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Circulating Midregional Proadrenomedullin and Risk of Incident Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm : A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study
Prospective clinical plasma biomarker studies in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathogenesis have been hampered by the need for very large cohorts and long follow-up time. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of adrenomedullin, a cardiovascular (CV) stress marker, and incident AAA risk. Prospective longitudinal cohort of middle-aged individuals from the CV cohort of t
Search for direct top squark pair production in events with a Higgs or Z boson, and missing transverse momentum in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
A search for direct top squark pair production resulting in events with either a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair with invariant mass compatible with a Z boson or a pair of jets compatible with a Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson (h) is presented. Requirements on the missing transverse momentum, together with additional selections on leptons, jets, jets identified as originating from b-quark
Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA design study
The Horizon 2020 Project EuPRAXIA ("European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications") is preparing a conceptual design report of a highly compact and cost-effective European facility with multi-GeV electron beams using plasma as the acceleration medium. The accelerator facility will be based on a laser and/or a beam driven plasma acceleration approach and will be used for phot
Topological cell clustering in the ATLAS calorimeters and its performance in LHC Run 1
The reconstruction of the signal from hadrons and jets emerging from the proton–proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and entering the ATLAS calorimeters is based on a three-dimensional topological clustering of individual calorimeter cell signals. The cluster formation follows cell signal-significance patterns generated by electromagnetic and hadronic showers. In this, the clusteri
Capital Shares and Income Inequality: Evidence from the Long Run
"Game of thrones" bearbetar mänsklighetens klimatångest
The technology-adjusted balance of emissions embodied in trade: Assessing global carbon emission displacement from 1995 to 2009
Increasing global production fragmentation allows for emission displacement, which may counteract advanced nation’s domestic reductions of production-related carbon emissions. Consequently, input-output analysis has become a common tool to measure countries’ carbon footprint and emission trade balances based on national consumption instead of domestically produced CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, trad
Comparative membrane-associated proteomics of three different immune reactions in potato
Plants have evolved different types of immune reactions but large-scale proteomics about these processes are lacking, especially in the case of agriculturally important crop pathosystems. We have established a system for investigating PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) and two different effector-triggered immunity (ETI; triggered by Avr2 or IpiO) responses in potato. The ETI responses are triggered by
Well-Being of Early-Career Researchers : Insights from a Swedish Survey
Several studies have documented the importance of optimal work situation and the general well-being of early-career researchers (ECRs) for enhancing the academic performance of universities. Yet, most studies focused on specific categories of ECRs, or on specific academic disciplines as well as on specific outcomes. With this study, we recognize the need for a broader sample encompassing different
Photophysics of Perovskite Nano- and Microcrystals
Varje år ökar världens energiförbrukning på grund av befolkningstillväxt och ökande levnadsstandard. Vi står inför många stora problem, till exempel klimatförändringar, uttömning av fossila energikällor (t. ex. petroleum, kol och naturgas) och miljöföroreningar. Därför är det brådskande att söka efter förnyelsebar energi och hur människor kan använda energi så effektivt och ändamålsenligt som möjlThe demand and consumption of energy is increasing dramatically all around the world. Broad adoption of fossil fuels has triggered an enormous threat to the environment. To ensure sustainability of our species and habitat, new solutions to fulfill the energy demand have to be found. Innovative materials offer the possibility to generate scalable renewable energy, which is efficient and environment
Expression of DLX3 in chick embryos
Higher vertebrates appear to possess six genes encoding a homeodomain of the distal-less type. We report the cloning and expression pattern of the chicken DLX3 gene, a homeobox gene highly related to the DLX5 gene with regard to both the encoded protein structure and the expression pattern. DLX3 RNA was observed during the development of the olfactory and otic placodes, in the distal portion of th
Unexpected requirements for neural induction in the avian embryo.
Utmanande bidrag från reformationens frikyrka
Workplace Innovation and the Quality of Working Life in an Age of Uberisation
Subjectivism and the Framework of Constitutive Grounds
Philosophers have applied the framework of constitutive grounds to make sense of the disagreement between subjectivism and objectivism. The framework understands the two theories as being involved in a disagreement about the extent to which value is determined by attitudes. Although the framework affords us with some useful observations about how this should be interpreted, the question how value