

Din sökning på "*" gav 528204 sökträffar

Room to Grow and the Right to Say No: Theorizing the Liberatory Power of Peace in the Global South

This article builds on feminist and decolonial perspectives and engages with political geography literature to rethink the way that peace and violence are understood in the Global South. Building peace that is coherent with planetary and ecological limits and that does not further direct structural violence necessitates breaking with the extractivist model of development that benefits growth and a

Study of the p–p–K + and p–p–K - dynamics using the femtoscopy technique

The interactions of kaons (K) and antikaons (K ¯) with few nucleons (N) were studied so far using kaonic atom data and measurements of kaon production and interaction yields in nuclei. Some details of the three-body KNN and K ¯ NN dynamics are still not well understood, mainly due to the overlap with multi-nucleon interactions in nuclei. An alternative method to probe the dynamics of three-body sy

Correction of the baseline fluctuations in the GEM-based ALICE TPC

To operate the ALICE Time Projection Chamber in continuous mode during the Run 3 and Run 4 data-taking periods of the Large Hadron Collider, the multi-wire proportional chamber-based readout was replaced with gas-electron multipliers. As expected, the detector performance is affected by the so-called common-mode effect, which leads to significant baseline fluctuations. A detailed study of the puls

Governing the automated welfare state: Translations between AI ethics and anti-discrimination regulation

There is an increased demand for utilizing technological possibilities in the Nordic public sector. Automated decision-making (ADM) has been deployed in some areas towards that end. While it is linked to several benefits, research shows that the use of ADM, with elements of AI, also implicates risks of discrimination and unfair treatment, which has stimulated a flurry of normative guidelines. This

Histatins: Peptides with a license to kill

Histatins are a family of human salivary peptides which act as a part of the innate immune system. There are three main members of the family: Histatin 1 (Hst1), Histatin 3 (Hst3), and Histatin 5 (Hst5). Histatins have long been known to possess differing antimicrobial properties, such as antifungal and antiviral capabilities. Hst5 is generally described as the most potent antifungal peptide in th

Maktlekar i digital dräkt : en studie om maktlekars återfödelse på TikTok

Uppsatsen “Maktlekar i Digital Dräkt” utför en fallstudie i form av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att utforska hur maktlekar har omformulerats och anpassats till det digitala medielandskapet genom TikTok-utmaningar (challenges). Genom att analysera diskussioner från forum som Flashback och Reddit samt riskfyllda TikTok-utmaningar som Skull-breaker challenge och Blackout challenge, undersöker a

“Barn finns i psykiatrin men inte i lagstiftningen”. En argumentationsanalys av remissvaren till utredningen För barnets bästa?

In 2017 the Swedish government issued an official report containing proposed changes to the compulsory care legislation to strengthen the child rights perspective and provide extended knowledge to the workers within psychiatry. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the reasoning regarding the proposed changes in the comment letters following the official report of the Swedish government:

”Man kan springa och gömma sig men ett alkisbarns barndom hinner alltid ikapp” En kvalitativ litteraturstudie kring barns upplevelse och konsekvenser av en uppväxt med en alkoholiserad mamma

The primary aim of this study has been to deepen the understanding of the experiences associated with growing up under the influence of an alcoholic mother, the consequences it can have on individuals as grownups, and identify potential factors that can affect the process of moving on in life. The study's empirical material consists of five biographies written by individuals who have experienc

ADHD-diagnos: handlingsutrymme, attityder och en social konstruktion - En djupgående kvalitativ studie om skolpersonals syn på ADHD-diagnosen och kopplade stödinsatser.

This study aims to analyze how school staff perceive children diagnosed with ADHD, along with the associated support measures and autonomy. Utilizing a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews presented in vignette form, five individuals from three different schools in the Malmö and Lund areas were interviewed. The study reveals that school staff's perspectives on ADHD vary based o

Förbättring eller hot? - En juridisk analys av AI:s inverkan på integritet och diskriminering i rekryteringsprocessen

Uppsatsen undersöker och analyserar hur det rättsliga förhållandet ser ut mellan GDPR och den framtida AI-förordningen vid rekrytering med häjlp av AI, samt hur GDPR och förordningen kan begränsa användandet av AI vid rekrytering. Uppsatsen utreder även de diskrimineringsrisker AI vid rekrytering kan medföra för den arbetssökande. För att uppnå syftet baseras uppsatsen på tre frågeställningar som The thesis aims to analyse and discuss the legal relationship between GDPR and the future AI-act during recruitment with the assistance of AI as well as how the GDPR and the AI-act can limit the usage of AI during recruitment. The essay will also examine the risks of discrimination for the employee that might occur under recruitment with AI. To achieve the purpose of the essay the text will answer

Uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist - En analys utifrån modellen om det normativa fältet

