Din sökning på "*" gav 534392 sökträffar
On the Value of Pictures in Verbal Cognition
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att analysera värdet av bilder i ett antal kognitiva uppgifter som framförallt är av verbal natur. Avhandlingen omfattar tre studier, med vardera tre experiment. I den första studien visades automatiskt inflytande från bilder (ansiktsuttryck) på en affektiv bedömning av ord som positiva eller negativa. I den integrerade presentationen av ord The aim of this thesis was to analyze the value of pictures in a number of cognitive tasks that are predominantly verbal in nature. Three studies, with three experiments each, are included in the thesis. The first study found automatic interference effects from pictures (facial expressions) on the affective evaluation of words. In the Stroop-like presentation of integrated picture-and-word stimuli
George Lindbeck as a Potential Religious Pluralist
Interreligious dialogue and conversion are two intriguing components in understanding religion. A reading of George Lindbeck constitutes the starting point for a discussion in this paper. The dominant reading of Lindbeck is that he claims that traditions absorb the world. According to this reading of Lindbeck, religious traditions are isolated, and yet the one with the best capacity to assimilate
När Östdanmark blev Sydsverige. Integration, interaktion och identiteter
Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning i kritiska förhållanden
Chondrocyte-matrix interactions: with emphasis on the collagen binding integrin a10ß1
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår kropp är uppbyggd av flera olika typer av stödjevävnader tex ben, brosk, muskler och hud. Den utgör kroppens stomme och bidrar med både stödjande och elastiska funktioner i kroppen. Brosk är en specialiserad form av bindväv som bekläder alla ledytor i kroppen och dess specifika sammansättning förser leden med en i det närmaste friktionslös rörelseförmåga. Broskets The work in this thesis has been focused on chondrocyte integrins and their interaction with the matrix proteins chondroadherin (CHAD) and collagen type II (CII). Affinity purification of CHAD-binding proteins from chondrocyte lysate, followed by immunoprecipitation of EDTA-eluted material identified alpha2beta1 as a CHAD-binding integrin. Interaction between alpha2beta1 and CHAD was found to prev
Evolution and consequences of polygyny in leptothoracine ants
In this thesis the evolution and consequences of multiple queen societies (polygyny) in leptothoracine ants are discussed. The majority of the studies have been conducted on the boreal species Leptothorax acervorum, but polygynous behaviour is also discussed in a broader sense concerning ant species in general. In L. acervorum the intra-colony relatedness is high. Relatedness in monogynous colonie
Stability of Direct Adaptive Control with RLS Identification
Reading during writing, Four groups of writers
Jämlikhet och icke-diskriminering
A moonshine module for the Monster
Association of Amphiphiles and Polyelectrolytes with DNA
DNA- cationic amphiphile and DNA-cationic polymer systems were studied with respect to the intermolecular interactions, as well as structure and stability of formed complexes. The thesis is divided in two parts: one section is a summary and the other section contains five papers. The summary is organized as follows; Chapter 2 gives an overview on the behavior of polyelectrolytes in solutions with
Towards the interferometric imaging of red supergiants
Corporate and Employment Perspectives in a Global Business Environment
In today s society, the foreground of deliberation-in politics, legislation, judicial decisions, even war is increasingly experienced by citizens as a mask for the working out of norms and institutions the precise nature of which eludes us. We are accustomed to looking behind every news item, often feeling that the real decisions are made by other people than those who seem to be in power, or that
Monumentalitet och mobilitet i Flemingsberg
Kampen om historien : Ådalen 1931 : sociala konflikter, historiemedvetande och historiebruk 1931-2000
Akademisk avhandling. Bilden av ådalshändelserna i maj 1931, 1931 - 2000. Historiebruk och historiedidaktik
Lifestyle Entrepreneurship and Commercial Home
Photosynthetic functions of leaves affected by the bibenzyl batatasin-III
In northern Sweden, Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup dominates the ground layer vegetation in post fire successions by suppressing other plant species. Previous studies suggest that this negative effect by E. hermaphroditum may be explained, at least in part, by the release of phenolic compounds, particularly batatasin-III, from foliage to soil. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effect of batat
Measuring ERP Systems Utilization
Viral dUTPases, Recombinant Expression, Purification and Characterization
The enzyme deoxyuridine 5’-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and pyrophosphate. The reaction suppresses misincorporation of uracil into DNA and provides dUMP for the de novo synthesis of dTTP. dUTPase is a widespread enzyme and the fact that many viruses encode a dUTPase of their own suggests the enzyme to be important for the viral li