

Din sökning på "*" gav 534776 sökträffar

V-ir-Net : A Novel Neural Network for Pupil and Corneal Reflection Detection trained on Simulated Light Distributions

Deep learning has shown promise for gaze estimation in Virtual Reality (VR) and other head-mounted applications, but such models are hard to train due to lack of available data. Here we introduce a novel method to train neural networks for gaze estimation using synthetic images that model the light distributions captured in a P-CR setup. We tested our model on a dataset of real eye images from a V

Differential cryptanalysis of Mod-2/Mod-3 constructions of binary weak PRFs

Pseudo-random functions are a fundamental building block in many cryptographic applications. In certain scenarios, a weaker notion (where security is restricted to uniformly random input), but more computationally efficient, called weak pseudo-random functions, is sufficient. In this work, we present new differential attacks on the main binary weak pseudo-random function constructions, namely the

Characterization of Carotid Atherosclerotic Stenosis on Photon-Counting Computed Tomography

Stroke är när patienten får en blödning eller blodpropp i hjärnan som kan orsaka tal och rörelsebortfall, och i värsta fall en plötslig död. Åderförkalkning i halskärlen orsakar kring 10%−20% av alla stroke-fall. Den nuvarande metoden som används för att bedöma åderförkalkningen är att mäta förträngningen av blodkärlet i skiktröntgenbilder (3D-röntgenbilder). Förträngning av blodkärlet säger ingenIntroduction and aim Atherosclerotic stenosis located at the carotid bifurcation accounts for 10% − 20% of all Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) and ischemic strokes, which occurs when Atherosclerotic stenosis, or so-called plaque, ruptures. The current method to evaluate carotid atherosclerotic stenosis is to measure the degree of stenosis. Strong markers for plaque rupture lies in the plaque cont

Second Timothy : When and Where? Text and Traditions in the Subscriptions

Baserat på fullständiga sammanställningar av subskriptionerne på 2 Timoteusbrevet i 485 grekiska manuskript, presenterar denna studie texttraditionen och utvecklingen av dessa subskriptioner och förklarar deras förhållande till andra subskriptioner, paratexter, de interna material i 1–2 Timoteus, Apostlagärningarna och det bredare. kyrkohistoria. Studien spårar källan/källorna bakom traditionen atBased on full collations of the subscriptions to 2 Timothy in 485 Greek manuscripts, this study presents the textual tradition and development of these subscriptions and explains their relationship to other subscriptions, paratexts, the internal evidence in 1–2 Timothy, Acts, and the wider church history. The study tracks the source(s) behind the tradition that the letter was sent to Timothy, inst

Astrid Svangren

monografi över konstnären Astrid Svangren med flera bidragslämnare

The Undertext of Greek NF MG 99 from Sinai (GA 0289)

Despite having been included in critical editions since NA 27, an edition with the full text of Sinai Greek NF MG/ΜΓ 99 (GA 0289) has not been published until now. The Greek undertext of the palimpsest, written in biblical majuscule, was provisionally dated in the Kurzgefaßte Liste to VII/VIII (600–799 CE) but has now been redated by Guglielmo Cavallo to the fifth century. The present edition, bas

Resan till månen

David Dunér skriver om imaginära resor till månen och mänskliga föreställningar om liv i rymden. I samma stund som vi blickar upp mot natthimlen och undrar om det kan finnas liv där bland stjärnorna, kanske det finns varelser på en främmande planet som undrar om vi existerar. Tanken om att vi sannolikt inte är ensamma i världsrymden växte fram på 1600-talet.

Everywhere but in the Strike Statistics? : Wage Systems and Work Stoppages in Sweden, 1863-1927

To what extent did employers' attempts to control work processes and increase work intensity by introducing new wage systems lead to labour conflicts in the decades around 1900? I adress this question by combining two approaches. Firstly, by reviewing newly digitized micro-level data on work stoppages in Sweden from 1863 to 1927. Secondly, by compiling case-study evidence on work processes and ind

Finding Small Complete Subgraphs Efficiently

(I) We revisit the algorithmic problem of finding all triangles in a graph G= (V, E) with n vertices and m edges. According to a result of Chiba and Nishizeki (1985), this task can be achieved by a combinatorial algorithm running in O(mα) = O(m3 / 2) time, where α= α(G) is the graph arboricity. We provide a new very simple combinatorial algorithm for finding all triangles in a graph and show that

From Epistemic Norms to Logical Rules : Epistemic Models for Logical Expressivists

In this paper I construct a system of semantics for classical and intuitionistic propositional logic based on epistemic norms governing belief expansion. Working in the AGM-framework of belief change, I give a generalisation of Gärdenfors’ notion of belief systems which can be defined without reference to a logical consequence operator by using a version of the Ramsey Test. These belief expansion

Smoking and secondary ACL rupture are detrimental to knee health post ACL injury-a Bayesian analysis

PURPOSE: To identify potential prognostic factors for patient-reported outcomes in an Icelandic cohort of ACL injured subjects.METHODS: All knee MRI reports written in Iceland between the years 2001 to 2011 were read to identify individuals with a possible ACL injury. These individuals were contacted and asked to complete an online questionnaire regarding their injury and current knee related heal

Response of the FAst TIMing Array (FATIMA) for DESPEC at FAIR Phase-0

The Monte-Carlo simulated response for γ-ray detection of the FAst TIMing Array (FATIMA) for exploitation within the DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) experimental system at the FAIR Phase-0 facility at Darmstadt, Germany is presented. In this configuration, FATIMA consisted of 36 LaBr3(Ce) detectors surrounding the AIDA, position-sensitive charged-particle active stopper. The decay of the Iπ=8+ isomer-

“The Loved Home” and Other Exclusionary Care Discourses : A Multiscalar and Transnational Analysis of Heteroactivist Resistances to Gender and Sexual Rights in Sweden

Based on a conceptualization of heteroactivism as a transnational phenomenon manifesting in local contexts to spread and express resistance to gender and sexual rights, this article aims to illuminate new dimensions of heteroactivism beyond a sole focus on gender and sexuality by bringing its specificities in the Swedish context to the fore. Drawing on digital ethnography with members of the neo-c

Preserving the past to serve the future : Lilli Zickerman’s inventory of textile handicrafts 1914–1931

Lilli Zickerman (1858–1949) was an entrepreneur who took part in organising the Swedish handicraft associations in the late 19th century. She was also a pioneer in the archives and active in the feminine sphere of textile handicraft. From 1914–1931 she conducted a huge inventory called Swedish Folk Textile Art that consists of more than 24,000 photographs and descriptions of vernacular textiles an

(There Is) Nothing Like a Dane : Gertrudes at Elsinore and Elsewhere

This article gives a brief account of the two-hundred-year-old performance history of Hamlet at Elsinore Castle; this is followed by a discussion of Gertrude as portrayed in nine English or English-speaking Hamlets at Elsinore, beginning with Olivier and the Old Vic in 1937 and concluding with Cape Town Theatre Company eighty-five years later, in 2022. The article discusses different aspects of ho