I ett samhälle som ständigt utvecklas, och under en pågående lågkonjunktur, är arbetsbrist ett fenomen som verksamheter behöver kunna hantera. Föreliggande kandidatuppsats utgår från rättsdogmatisk metod för att undersöka hur uppsägning vid arbetsbrist regleras i svensk lagstiftning, främst i LAS, och kollektivavtal. Analysen fokuserar på hur olika delar av svensk lagstiftning och kollektivavtal pIn a society that is constantly evolving, and during an ongoing recession, redundancy is a phenomenon that organisations need to be able to manage. This bachelor thesis is based on a legal-dogmatic method to investigate how dismissal in the event of redundancy is regulated in Swedish legislation, mainly in LAS, and collective agreements. The analysis focuses on how different parts of Swedish legis

Classrooms of the present and practices of the past : The importance of understanding physics teachers’ embodied practices as a possible locus for social change

Physics classrooms are still clearly marked by practices belonging to a certaineducational past, while teachers are increasingly being asked to teach in lignment with current equality, diversity and inclusion agendas. At the core of this temporal disconnect are teachers’ practices, which are strongly marked by normative regimes in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, class and other social factors. M

Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries : A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship

The current study investigates attitudes toward one form of sex for resources: the so-called sugar relationships, which often involve exchanges of resources for sex and/or companionship. The present study examined associations among attitudes toward sugar relationships and relevant variables (e.g., sex, sociosexuality, gender inequality, parasitic exposure) in 69,924 participants across 87 countri

Exploring how Individual Characteristics Relate to Use of Generative AI for Schoolwork and Emotional Regulation in Early Adolescence: Ties to Executive Functions, Internalizing Symptoms and Academic Achievement

ChatGPT och andra generativa Artificiell Intelligens (AI) -verktyg har nyligen fått betydande uppmärksamhet, och deras användning i skolarbete fortsätter att sprida sig globalt. Även om effektiviteten och säkerheten hos dessa verktyg inte är väl grundade i vetenskapen, tyder initiala resultat på deras popularitet i den svenska tonårspopulationen både för skolarbete och emotionell reglering. Hur anChatGPT and other generative AI tools have received considerable attention recently and their usage in schoolwork continues to expand globally. Even though the effectiveness and safety of these tools are not well grounded in science, initial findings suggest their popularity among the Swedish adolescent population for both schoolwork and emotional regulation. Whether this trend is the same in a yo

Influences of energy-efficient design and technologies on residents’ behaviour : Post-occupancy evaluation of multifamily buildings

No significant reduction in energy use has been observed in residential and service sector in Sweden during the last two decades, despite the introduction of energy efficient design and technologies. Residents’ preferences and behaviour are pointed out as the main factors affecting whether energy efficiency in residential buildings can be achieved. Moreover, there may be a risk of rebound effects

England’s Book of Shame: The Slave Bible : A Preface

The recent past has witnessed a rising interest in examining the cultural, economic, and social implications of colonialism and especially of trans-Atlantic slavery. As a result, many academic institutions have been sanctioning research projects to ascertain their own and certain historical figures’ roles in trans-Atlantic slavery. Whilst the research undertaken is very pertinent in understanding

Äktenskapets oundvikliga upplösning - betydelsen av att planera inför framtiden

Med äktenskapet följer en ekonomisk gemenskap mellan makar i form av giftorätt. När äktenskapet upphör, genom död eller skilsmässa, ska den ekonomiska gemenskapen makarna emellan upplösas. Avtalsfriheten mellan makar är omfattande. Äktenskapsbalkens bodelningsregler, där likadelning utgör en grundläggande princip, sätter annars en yttre ram. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka arvs- och bodelnWith marriage comes an economic community between spouses in the form of marital property. When the marriage ends, either through death or divorce, the economic community between the spouses should be dissolved. There is extensive freedom of contract between spouses. However, the rules of division of property in the Marriage Code, where equal division is a fundamental principle, provide an externa

Bakom lås och skärm: En studie av hur domstolar värderar chattmeddelanden som bevisning i mål som berör sexualbrott och brottslighet inom kriminella nätverk

I februari 2023 meddelade Högsta domstolen två avgörande domar angående bevisvärdering av indiciebevisning. Dessa domar har utlöst en debatt om bevisvärdering av indicier, inklusive chattmeddelanden och vittnesutsagor. I ljuset av en ökad debatt om rättvisa och rättssäkerhet, samt inflytandet av teknologin i rättssystemet, ägnas denna uppsats åt att undersöka hur domstolar bedömer chattmeddelandenIn February 2023, the Supreme Court announced two landmark judgments concerning the evaluation of circumstantial evidence. These rulings triggered a debate on the assessment of circumstantial evidence, including chat messages and witness testimonies. Considering an escalating discourse on justice, legal security, and the influence of technology in the legal system, this essay delves into examining