

Din sökning på "*" gav 527213 sökträffar

Climate Change Litigation – en analys av pågående klimattvister i Europadomstolen

I takt med att klimatförändringarna får allt större inverkan på människors liv och vardag ökar antalet rättstvister vars talan grundar sig i ett anspråk om att en mänsklig rättighet har kränkts i och med klimatförändringarna. Käromålet utgår från att en rättighet har kränkts med anledning av klimatförändringarna, och att staten bör hållas ansvarig på grund av dess försumliga eller bristfälliga hanAs climate change has an ever-greater impact on people's lives, the number of lawsuits based on a claim that a human right has been violated due to climate change is increasing. The claim assumes that a right has been violated due to climate change, and that the state should be held responsible because of its negligent or inadequate response to the climate changes. This essay examines and defi

Smoking, use of smokeless tobacco, HLA genotypes and incidence of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults

Aims/hypotheses: Smoking and use of smokeless tobacco (snus) are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. We investigated whether smoking and snus use increase the risk of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and elucidated potential interaction with HLA high-risk genotypes. Methods: Analyses were based on Swedish case–control data (collected 2010–2019) with incident cases of L

Take it or leave it? En tematisk analys om upplevelsen av att erfara sexuella biverkningar i samband med antidepressiv läkemedelsbehandling

Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelsen av att erfara sexuella biverkningar i samband med antidepressiv läkemedelsbehandling samt vilka strategier personer använder sig av för att hantera dem. Studien syftade även att undersöka hur sexuella skript och normer beskrivs inverka på upplevelsen av att hantera sexuella biverkningar, samt hur vården kan hjälpa denna patientgrupp ytterligare. DatThe aim of this study was to examine the experience of sexual side effects during antidepressant medical treatment and which strategies people use to cope with them. The study also aimed to explore how sexual scripts and norms are described as affecting the experience of coping with sexual side effects, and how health care can further support this group of patients. Data was collected through semi

Exploiting the Transformative Features of Metal Halides for the Synthesis of CsPbBr3@SiO2 Core-Shell Nanocrystals

The encapsulation of colloidal lead halide perovskite nanocrystals within silica (SiO2) is one of the strategies to protect them from polar solvents and other external factors. Here, we demonstrate the overcoating of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals with silica by exploiting the anhydride-induced transformation of Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals. CsPbBr3@SiO2 core–shell nanocrystals are obtained after (i) a

Den icke-diskriminerande åldersdiskrimineringen - En analys av undantag från åldersdiskriminering

Age is one of our seven grounds of discrimination and the one that causes the most people to feel discriminated. In addition, it is a basis to which there are numerous of statutory exceptions which, despite the Discrimination Act, allow employers to disadvantage or discriminate people because of their age. The purpose of this essay was to investigate why and when it is permitted to make exceptions

Patienters erfarenheter vid mötet med ambulanspersonal vid hänvisning till annan vårdnivå än sjukhus

Bakgrund: Dagens ambulanssjukvård är i en ständig utveckling och antalet ambulansuppdrag har successivt ökat och det blir alltmer vanligare för ambulanspersonal att hänvisa patienter till en annan vårdnivå än sjukhus då behovet av akutsjukvård inte behövs. Trots att detta arbetssätt blivit alltmer vanligare är forskningsläget kring patienters erfarenheter vid mötet med ambulanspersonal när de hänv

Risks of breast and ovarian cancer for women harboring pathogenic missense variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 compared with those harboring protein truncating variants

PurposeGermline genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants has been a part of clinical practice for >2 decades. However, no studies have compared the cancer risks associated with missense pathogenic variants (PVs) with those associated with protein truncating (PTC) variants.MethodsWe collected 582 informative pedigrees segregating 1 of 28 missense PVs in BRCA1 and 153 pedigrees segregating 1 of

Soil microbial resource limitation along a subarctic ecotone from birch forest to tundra heath

Soil microorganisms regulate the decomposition of organic matter. However, microbial activities can also be rate-limited by the resource in lowest supply. Arctic ecosystems are being exposed to pronounced climate warming, with arctic greening, treeline advance and shrubification resulting in increased plant-derived carbon (C) inputs to soils, and faster rates of decomposition releasing mineral nut

Physical activity, sedentary time and breast cancer risk : a Mendelian randomisation study

Objectives Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour are associated with higher breast cancer risk in observational studies, but ascribing causality is difficult. Mendelian randomisation (MR) assesses causality by simulating randomised trial groups using genotype. We assessed whether lifelong physical activity or sedentary time, assessed using genotype, may be causally associated with breast can

A biomarker profile of elevated CSF p-tau with normal tau PET is associated with increased tau accumulation rates on PET in early Alzheimer’s disease

Background: Different tau biomarkers become abnormal at different stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with CSF p-tau typically being elevated at subthreshold levels of tau-PET binding. To capitalize on the temporal order of tau biomarker-abnormality and capture the earliest changes of tau accumulation, we selected a group of amyloid-β-positive (A+) individuals with elevated CSF p-tau levels but ne

Introducing water factors improves simulations of maize stomatal conductance models under plastic film mulching in arid and semi-arid irrigation areas

Plastic film mulching (PFM) in the cropland may alter biophysical conditions for crop growth, which may not be accounted for in existing stomatal conductance models. This can affect the accuracy of carbon–nitrogen-water cycle simulations for the soil-crop systems and hamper our understanding of internal mechanisms that control plant leaf stomatal conductance (gsw). To evaluate the simulations of P