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Nödvändighetens pris : Konsumtion och knapphet bland barnfamiljer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen är att studera relationen mellan ekonomisk knapphet och konsumtion med fokus på barnfamiljer. Avhandlingen handlar huvudsakligen om att teoretiskt försöka förstå vad ekonomisk knapphet kan innebära i förhållande till ett konsumtions- eller överflödssamhälle som det svenska. Barnfamiljer används som ett empiriskt exempel för att illustrera de teorThe object of this thesis has been to study the relationship between consumption and economic scarcity from a theoretical perspective. I have used families with children as an empirical example to illustrate the theoretical framework. There are two main questions: The first focuses on the structures that create specific conditions for low-income consumers. The second relates to how the households

Ultrathin Co films on flat and vicinal Cu(111) surfaces: per atom determination of orbital and spin moments

We have performed x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, x-ray resonant magnetic scattering and scanning tunnelling microscopy measurements on ultrathin Co films deposited on flat and vicinal Cu(111). The range of film thickness varies between one and 25 monolayers. For the vicinal Cu(111), Co deposition below one monolayer leads to the formation of elongated islands preferentially oriented along the

Density and Cost in Non-linear Control

The duality between cost and flow is well known and carefully studiedin several scientific fields, including economics and fluid mechanics.The purpose of this paper is to show how this duality relates to thebasic concepts of nonlinear control theory for ordinary differentialequations. A duality theorem for optimal control is derived using theHahn-Banach theorem. This puts focus on convexity aspect

A New Approach for Determination of the Selectively Favoured Kinetic Design of Enzyme Reactions

A new criterion is applied for characterization of the kinetic design of enzymes that should be favoured by a selective pressure in the direction of increased metabolic reaction flux. According to this criterion, the selectively favoured state of a metabolic sequence of enzyme reactions conforming to Michaelis-Menten kinetics is identical with the uniform one which is known to optimize reaction fl

Direct measurement of hexahydrophthalic anhydride in workplace air with a transportable Fourier transform infrared spectrometer

A method for direct measurement of hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA) in workplace air by use of a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer was developed. Two visits were made to a plant manufacturing capacitors where HHPA was used. On the first visit a calibration method was developed according to what was expected to give the best calibration. This was performed by collection of 82 FTIR sp

Incidence of a second tumor in hypopituitary patients operated for pituitary tumors

Recently, an association between increased blood levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and increased risks of prostate, breast, lung, and colorectal cancers has been suggested. As today adults with GH deficiency are subjected to GH substitution, there is a pressing need for baseline tumor incidence data. The aim of the study was to assess the risk for a second tumor in a cohort of 328 pat

Simulation and Verification of Pacemaker Antennas

Two different antennas for use in implanted pacemakers are analyzed by simulation and measurement. The analysis was made with an FDTD-code. The simulations and measurements show good agreement. The SAR values for both the antennas are within the limits recommended by ICNIRP when the antenna is fed with 25 uW.

Late cretaceous sharks Cretoxyrhina and Cardabiodon from Montana, USA

The middle part of the Cretaceous represents a time of high diversity and rapid rates of dental evolution in lamniform sharks. Several species had a very wide spatial distribution with recorded occurrences in both hemispheres. We have examined isolated teeth of Cretoxyrhina and Cardabiodon from eastern Russia, Mangyshlak in Kazakhstan, and the Western Interior of the USA. The material indicates th