Din sökning på "*" gav 532698 sökträffar
Könsmakt eller häxjakt? : Antagonistiska föreställningar om mäns våld mot kvinnor.
This dissertation is about the antagonistic conceptions of men’s violence against women – rape, incest and physical assault – as has been expressed by different actors in Sweden from 1975 – 2000. Mainly, my interest lies in how and why these conceptions have been articulated. During the studied period the attention to men’s violence against women as a question of gender, has grown remarkably. For
Ursprungslands- och effektlandsprincipen i den europeiska kollektiva konsumenträtten
A 7.5 mW 9 MHz CT Delta-Sigma Modulator in 65 nm CMOS with 69 dB SNDR and Reduced Sensitivity to Loop Delay Variations
This paper presents a 3rd-order, 3-bit continuous time (CT) Delta-Sigma modulator for an LTE radio receiver. By adopting a return-to-zero (RZ) pulse in the innermost DAC, the modulator shows a reduced sensitivity to loop-delay variations, and the additional loop delay compensation usually needed in CT modulators can be omitted. The modulator has been implemented in a 65nm CMOS process, where it oc
Brottsbalken. En kommentar. Del I. Brrotten mot person och förmögenhetsbrotten m.m.
Abstract is not available
Nulla poena sine lege parlamentaria? Democratic legitimacy and European criminal law
Utvärdering av samtalsbehandling med försäljare av sexuella tjänster (FAST). Delrapport 5 i Prostitution i Sverige
Idrott i förändring
Den nya svenska filmen : kultur, kriminalitet & kakofoni
Den nya svenska filmen följer de senaste årens utveckling i den svenska filmkulturen. Oerhört mycket har hänt. Aldrig någonsin tidigare har svenskarna tittat så mycket på rörliga bilder. I boken ställs frågor om vithet, brott, främlingskap, sexualitet, funktionshinder och det rämnande folkhemmet i filmer om allt från Sverige under andra världskriget till den nya politiska samtiden i Millennium-tri
Exploring Future-oriented Voice of the Customer, Supply Chain Learning and Innovation Activities: An Interntional Study
Metastability of persistent currents in trapped gases of atoms
We examine the conditions that give rise to metastable, persistent currents in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. A necessary condition for the stability of persistent currents is that the trapping potential is not a monotonically increasing function of the distance from the trap center. Persistent currents also require that the interatomic interactions are sufficiently strong and repulsive. Fina
Agree and Agreement - Evidence from Germanic
Abstract not available
Climatised Moves : Climate-induced Migration and the Politics of Environmental Discourse
Popular Abstract in English Climate migration has become an iconic topic in international climate politics and policy. This work, combining political ecology, critical security studies and post-foundational theories, traces the changes of conflicting discourses across time and space, and assesses the different forms of security they interpellate. While initially attracting attention as a securityThis work seeks to de-naturalise climate-induced migration (CM). Combining political ecology and post-foundational theories, I read CM as a construct that reifies a series of phenomena into an issue to be researched and governed. By assessing the narratives, the knowledge, the logics and imaginaries on which conflicting discourses are built, I analyse the strategies of government they envision. I
Markegenskapernas betydelse för arternas fördelning.
Two new species of Teloschistes Norman: T. inflatus and T. arabicus and notes on the Teloschistes flora of Africa.
Two new African species of Teloschistes are described: T. arabicus Frödén sp. nov. and T. inflatus Frödén sp. nov. T. arabicus is a montane species, occurring in the southern parts of the Arabian peninsula and the adjacent parts of eastern Africa. T. inflatus is only known from South Africa, and was previously included in T. perrugosus Müll.Arg. Useful characters for distinguishing the misundersto
OC155: The first prospective evaluation of the IOTA phase 1 mathematical models to predict the character of an adnexal mass
An ultrasonic method for detection of fluid properties in the paranasal sinuses
We propose a method for detection of the degree of infection in the paranasal sinuses utilizing a previously published method whereby the viscosity in a sealed container may be measured using an ultrasound Doppler method. As ultrasound propagates in a liquid medium, due to attenuation, the resulting pressure gradient will cause the liquid to move in the propagation direction - the wellknown effect