary scenario proposed: (1) It bypasses the question of the origins of the communicative and semiotic features that make language distinct from, say, pleasant but meaningless sounds. (2) It does little to explain the absence of language in, for example, chimpanzees: Most of the selection pressures invoked apply just as strongly to chimps. We suggest how th

Fano effect in a quantum-ring-quantum-dot system with tunable coupling

Transport measurements are presented on a quantum ring that is tunnel-coupled to a quantum dot. When the dot is in the Coulomb blockade regime, but strongly coupled to the open ring, Fano line shapes are observed in the current through the ring, when the electron number in the dot changes by 1. The symmetry of the Fano resonances is found to depend on the magnetic flux penetrating the area of the

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a West African population of tuberculosis patients and unmatched healthy controls

Background: Little is known regarding vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in African populations and in tuberculosis (TB) patients. VDD has been shown to be associated with TB. Objective: We aimed to compare the degree of vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) and VDD in TB patients and healthy adult controls in a West African population. Design: An unmatched case-control study was performed at a Demographic Survei

On the Road : Studies in Honour of Lars Larsson

On the Road is a book about travels and about travellers. The book contains articles written to honour Lars Larsson, Professor of Archaeology at Lund University, Sweden, upon the occasion of his 60th birthday. Lars Larsson is a scholar who has been particularly active in extablishing and maintaining contact with colleagues and departments worldwide.The fifty-three articles illustrate the complexit

Telomere terminating with centromere-specific repeats is closely associated with a transposon derived gene in Chironomus pallidivittatus

We provide evidence that centromere-specific 155 bp DNA repeats terminate one pair of telomeres at the telocentric, left end of the short fourth chromosome in Chironomus pallidivittatus. Earlier evidence indicated that all other telomeres are terminated by 340 bp telomere-specific repeats. DNA that borders the 155 bp repeat contains a transcriptionally active 396 codon open reading frame (ORF) a f